A+ Paper

using the recommendation memo and network diagram, develop a high-level plan for implementing the changes and mitigating vulnerabilities and convergence issues. The high-level plan should include all the system development life cycle (SDLC) gates/decision points and all relevant tasks. Describe and relate the implementation solution to CIA and incorporate, people, processes and technology to this plan.

This is a combination of a paper and a detailed list of steps and resources that you would follow to implement and complete this project. Think about all of the actions, resources, and tasks that you would need in order to effect a successful implementation. These should also be included as part of the plan. The instructor may provide a template to use with this assignment. The minimum structure for this assignment is below:


o Purpose of Plan


o Business Goals and Objectives

o Project Goals and Objectives


o Scope Definition

o Items Beyond Scope


o System Development Life Cycle/Schedule

o Milestones


o Project Assumptions


o Project Constraints

o Critical Project Barriers

The Plan will be a minimum 5 page, double-spaced paper using Times New Roman 12 font and APA style formatting for citations and references. It will also include a minimum of 5 references. The Title/Cover page, illustrations (tables/charts/graphs), network diagram, and references are not part of the page count but are required for the assignment. The grading rubric provides additional details as to what should be included in the paper. Your instructor may provide an APA style template to use for this paper