A+ Answers

Question 1 of 20

What do homicide statistics show about the demographic characteristics and relationships between the offender and his/her victim(s)?

A. Similar demographics, but unknown to one another

B. Similar demographics and some prior relationship

C. Different demographics, but unknown to one another

D. Different demographics and some prior relationship

Question 2 of 20

Homicides resulting from hostility (i.e., jealousy, revenge, lust, anger) are characterized as:

A. instrumental crimes.

B. non-primary homicides.

C. precipitative homicides.

D. expressive crimes.

Question 3 of 20

Homicides and other crimes committed to support drug habits are examples of what conceptual model?

A. Economic compulsion

B. Psychopharmacological

C. Systemic violence

D. Selective disinhibition

Question 4 of 20

A trait which separates serial killers from other offenders is:

A. a distinct appearance.

B. a sociopathic personality.

C. a skillful self-presentation.

D. a desire to be apprehended.

Question 5 of 20

The majority of mass murderers are motivated by:

A. love.

B. profit.

C. revenge.

D. terror.

Question 6 of 20

Which of the following is a common theme in all rape law reforms?

A. Allowing the introduction of evidence of the victim’s prior sexual conduct

B. Eliminating the requirement that the victim’s testimony be corroborated

C. Requiring evidence that the victim physically resisted the attacker

D. Redefining rape from the presence of aggravated conditions into a single offense

Question 7 of 20

The premise that rape is the result of a peculiar mental disease, often including uncontrollable sexual impulse(s), is part of what theoretical perspective?

A. Feminist

B. Psychopathological

C. Integrated

D. Evolutionary/biological

Question 8 of 20

Robberies are generally classified by both law enforcement and social science professionals based on:

A. location.

B. property value.

C. degree of violence.

D. level of precaution.

Question 9 of 20

Research has shown that the majority of robbers are:

A. one-time, impulse/opportunity driven offenders.

B. specialists who only engage in robbery.

C. substance abusers who plan robberies around their next “fix.”

D. offenders with a long but varied criminal career.

Question 10 of 20

What do assault statistics show about the demographic characteristics and relationship between the offender and his/her victim(s)?

A. Similar demographics, but unknown to one another

B. Similar demographics and some prior relationship

C. Different demographics, but unknown to one another

D. Different demographics and some prior relationship

Question 11 of 20

One of the fundamental characteristics of terrorism is that it is:

A. planned.

B. directed at military targets.

C. impulsive.

D. motivated by money.

Question 12 of 20

The most frequently occurring property offense is:

A. robbery.

B. burglary.

C. larceny.

D. shoplifting.

Question 13 of 20

The largest monetary loss to the average retailer is the result of what type of criminal act?

A. Shoplifting

B. Armed robbery

C. Burglary

D. Employee theft

Question 14 of 20

According to Sampson and Wooldredge, which of the following demographics were found to have the highest victimization risk for burglary?

A. Multi-family housing without children

B. Single-family housing with children

C. Single-person housing without children

D. Single-person housing with children

Question 15 of 20

The use of alcohol and drugs are more common among which type of burglar?

A. Low-level

B. Middle-range

C. High-level

D. Professional

Question 16 of 20

According to several studies, what is the most common motivating factor among burglary offenders?

A. They need “fast cash” to support their basic physiological needs (food, clothing, shelter).

B. They need money to support an otherwise conventional lifestyle (home, family).

C. They want the thrill and power that goes with committing a home invasion.

D. They want money to support a self-indulgent, “party” lifestyle (drugs, alcohol, sex).

Question 17 of 20

One of the most common ways a burglar selects his/her target is by:

A. knowing the victim.

B. information from a professional “tipster.”

C. “spur of the moment” opportunity.

D. sighting an open door or window.

Question 18 of 20

The majority of residential burglars dispose of their stolen goods through by what means?

A. A professional “fence”

B. A pawn broker

C. An amateur receiver

D. Direct sale to a buyer

Question 19 of 20

The majority of arson incidents are committed by:

A. juveniles.

B. businessmen.

C. pyromaniacs.

D. gang members.

Question 20 of 20

Most juvenile arsonists are motivated by:

A. revenge.

B. greed.

C. rebellion.

D. curiosity.

Question 1 of 20

Those who study the future are called:

A. soothsayers.

B. psychics.

C. futurists.

D. forward thinkers.

Question 2 of 20

The study of likely futures as they relate to crime and its control is:

A. future criminology.

B. abstractology.

C. concept criminology.

D. future forecasting.

Question 3 of 20

Best known among groups that study the future is the __________, which publishes The Futurist.

A. Future Prediction Society

B. World Future Society

C. Predictions Society

D. Probable Futures Society

Question 4 of 20

According to Foresight’s Crime Prevention Panel, greater individuality and personal independence will arise as:

A. more people will go to therapy to learn the value of self.

B. interest in and dependence on technology wanes.

C. traditional family forms decline over the next decade or two.

D. the population becomes more assertive.

Question 5 of 20

Web sites are predicted to become highly targeted properties, and sites written in __________ will be the hardest hit.

A. Chinese

B. French

C. Spanish

D. English

Question 6 of 20

The increase in understanding from sharing information between cultures is described as:

A. globalization of knowledge.

B. transnational criminology.

C. comparative criminology.

D. futures research.

Question 7 of 20

Unlawful activity undertaken and supported by organized criminal groups operating across national boundaries is known as __________ crime, or __________ organized crime.

A. global

B. boundary

C. transnational

D. transatlantic

Question 8 of 20

Criminologists who study crime on a cross-national level are referred to as __________ criminologists.

A. relative

B. pattern

C. global

D. comparative

Question 9 of 20

Which of the following is a principle of the futurist perspective?

A. Gradual changes can be ignored in favor of major trends and developments.

B. What is decided today will have a significant effect tomorrow.

C. The future is the result of a few, seldom available, range of choices.

D. A decision affecting part of a system does not necessarily affect the whole.

Question 10 of 20

__________ makes future predictions based on the projection of existing trends.

A. Trend extrapolation

B. Futures spreadsheeting

C. Scenario formulating

D. Modeling

Question 11 of 20

The __________ technique of futures research attempts to analyze one trend or event in light of the occurrence or nonoccurrence of a series of related events.

A. strategic assessment

B. Delphi Method

C. cross-impact analysis

D. environmental planning

Question 12 of 20

Some areas of coming change that Georgette Bennett predicts include all of the following EXCEPT:

A. an increase in white-collar crimes, especially high-technology crimes.

B. an increase in the involvement of women in crime.

C. a shift in high crime rates from the Frost Belt to the Sun Belt.

D. a decrease in crime commission among the elderly.

Question 13 of 20

What do the futurists see as changes in criminal behavior in the near future?

A. Increases in street crimes like robbery and assault

B. Increases in white-collar and computer crimes

C. Increases in crime rates in the northern U.S.

D. Increases in criminal activity in large, urban areas

Question 14 of 20

What do futurists predict the explanations for crime in the future will be?

A. More eclectic, less traditional

B. More collective, less individualistic

C. More theoretical, less pragmatic

D. More social, less biological

Question 15 of 20

Developing a unified theory of crime causation and prevention can never be achieved, according to Williams and McShane, because:

A. fragmentation of criminological theory is the rule.

B. a diverse society does not have the social support for an organizing concept.

C. less emphasis can be placed in the next century on theoretical development.

D. everyone makes different assumptions about human nature and world function.

Question 16 of 20

According to futurist Gene Stephens, what will be the characteristics of “high-crime countries” in the future?

A. Homogenous culture, high amount of personal freedom

B. Homogenous culture, low amount of personal freedom

C. Heterogenous culture, high amount of personal freedom

D. Heterogenous culture, low amount of personal freedom

Question 17 of 20

Metatheories are:

A. theories about theories and the theorizing process.

B. theories that transform into working policies in a relatively short time.

C. existing theories that quickly are disproved.

D. older theoretical explanations.

Question 18 of 20

According to Cole, what effects will changing U.S. economic factors have on future criminal activity?

A. Increases in the federal budget deficit will eliminate funding for domestic programs, and consequent increases in crime.

B. As the economies of the former Soviet Union stabilize, less reliance on illegal activities will decrease the Russian drug trade in the U.S.

C. Checks and credit cards will disappear as a result of improved technology, and with them a major theft/fraud opportunity.

D. Growth in output and income will be slow, but steady, reducing the root causes of criminal activity.

Question 19 of 20

The ongoing conflict between what two groups in American society, according to Stephens, will be the nucleus for criminal activity well into the future?

A. The haves and the have-nots

B. The majority and the minorities

C. The urban and the rural dwellers

D. The technologically capable and incapable

Question 20 of 20

Which of the following is among the issues which Moore identified as being likely crime control concerns in the near future?

A. Reemergence of the Sicilian-Italian Mafia

B. Lack of understanding of different languages and culture

C. Less reliance on community involvement

D. Stiffer penalties on drug trafficking and possession