Public Sculpture in our Town

Public Sculpture in our Town
For this essay, you will take a photograph of a sculpture in your community. If you are unable to photograph a local sculpture, please locate one of interest using the Internet. Please provide the title, author, and location of the sculpture. If you took a photograph of a local sculpture, please paste the image in a Word document along with your written essay. If selecting a sculpture from the Internet, please provide the APA citation and reference of that sculpture. Respond to the following questions in your essay:
· Why is the sculpture there?
· What (or whom) does it represent?
· What was the source of the funding for the sculpture placement?
· How do people feel about the work and where it is located? Include outside research as part of your explanation. Your research can include local newspapers, brochures, or any other sources you feel appropriate.
Your essay must be at least two pages in length. All sources used, including the textbook, must be cited and referenced.
Research Report
Conduct research using the CSU Online Library to find at least two articles on a company that heavily uses electronic media and e-mail. You may need to visit the company’s website policy page or other sources, in addition to the library article, in order to provide a complete response to the points listed below. For example, using the search terms “Starbucks social media campaign” in an internet search engine such as,, or will return results of several articles discussing Starbucks’ use of social media. Searching for “Starbucks security breach” returns several articles discussing vulnerabilities and electronic security challenges the company has faced. Additionally, if you visit the Starbucks website, they have a link to their privacy policy on the bottom of the page. Write a report of your findings that is at least three pages in length in a Word document to address the following:
 · Briefly introduce the company you have chosen to research.
· Summarize the two articles you found in the CSU Online Library.
· Describe how these companies are using electronic media and e-mail.
 Are they using electronic media and e-mail in their daily operations, media campaigns, customer relations, or other ways? Are any of their uses groundbreaking or novel?
What types of media are they using? Who is their audience? o How do they mitigate and respond to security threats in using electronic media and e-mail? What about security issues faced by their customers?
Your paper must use APA style guidelines and include a title, abstract, and reference page. Be sure to list all sources in the reference page and use in-text citations where appropriate. The title, abstract, and reference pages are not included in the required minimum page length.
Consider the figurative sculptures of all ancient civilizations. How did sculpture reflect their respective societies? What are the stylistic characteristics of each one? If someone from another time saw public or figurative sculptures from today, what would they think about our society?