A+ Answers

Part 1: For each item, fill in the missing term or terms.  Each response is worth 2 points.
 1. The May Fourth Movement looked to the October 1917 _______ Revolution in _______ as a model for China’s own nationalist revolution.
2. Under South Africa’s _______ system, four legally unequal racial groups included whites, _______ blacks, and people of mixed race.
 3. In 1885, a group of educated Indian men formed the Indian National _______ and began to press for equality and self-government.
 4. In the mid–1960s, President _______ declared an uncon- ditional war on _______ that ended up supporting many community action programs.
5. During the period of the Cultural Revolution in China, the Little _______ became “holy scripture” for the cadres called the ________.
 6. Following the Civil War in America, under the _______ system, blacks paid landowners about half of their crops in exchange for a cabin, land, mules, and seed.
 7. In the 1970s, the _______ Arms Limitation Talks (SALT) attempted to regulate the rate at which the two super- powers produced nuclear weapons.
8. In 1908, to block Serbia’s expansion in the Balkans, _______ annexed _______ and Herzegovina.
9. Legislative measures enacted under Franklin Roosevelt’s New _______ included the Works __ _______ Administration and Agricultural _______ Act.

Part 2: Respond to each of the following with one, but no more than three complete sentences.  Each response is worth 4 points.
1. The United Nations is enabled to intervene militarily in international conflicts.  Why is this power seldom used?
2. What was the concept of manifest destiny?
3. What nations lent official aid to opponents in the Spanish civil war?
4. Who was Salvador Allende?
5. What countries made up the Grand Alliance during World War II, and what was the first policy they agreed upon?
6. What factors shaped social and political developments in postwar America?
7. In 1906, what was Iran’s Majlis?
8. How and why did East Pakistan become Bangladesh?
9. In the early nineteenth century, why did Germany decide to build up its naval fleet? How did Britain respond to this?

Part 3: Respond to each item in a complete, concise paragraph. Each response is worth 10 points.

1. What factors were involved in the spread of World War I into the Middle East?
2. Following World War I, what provoked uncertainties in Western philosophy and religion?
3. Explain the cocoa holdups and their significance to African nationalism.