A+ Answers

Q 1: Given the graph of the function f(x) = -x3 + 3x; find a formula for g(x).
Q 2: Determine algebraically whether the function is even, odd, or neither even nor odd.

Q 3: Find the zero of the function f(x) = -5x + 15
Q 4: Find the equation of the line:
Q 5: Determine the intervals on which the function is increasing, decreasing, and constant.
Q 6: Solve |x – 1| = -1
Q 7: The point (-4, 5) is on the graph of y = f(x). Find the corresponding point on the graph of g(x) = 2f(x/2).
Q 8: Solve the equation |2x + 3| = |x – 1|
Q 9: Use linear regression to find a linear function that predicts a student’s current GPA as a function of his or her entering GPA.
Q 10: Assume that the current GPA of a student is 3.75 Could you estimate the entering GPA of that student?

Q 11: Find the real solution:

            4 – (5t  + 3)2 = 3