Nervous System



The muscular system requires an amazing amount of coordination from the nervous system. This week you will learn about the process of muscle excitation which results in contraction and eventually relaxation. Using what you have learned and your research please answer the below questions.
1) Briefly describe the physiological process of "contracting" a muscle, starting with the release of acetylcholine in the neuromuscular junction.
2) What are actin & myosin? (p. 153)
3) Why is calcium important?


Unit V Article Review



Unit V Article Review
Search the CSU Online Library and locate an article related to hazard identification and control. The Business Source Complete, Academic Search Complete, and Academic OneFile databases are good places to start your search. Try using a variety of search terms (e.g., hazard identification, hazard control, hazard prevention, industrial hazards, occupational hazards, controlling hazards). Search terms can also be derived from the information in Chapter 14 of the course textbook.
The selected article must be from a professional or academic journal, at least two pages in length, and published within the last five years. Be sure that the article is specific to occupational safety and health as some search terms may result in articles related to the finance and insurance industries.
Write a review that includes the following components:
a summary of the article's conclusions and your own opinions.· a discussion on how the article supports or contradicts the concepts as presented in the textbook, and · a summary and analysis of the key points in the article, · a brief introduction to the article, ·
The assignment must be in APA format and at least two pages in length (not including title and reference pages).

Brennan Trahan
Columbia Southern University Introduction
A hazard is a circumstance that represents a level of risk to life, wellbeing, property, or environment. Most dangers potential, with just a hypothetical danger of trouble ensuing, in any case, once a situation begins to progress, it can turn into a crisis quickly. A dangerous circumstance that has happened is called an occurrence. A danger investigation is utilized as the initial step as a part of a procedure used to evaluate hazard. The consequence of a risk investigation is the distinguishing proof of distinctive sort of perils. A peril is a potential condition and exists or not. It might in single presence or in blend with different risks and conditions turn into a real Functional Failure or Accident. Identification and Risk Analysis is an term that includes all exercises included in recognizing dangers and assessing danger at offices, for the duration of their life cycle, to verify that dangers to workers, the general population, or nature are reliably controlled inside of the association's danger resilience. A suite of instruments is accessible to oblige shifting examination needs: Apparatuses for basic danger distinguishing proof or subjective danger investigation incorporate peril and operability investigation, imagine a scenario where/agenda investigation, and disappointment modes and impacts examination. Apparatuses for straightforward danger investigation incorporate disappointment modes, impacts, and criticality examination and layer of security examination. Instruments for nitty gritty quantitative danger examination incorporate deficiency trees and occasion trees (education.vic)
To oversee danger, perils should first distinguish, and afterward the dangers ought to be assessed and resolved to be middle of the road or not. The prior in the life cycle that viable danger investigation is performed, the more financially savvy the future safe operation of the procedure or movement is liable to be. The danger comprehension created from these studies frames the premise for setting up a large portion of alternate procedure security administration exercises attempted by the office. An inaccurate view of danger anytime could prompt either wasteful utilization of restricted assets or accidental acknowledgment of dangers surpassing the genuine resistance of the organization or the group.
A few approaches to avoid and control risks are: Consistently and completely look after hardware, guarantee that danger revision systems are set up, guarantee that everybody knows how to utilize and keep up individual defensive gear, Ensure that everybody comprehends and takes after safe work methods, Guarantee that, when required, there is a restorative project customized to your office to forestall work environment dangers and exposures. To control risks in your work environment you have to recognize and comprehend those perils. Your first need ought to dependably be to wipe out the dangers. On the off chance that the risks can't be dispensed with, have a go at discovering more secure approaches to do those errands by substituting less destructive substances or changing the workplace through designing controls. Likewise consider changing how function exercises are sorted out and performed. For instance, decrease the time specialists are presented to a risk by turning them to another assignment. (

Research Proposal



Assignment: Research Proposal - Draft of Introduction
The following course outcome is addressed in this Assignment:PS504-2: Design a research study using relevant tools and methodology. This Assignment is part of the Research Proposal that you will turn in at the end of Unit 9. This Assignment represents a draft of the Introduction section of your Research Proposal. It will be written as a standard paper, with title and references page. When it is revised for inclusion in your Final Project, some changes will need to be made, but if you have done well here, those changes will be minor.The Introduction section of a Research Proposal includes an explanation of the topic (including some historical background to put things into context), a literature review of recently published research on the topic of the research being proposed (drawing from information collected during the Unit 2 Assignment and an overview of the proposed research question and hypotheses.The length of this assignment should be 5–8 pages.This is an outline of the Introduction section as it should be arranged:Formal title page
Introduction section
Introduction paragraph (with thesis statement)
Background material - ensuring that the reader understands the research topic
Literature review – clearly and completely discussing recent research on the topic using three to five peer-reviewed, scholarly sources
The proposed research – What is the proposed research, why is it important?
Define the research question and why it is important or useful to ask and answer the question
Describe the hypothesis and how it will answer the research question
Describe (briefly) the planned research and how it will evaluate the hypothesis
A summary paragraph





Explain why either too much stimulation or too little stimulation over an extended time negatively disrupts early development


Standard Deviation



What is the sample standard deviation for strength in concrete (psi) 2960 3200 3300 3830 3920 4010 4140 4140. The range is 1180 psi. S=__(psi)

Safety management system



Conduct an audit of the following safety management system elements at your organization, or an organization with which you are familiar and have access to the required information:
1. Occupational Health and Safety Management System
3.1.1 8
2. Occupational Health and Safety Policy
3.1.2 8
3. Responsibility and Authority 3.1.3 8 4. Employee Participation 3.2 8 5. Review Process, Assessment, and Prioritization 4.1, 4.2 9 6. Risk Assessment 5.1.1 11 7. Hierarchy of Controls 5.1.2 14 8. Design Review 5.1.3 15 9. Management of Change 5.1.3 19 10. Procurement 5.1.4 20 11. Monitoring and Measurement 6.1 21 12. Incident Investigation 6.2 22 13. Audits 6.3 23 14. Corrective and Preventive Actions 6.4 23 15. Feedback to the Planning Process 6.5 23 16. Management Review 7.1, 7.2 24
Below you will find some suggested sources for the objective evidence to support your evaluation:
BOS 3651, Total Environmental Health and Safety Management 4
Observation: Walk through some workplaces to observe conditions for yourself.· Interviews: Management personnel, supervisors, and employees · Records: E-mails or letters from management to employees, safety meeting minutes, mishap logs, audit reports, OSHA citations, inspection reports, risk assessments, and training records. · Documents: Organizational safety manuals and instructions, safe operating procedures, and job hazard analyses ·
2. For each management system element, discuss the objective evidence you found (or were unable to find). Evaluate the effectiveness of the organization’s implementation of each element against available reference sources and best practice information. Use the following five-tier evaluation scheme to rate each element:
Major Effort Required: Major or systemic non-conformances exist· Significant Non-Conformances Exist: Still needs focus · Moderate: Scattered non-conformances need to be addressed, positive trends/major elements in place · Strong: Conforming/complete, may have minor gaps with action plans · World Class: OHS performance ·
Appropriate references include the course textbook, textbooks from other college-level courses, ANSI/AIHA Z102012, other published consensus standards (ANSI, ASSE, AIHA, ISO, NFPA, etc.), OSHA standards and voluntary guidelines, and articles published in professional journals. Blogs, Wikipedia,, and other unmonitored Internet resources are not considered scholarly references and should not be used. Please contact your professor if you have any questions about the appropriateness of a reference source.
3. If an element is found to be less than World Class, provide recommendations for improvement. Be sure to use appropriate scholarly reference sources to support your recommendations.
4. Conclude the audit report with a summary of the overall status of the organization’s safety management system.
The Course Project must be a minimum of seven pages and a maximum of 10 pages in length, not including the title, abstract, and reference pages. A minimum of five professional references sources must be used.
Information about accessing the Blackboard Grading Rubric for this assignment is provided below.
APA Guidelines
The application of the APA writing style shall be practical, functional, and appropriate to each academic level, with the primary purpose being the documentation (citation) of sources. CSU requires that students use APA style for certain papers and projects. Students should always carefully read and follow assignment directions and review the associated grading rubric when available. Students can find CSU’s Citation Guide by clicking here. This document includes examples and sample

Movie tickets sold at the Library



Listed below is the number of movie tickets sold at the Library Cinema-Complex, in thousands, for the period from 2001 to 2013. Compute a five-year weighted moving average using weights of 0.2, 0.15, 0.25, 0.13, and 0.27, respectively. Describe the trend in yield. (Round your answers to 3 decimal places.)
2001 8.81
2002 8.34
2003 7.67
2004 6.69
2005 7.47
2006 6.78
2007 6.71
2008 6.61
2009 5.28
2010 5.87
2011 5.84
2012 5.49
2013 5.63
The weighted moving averages are:


To reconcile book income to taxable income



To reconcile book income to taxable income

a- municipal bond interest is added to book income ,

b- excess book depreciation is subtracted from book income

c. excess tax depreciation is added to book income

d. none of the above


Work Shown



A fruit drink is made up of 1 part juice to 2 parts diluted squash. The squash us made up of 1 part concentrate to 4 parts water. How much squash concentrate is needed for 12 litre of the fruit drink

Work Shown



a. A simple sliding bearing with hard steel surfaces supports a hard steel block of mass 775 kg. Estimate, giving clear justification of any assumptions that you have made:
i. the horizontal force that would be required to initiate sliding under the three frictional conditions given in Table 3.1 of Block 4
ii. The work done in displacing the mass a distance of 7.5 m when no lubrication is used. In no more than 200 words state, with reasons, whether or not you would be able to provide such a force on your own under any of the frictional conditions.
b. A block is sitting on a plane inclined at angle straight theta, small theta. It is on the point of slipping down the plane, i.e. the friction available isn’t enough to stop it. Assuming that the coefficient of friction between the surfaces is small mu (neglecting any difference between the values for static and dynamic conditions), show that the angle of the slope and friction are related by the expression small mu = tan straight theta, small theta.
c. On a wet day, a car is having trouble ascending a steel on-ramp to a ferry. The angle of the ramp is 15° and the coefficient of friction between the tyres and wet ramp is 0.2. Determine if the car can get up at all, and if not, by how much, to the nearest degree, the angle would have to be reduced by so the car can board the ferry.


Work Shown



1. Use the formal definitions of Big O (not the Limit Rule) to establish the following statements. In each case you need to specific values of the constants (e.g., c1, c2, n0) you used to satisfy the conditions, and show how you arrived at these values.
(a) 4n2 + 4n + 12 = O(n2 − 4n + 8)
(b) 2n3 − 3n2 + 17n = Θ(n3).
(c) n2 + 10n lg2 n = O(n2). (Hint: Find n0 such that lg2 n ≤ n, for
all n ≥n0.)
2. Rank the following functions in increasing order of asymptotic growth rate. For functions that are asymptotically equivalent, group them together
f1(n)= 500n^3
f2(n) = 17n+(2/n^2)
f3(n) = 7n lg lg n
f4(n) = 20n lg^3 n + 5n^2
f5(n) = 4sqrt n + 3lg(n^2)
f6(n) = 2^sqrt n
f7(n)= 2^(3lg n)
f8(n) = 5lg^2 n + 10 lg n
f9(n) = 20 lg(n^2)
f10(n) = 4log3 n
3. Selection Sort can be thought of as a recursive algorithm as follows: Find the largest element and put it at the end of the list (to be sorted). Recursively sort the remaining
elements. That is, F(n) = F(n-1) + some operations.
a. Write down the recursive version of Selection Sort in psuedocode.
b. Derive a recurrence for the exact number of comparisons that your algorithm uses.
c. Use the iteration method to solve the recurrence.
Simplify as much as possible.


Work Shown



Compute the standard error for each of the following sample sizes, assuming the population mean of 100 and a standard deviation of 20:
A: 45
B: 100
C: 4500



Work Shown



A motorist is following 600 feet behind a bicyclist travelling 4 mph. What is the mph of the motorist to pass the bicyclist after she travelled 20 feet? 30 feet?

How many seconds would elapse for each scenario?


Word document Paper



Part 1. Review "Sample Arizona AIMS Exam Questions." This contains seven assessment items for fourth graders from the standardized Arizona AIMS exam. Complete this assignment in three parts: 1. Complete a "Table of Specifications" using the table format provided. Begin by analyzing each of the seven assessment items. For each item, create a learning objective aligned to what the assessment item is measuring. Write these learning objectives in the first column under "Learning Objectives." Then, for each assessment item, classify the item, indicating its type (e.g., multiple choice, essay) under the level of knowledge/skill the student is being asked to display in the item. 2. Review each assessment item for cultural bias (e.g., ethnic, gender, or socioeconomic bias). Write a short description of your review beneath your Table of Specifications. 3. Create new assessment items for each of the original seven assessment items using a different Depth of Knowledge (DOK) Level than what was originally required. Be sure your new assessment item aligns to the learning objective you wrote, or, if you prefer, re-write the learning objective slightly to more accurately reflect your new assessment. Include the learning objectives, the new assessment items, and their Depth of Knowledge (DOK) Level classification beneath the statement of bias.

Part 2. Interview 1: Interview of a School District Administrator Regarding Assessment Practices Conduct research on district-wide assessment practices by interviewing a certified administrator from a district office. If the intended professional is not available to interview, speak with your instructor about the opportunity to interview another professional, as applicable. Your interview questions should probe: 1. The type and number of testing and assessment practices implemented district-wide. 2. Any modifications to the testing and assessment practices implemented district-wide for ELL, IEP, and 504 students. 3. How data from these testing and assessment practices are shared with classroom teachers. 4. How data from these testing and assessment practices are shared with parents and students. 5. How data from these testing and assessment practices affect teaching and learning. 6. The culture and climate of the district regarding the use of testing and assessment data. Ask additional questions and follow-up questions as appropriate. Retain a copy of the questions asked and responses received.





Biotechnology allows the use of living organisms or their processes for human needs or purposes. Currently, this topic includes such general examples as cloning, stem cells (adult, umbilical cord, and embryonic), DNA fingerprinting, biological warfare, bioremediation, genetically modified organisms, vaccines, and transgenic plants and animals to name a few. In this assignment, you will explore specific examples of biotechnology applications.
Assignment Details
Part 1
Biotechnology is the use of a living thing or any part of a living thing to make a product or process that improves human life. For this part of the assignment, discuss the following:
What are some of the examples of biotechnology that have made improvements to your life?
Describe how one of these has made your life better.
Do you have any concerns with biotechnology? Explain.
Part 2
In 2008, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved food derived from cloned animals. In addition, these products will not need to be labeled as “cloned” or “from clones” (Black, 2008). The FDA explains that you will not be eating the clone itself. It takes thousands of dollars to clone a food animal such as a cow or pig. Animals that are cloned for improved food production will be used for a breeding program to produce many offspring with the desirable traits for increased meat or milk yield. These offspring of the clones will be fair game for food. Discuss the following:
Do you think there are differences between a clone and a "normal" animal?
How do you feel about eating a cloned animal?
Is your opinion of eating a cloned plant different?

Encourage you and the Children



The purpose of this assignment is to encourage you and the children to move beyond the basic, classic self-expressive experiences, such as standard easel painting or block play, and to present some variation of a self-expressive activity that is appropriate and interesting for young children. This will provide variety for them as well as furnishing you with an opportunity to try out your own inspiration.Remember that self-expression occurs in play as well as with "art" materials, so the activity could be any of the following: blocks, carpentry, easel painting (with variations from the standard form), creative dramatic play, dance, or a multitude of additional possibilities, providing these lend themselves to free-form experiences, not copying models or making things according to an adult-determined plan. Do your best to keep it a "Column One, Maximum Creative Potential” activity if using self-expressive materials. Also, avoid spending a lot of money on extra things. It's far better to have plenty of whatever you offer than a small, costly dab of something you could never afford to use when you are teaching professionally.1. Briefly describe the project.2. Describe two (2) ways the project allows the children to express themselves.3. List the other four (4) selves (social, emotional, cognitive, and physical) and explain how this project benefited those selves.4. List four (4) things you would say or do that are intended to make the project creative for the children.


Cylindrical tanks



The sketch shows two cylindrical tanks interconnected with a pipe which has a valve that creates a constant resistance to flow of Rf when fully open. The height of liquid (of density ρ) in the first tank is hin and the second tank hout. The cross-sectional area of the first tank is Ain m2 and the second tank Aout m2. The flow rate through of liquid through the valve is given by Where: Q = flow rate in m3 s-1 Pin = pressure due to height of liquid in first tank (Pa) Pout = pressure due to height of liquid in second tank (Pa) a) Produce a mathematical model of the process to determine the change in height of fluid in the second tank when the valve is open. b) Determine the time constant for the system.


Media influence on body image



Write a paper on the topic media influence on body image, write a Methods section that is about 4 pages long where you will assess and evaluate the methods of research.
Topic : Media influence on body image. :
Please use the following information to help you with each section:
1. Cover page: Pay attention to APA style and refer to the example in your textbook.2. Abstract: Is written on its own page and is a very brief summary of your study. Think in terms of one sentence stating your research question, one or two sentences regarding background and what we already know about it, one or two sentences regarding your methodology (e.g., how many participants were used and how were your variables assessed), and one or two sentences about your findings. 3. Intro/lit review: incorporate the feedback and make revisions to the introduction and literature review submitted in Week 4.4. Method section: incorporate the feedback and make revisions to the Method section submitted in Week 4.5. Results section: in one paragraph, state what statistical test would have been used and why it was chosen.
6. Discussion section: broken down into the following paragraphs:
paragraph 1: statement of your results/findings (or what you imagine might be your results).
paragraph 2: what might have affected those results (i.e., threats to internal and external validity). Include flaws in your design and confounding variables.
paragraph 3: implications for your findings including the significance and impact on the field as well as future research directions. 7. Reference page: Pay attention to APA style and refer to the example in your textbook


Service dogs for kids with autism



Write a presentation rationale done on service dogs for kids with autism.

Thesis: Research suggests that getting an autistic child a service dog can increase social skills and decrease stress.


University basketball coach Bobby Knight



Research two (2) articles discussing the probation and ultimate firing of former Indiana University basketball coach Bobby Knight. Why did the University take the action it did? Include a discussion of agency law, potential liability and the rights of Coach Knight with regard to his employment contract. In addition, include a discussion of the Christian approach to employer/employee relations.


Acme Toys Inc



Acme Toys, Inc. is a leading toy manufacturer. As part of its expansion plan, it purchased a new building for its headquarters, which will house all the departments of the company. Apart from the usual departments, such as marketing, sales (with telemarketing capability), accounting, and IT, the building will also house the R&D, manufacturing, and distribution departments.
The company wants to set up a network to enable employees to communicate and share resources. The company requires workstations and server computers. The servers should provide support for:
•A multiuser environment
•Multiple processors
•Various types of applications
•High security
•High memory requirements
In addition, the network should be able to support high-level, multiuser applications that will run simultaneously. The profiles of employees range from a sales executive who is not computer savvy to IT professionals and people in the R&D department who are technology savvy. Due to the diverse user profiles, the company also needs to consider the ease of use of the OS.
The IT department is in the process of designing the processing requirements of computers. Although the entire company will be networked, a separate network is required for the R&D department because of security reasons. In addition, the manufacturing department plans to expand its network within the next six months by fifty percent.
As a member of the IT team, you need to recommend the best OSs for workstations and servers on the network. You need to consider the ease of use of various OSs based on user profiles. Your report must provide a rationale for the proposed OS and compatibility issues, if any, if you propose using multiple OSs.
Here is the Assignment
Continuing with the course project you started in Week 1, this week, you will analyze three different OSs for each requirement, for both the servers and workstations. You will identify the OS that best fits the situation, and include the rationale for the choice made.
Continuing with the Microsoft Word document you started in Week 1, add a 2- to 3-page report to complete the following tasks:
Analyze three different OSs for each of the requirements identified in Week 1 for both workstations and servers. Describe in depth how each OS applies to each requirement of Acme Toys, Inc. and whether it would or would not fit the situation.
For each OS listed, describe IPC, multiprocessing, threads, and hardware support.

Securing Digital Evidence



In a 250-word report, explain the procedures for securing digital evidence. Also, address which are of higher priority than another/others and your rationale.


TV and movie ratings



You have been asked to conduct research regarding TV and movie ratings of several popular TV shows.
Please use the following site for assistance with TV and movie ratings:
Research a minimum of six popular TV shows and/or movies.
1. Research their ratings
2. Research the rank and viewers
3. Research the different trends of these programs, for a minimum of one month.
In 500-600 words, examine the ratings of the different TV shows and/or movies you chose. Why are descriptive and inferential statistics important to the ratings? What applied statistical strengths exist in analyzing of TV and/or movie ratings? What weaknesses exist? From a statistical perspective, what can be done to improve data collection and analysis of TV and movie ratings?


Alphabetic Index and Tabular List



Imagine you are the head office clerk at a medical practice and have been asked to create a memo to explain the purpose of the Alphabetic Index and Tabular List. Although this assignment is designed as a memo, please remember that all written assignments must be written in accordance with APA guidelines. This includes a title page and double spacing.
Write a 150- to 350-word memo that addresses the following:
Discuss the appropriate use and purpose of the Alphabetic Index and Tabular List.
What problems might occur if proper coding procedures are not used? Give examples


Health Care Programs



Health Care Programs
The development of diseases or the state of wellness and health are influenced by social, economic, environmental, and demographic factors of a population. As such, population statistics play a major role in determining the health status of a community or the distribution of diseases within that community.
You are the public health officer or health care administrator in charge of finding a prevention and intervention program to address public health issues in your community. You have been asked by your supervisor to create a report on the public health issue that you will be working for.
Based on your findings, express your views on the following:
What are the health problems or issues currently impacting your community?
What is the demographic data of your community as given on the U.S. Census Bureau website?
According to the data related to morbidity, mortality, and prevalence, what are the incidence rates of the diseases in your community?
What are the health care requirements of the community?
How do you plan to assist in the prevention and intervention programs of your community?


For Guidance only



You have been asked, as a part of your college statistics course, to research the impact of clinical depression on an individual’s work performance. In 500 words, you will be answering and researching the following questions:

  1. Which type of method will you use to study this topic? Qualitative vs. Quantitative.

  2. Who will be your chosen participants? What considerations must be undertaken in choosing your participants?

  3. What sampling method will you use for your study? What considerations must be undertaken in choosing a sampling design? What challenges can occur in choosing the wrong design?

  4. How will descriptive statistics be important for your study? How will inferential statistics be important for your study?

  5. What challenges can you face when it comes to generalizability, validity, and reliability? Why are these concepts important to a research study?

In this work, you must use your text as a source. You must also use an additional two scholarly sources. This assignment must also be in APA format.



Verified Work



Prepare journal entries, a cash flow statement and an income statement for the following:

1. salary expense: $95,000

  1. Interest revenue: $10,000

  2. Collection of interest receivable: $6,000

  3. Payment of salaries: $100,000

  4. Credit sales: $350,000

  5. Loan to another company: $45,000

  6. Proceeds from sale of non-current assets: $20,000; including $2,000 loss

  7. Collections from customers: $359,000

  8. Cash receipt of dividends revenue on share investments: $3,000

  9. Payments to suppliers: $314,000

  10. Cash sales: $89,000

  11. Depreciation expense: $29,000

  12. Proceeds from issue of short-term debt: $38,000

  13. Payment of long-term debt: $45,000

  14. Interest expense and payments, $9,000

  15. Loan collections, $55,000

  16. Proceeds from sale of investments: $21,000 including $16,000 gain

  17. Amortization expense: $5,000

  18. Purchases of inventory on credit: $297,000

  19. Income tax expense and payments: $14,000

  20. Cash payments to acquire non-current assets: $81,000

  21. Cost of Goods Sold: $283,000

  22. Bank Statements showing cash balance: 30 June 2016 $66,000, 30 June 2017 $49,000




Write a paper about the effects of inadequate staffing on nurses leading to increased medical errors, missed nursing care, and decreased patient safety. Please provide cited talking points and counterpoints of your position in paper format.


CDC website



For your dropbox assignment, you will visit the CDC website and select an article that addresses a health issue of your interest (for example, H1N1, obesity, diabetes, asthma, teenage pregnancy, etc.). Click here to visit the CDC website.
Write a 3- to 4-page report in a Microsoft Word document, addressing the following questions:
What public health issue have you selected and why? Provide a brief explanation of the issue.
How long has the health issue been prevalent in the community?
What are the factors that have caused the issue to become a public issue? Support your answer with data from your research.
Are there any social implications of the issue? Why or why not?
What prevention and intervention measures have been implemented to address this issue in your community?
Are there any issues that are not being adequately addressed? Support your answer with data from your research.
Support your responses with examples.
Cite any sources in APA format.
Submission Details
Name your document SU_HCM2001_W1_A3_LastName_FirstInitial.doc.


Warrantless searches



In 250 words or more: What types of warrantless searches can be performed by law enforcement collecting digital evidence? Give one example for each and reasons why are warrants not required?


Information Security Manager



Suppose that you are currently employed as an Information Security Manager for a medium-sized software development and outsourcing services company. The Software Development Director has asked you to provide a detailed analytical report for her department regarding the most common Web application threats and the manner in which their products could compromise customer financial data. She wants your recommendations on which threats and/or vulnerabilities the company should focus on and your recommendation for mitigation. The products in question use Microsoft SQL Server databases and IIS Web servers. Write a paper with no less than two to four pages in which you: 1. Analyze the common threats/vulnerabilities to data systems such as Web applications and data servers. Speculate on the greatest area of vulnerability and potential for damage and / or data loss of such data systems. 2. Devise at least one attack scenario, as an example, where a hacker could use the area of vulnerability that you chose above in order to gain access to a network or sensitive data. Examine the primary ways in which the hacker could execute such an attack, and suggest the strategic manner in which a security professional could prevent the attack.3.Explore the primary role that the human element could play in adding to the attack scenario, if appropriate. You may wish to decide if the human component is critical in protection from that type of attack.4.Draw specific lessons and recommendations as part of the conclusion, and have a strong concluding paragraph. Be sure to revise your introduction to reflect what the paper accomplished once you finish your first draft.5.Use no less than 3 to 5 quality resources in this assignment. Note: Wikipedia and similar Websites do not qualify as quality resources. Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements:• Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; citations and references must follow APA


Southern Recreational Vehicle Company



Read the case study “Southern Recreational Vehicle Company” on page 350 of the textbook. Analyze the issues in the case using what you have learned in this course and additional research. In a paper of at least two pages in length, write a short introduction to the case and then respond to the four discussion questions at the end of the case. Support your responses in detail and include citations from your sources. An effective case study analysis is more than your opinions. Your paper should be in APA format with a cover page and references page with at least two references in APA format.
Be sure to use quotation marks and in-text citations for any material you take word-for-word from another source.

Grocery Store



Write a 500 word essay (using your own words, not references) about Dramatic learning center.
Which center you choose to develop and why?
Which items are included and why they are included?

How materials are display?
A plan for changing and updating learning materials in the center

Theme: Grocery Store



Verified Work



From a survey involving 1000 university students, a market research company found that 610 owned laptops, 200 owned cars, and 125 owned cars AND laptops. If a student is selected at random, what is the empirical probability that the student owns neither a car nor a laptop?

The following table shows the 2015 distribution of U.S. Senators by political party and gender:
For a single Senator selected at random, use the table to find the following:
a. Probability that Senator is male and a Democrat:

Probability that Senator is male or a Democrat:

Probability that Senator is male given that he is a Democrat:


Are the events “Females” and “Republicans” mutually exclusive? Using probability techniques, explain your answer. “Yes” or “No”

An assembly plant produces 40 lawn mowers; of those, 7 are defective. Prior to shipping the mowers to retailers, the company’s quality control department selects 10 of the 40 mowers at random for testing. The assembly plant will be shut down for troubleshooting if 1 or more mowers in the sample are found to be defective. What is the probability that the plant will be shut down? Justify your answer.

Hint: find the complementary probability that 0 of the 10 lawn mowers selected out of the production lot of 40 (with its 7 defective mowers) are defective. The probability that plant shuts down if 1 or more mowers in sample are found defective: .

Players of the “Zuper-Zillions” lottery in the country of Urkashizmein pay 1 bog for a ticket that lets them select 5 non-repeating numbers from 1 to 49 followed by one “Z-bolt” number between 1 and 30. The current “Zuper-Zillions” jackpot is a record 1,500,000,000 (1.5 billion) bogs. What is the probability of correctly guessing all 6 values with just one ticket? (Hint: order doesn’t matter)

Our classmate Hasiba Stukes is now a highly successful marketing wizard! She’s making a marketing presentation to the board of Jussaynoe Pharmaceuticals, who want to sell the anti-math anxiety drug SHOVITALL™ to the public. Hasiba has two marketing plans she’s come up with for the board’s decision:

• Plan A : a marketing plan that nets $30 million if successful (probability 0.8) and will lose $6 million if unsuccessful (probability 0.2)

• Plan B : a marketing plan that nets $44 million if successful (probability 0.6) and will lose $10 million if unsuccessful (probability 0.4)

a. Construct an expected value payoff table for the two marketing plans A and B :

Marketing Plan

30 million
6 million

44 million
10 million

b. Determine the expected values of each marketing plan (show your work!!).

The formatting of the table in part A looks like it got mangled a bit, but it appears that you have completed the table. Be sure to indicate that the "unsuccessful" payoffs are losses.

  1. A fair two-sided coin is tossed 6 times. What is the probability of tossing a “head” on the 6th toss, given that the 5 preceding tosses were also “heads”?

Give me the work for the probability 0.5

Scam Industries’ ULTRON 360 (“U”) artificial intelligence (AI) computer program has a 45% probability of passing an analytics evaluation. Amalgamated Ripoff Company’s more expensive OMEGA (“Ω”) AI program has a 65% probability of passing the same evaluation. If these two events are independent, find the following probabilities.

P(both systems will pass the evaluation)b. P(at least one of them will pass the evaluation)

From a survey involving 1000 university students, a market research company found that 610 owned laptops, 200 owned cars, and 125 owned cars AND laptops. If a student is selected at random, what is the empirical probability that the student owns neither a car nor a laptop?


ABC Company



Required: Enter in the journal entries found on the Transaction tab


Jan 1 Invested $10,00 and received Common Stock

5 Paid rent $500

7 Mary Jones purchased merchandise on account $1,600

8 Signed a contract with a new supplier

10 Paid advertising $100

15 Purchased a new computer $400

17 Mary Jones paid her account in full

20 Sold merchandise $3,000

22 Paid legal fees $200

23 Purchased store equipment on account from Ace Supply $700

25 Paid utilities $140

28 Paid 3 months of insurance $300

31 Paid Ace Supply for amount owed

You are considering opening a retail establishment, ABC Company. You need to make a number of decisions regarding this new company and prepare a number of documents. This project is split into four (4) parts with one (1) part due each week of the course. Based on your readings, use of technology, current literature, and other sources do the following:

  1. Determine the type of organization you would like for your company (sole proprietor, partnership, corporation, etc.) and explain the advantages and disadvantages of your selection.

  2. Create a chart of accounts for ABC Company using the Excel template provided ABC Co Chart of Accounts.xlsx

  3. Create journal entries for your company using Excel based on the template given ABC Co Journal.xlsx

  4. Discuss the internal controls you would set up for your company using PowerPoint



Verified Answers



1. The four fields of anthropology are:
biological anthropology, paleoanthropology, cultural anthropology, and prehistoric archaeology.
paleoanthropology, primatology, forensics, cultural anthropology, and prehistoric archaeology.
biological anthropology, cultural anthropology, archaeology, and linguistics.
archaeology, ethnography, ethnology, and cultural anthropology.
2. The three major components of culture are:
material objects, cognitive processes, and behaviors.
technology, learned behavior, and innovation.
symbols, learned behavior, and diffusion.
inventive processes, learned behavior, and diffusion.
3. An anthropologist doing fieldwork strives to achieve the role of:
friend and teacher.
key informant.
privileged stranger.
participant observer.
4. The study of sound used in speech is called:
descriptive linguistics.
5. What model aims to understand how foragers gather food with the least expenditure of time, calories, and other factors?
Neoevolutionary models
Evolutionary-ecological models
Functionalist models
Optimal foraging models
6. A society based on the herding of animals where herds are moved to seasonal pastures is known as:
nomadic pastoralism.
sedentary pastoralism.
mixed agriculture.
7. A kinship relationship based on a marriage connection is called:
8. In what descent group do individuals trace their descent to a known ancestor?
9. Gender refers to the:
ability of an individual to produce sperm or egg.
biological designation of male and female.
sex of the individual.
assigned role of an individual within a society.
10. Introduced by Arnold Van Gennep, which term is used to describe the activities and rituals that mark important changes in individuals' social role and status?
Rites of intensification
Separation rites
Rites of passage
Reincorporating rites

Organizational Design



Imagine you are an executive for an organization of your choice, and you are preparing a presentation for the board of directors about the organization’s direction.
Create a PowerPoint presentation (approximately 10 to 15 slides), with speaker notes, in which you address the following components:
Describe the organizational structure and design.·
Examine the organization’s differentiation and growth strategy.·
Analyze strategic options and a management approach the organization uses as it relates to the organization’s goals and strategies.·
Analyze the corporate culture and methods used to influence employee satisfaction and retention.·
Format your presentation consistent with APA guidelines. All sources used must be referenced; paraphrased and quoted



A state university



A state university in a small city is in a state of flux. The institution’s state funding is not keeping pace with its costs. However, it is under pressure to expand its programs to meet local workforce demands and to hold the line on tuition and fees. You, as an administrator, have a modest amount of new money to spread across campus for raises, in staff-critical areas, and to replace existing staff and faculty.

Your alternatives are:

Hire more full-time faculty and permanent staff.

Offer short-term appointments (up to three years) to faculty and staff to meet immediate needs.

Hire temporary employees to supplement the permanent workforce, either while searches are conducted or while you assess needs.

Increase loads for existing staff.

Leave positions vacant.


For this assignment, create a PowerPoint presentation that explores options to address the situation presented in this week’s introduction. Since leadership is unable to fund all of the existing needs, analyze the options available to leaders as they seek to meet funding needs by identifying the pros and cons of each option from the perspective of the administration, the faculty, the student, and the political establishment, which provides the college’s funding.

Use the concepts discussed in chapter readings for this week, to set the tone of the professional presentation. Set the stage and interject symbols and stories where appropriate to emphasize your points.

Length: 12-15 slides, with a separate reference slide

Notes: 150-200 words per slide

References: Include a minimum of five scholarly resources



Verified Work



  1. Based on your chosen informational text and standards, and your designated learning targets, complete the “Summative Assessment” section in the COE Lesson Plan Template.
    In a separate Word document, create a summative assessment you would use at the end of your lesson.
    In a 250-500-word reflection, discuss how the assessment will provide information to determine student achievement, and how it will identify any need for additional instruction or re-teaching.2. Based on the lesson plans you are developing, create an aligned pre-assessment to measure students’ prior knowledge. Include a scripted introduction to the pre-assessment and 4-6 questions you can ask the students in order to pre-assess and gather information.
    Include a closing stating what you expect to discover regarding their knowledge, skills, and understandings on the informational text selection and academic language.
    Address this assignment in a 250-500 word paper. Include a brief statement about the pre-assessment and the 4-6 questions on your COE Lesson Plan Template.

    3. Visit a local bookstore or public library for a literacy event hosted for children. Observe who attends each event as well as the range of activities. All interactions must involve individual, small, or large groups of elementary-aged children. Base your 250-500-word response specific strategies. Be sure to note and describe the specific reading instructional strategies the library/bookstore used related to phoneme awareness, syntax, semantics, phonics, fluency, meaning-based strategies, word recognition, comprehension monitoring, and/or text analysis and interpretation, .



Lehigh and Specialty Steel



Lehigh and Specialty Steel

  1. For each of the five sample products, compute the profitability per pound under the ABC system at Lehigh.

  2. For each of the five sample products, compute the profitability per pound per unit of the constraint under the TOC approach implemented at Lehigh.

  3. Critique the ABC and TOC approaches with respect to determining Lehigh’s optimal product mix. Which costing system/perspective should Lehigh use to determine its product mix? Devise an alternative method of calculating profits that combines the insights/assumptions of ABC and TOC in a way that is appropriate for Lehigh’s business situation while eliminating those insights/assumptions that are inappropriate in the current situation.

Paper in word document file




M7D1: Case Study: Lying on a Dating Profile

M7D2: Case Study: The Medium Is the Message?

M7D1: Case Study: Lying on a Dating Profile


Consider the following case study: Two people, Robert and Maria, agree to go on a date after meeting each other virtually through an online dating site, viewing each other’s profiles, and exchanging a few emails. After their date, they had the following to say:

Maria: “I was completely shocked and upset to discover that while everything Robert said about his life, hobbies and career was true, the picture he used was ten years old. He has much less hair than he had in the picture, he’s clearly gained some weight since then, and I think he may have altered the picture to make himself look taller. I decided not to go on another date with him.”

Robert: “I was disappointed to find out that while Maria said in her profile that she’s into classic literature and classic rock-n-roll, just like me, when we were talking at dinner she didn’t seem to know anything about the subjects. She finally confessed that she put down books and bands that she knows most guys like even though she doesn’t like them herself. I decided not to go on a second date with her.”

Discussion Questions

After reviewing the (1) Module Notes, (2) Beveridge, and the video Websex, respond to the following questions. This activity aligns with module outcome 1.

Were both characters justified in feeling upset to find that the other character lied? Was one transgression more acceptable than the other? Please explain.

How much lying is acceptable in a dating profile? Is it ever OK to exaggerate or fib to help attract interest in a crowded online dating field and stand out from the pack? Please explain.

Should dating sites be doing more to monitor users’ profiles for deception or lies? What solution would you suggest for the problem of deceptive profiles?

Websex discusses how webcams and sharing sexually explicit photographs have become a prelude to or even a substitute for real life dating for teenagers and young adults. How does this compare to or contrast with traditional online dating? Why would people choose this form of connection over the text-based connections from the previous generation of online daters?

Identify ethical problems faced by individuals or communities and propose reasonable solutions.

M7D2: Case Study: The Medium Is the Message?


The way we perceive the relative “importance” of online communication is rapidly changing, and communications that once would have been considered too important to relate online are now routinely delivered by new media. Consider the following scenario:

“I’m living on the East Coast for work for six months, but my mother and fiancée are back home on the West Coast. Things haven’t been going so well with me and my fiancée, and I decided to call off the engagement. I let my fiancée know by text, and I changed my Facebook status from ‘engaged’ to ‘single.’ She was really mad that I broke the news by texting, but I don’t see why. We met online, so what’s the problem? My mother then saw my status on Facebook and called me on the phone to tell me I should have called her to let her know before she saw it online. I just don’t see the difference between the phone and the internet, so I don’t know what she was so mad about. I’m the one who just ended a relationship!”

Discussion Questions

After reviewing Chapter 6 of Baym (Chapter 6), (3) Saidur Rahaman, and the (1) Module Notes, respond to the following questions. This activity aligns with module outcome 1.

In this case study, did the speaker owe the fiancée or the mother communication through a different medium? If so, which one and why? If not, why not?

When it comes to major life events, when, if ever, might it be appropriate to inform those with whom you have a close relationship through text message or social media posting?

Identify two ways that the choice of medium impacts your perception of a communication. Do you find that you expect family or close friends to communicate with you through different mediums than acquaintances? Why?

In Module 5 we discussed “Black Twitter” and the expression of racial identity online. What role do you see gender playing in the use of social media to engage in or avoid conflict? How might men and women perceive conflict differently when expressed through social media or a text message? What solution might you recommend to help men and women manage conflict better on social media?

Identify ethical problems faced by individuals or communities and propose reasonable solutions.


Funding exceptional student education



Part 1:

Please answer the following question within 1 to 1 ½ pages (double space). Please include IDEA and any other information regarding federal funding.

What federal sources are available for funding exceptional student education?





M6A1: Clicking for a Cause: Researching an Online Campaign

Activism on the Internet has had a number of notable successes and several notable failures. Some have argued that online activism has a powerful impact that shapes and transforms online communities, while others have claimed that online activism is more about feeling good than actually doing good. For this assignment, you will choose one new media activism campaign to research and evaluate in order to determine whether you believe online activism has a transformative effect and achieves real and lasting change. Some examples include:

  •  Kony 2012
    •  #bringbackourgirls
    •  ALS Ice Bucket Challenge
    •  Anonymous “hacktivism”

Writing Requirements

For this assignment, you will write an essay. It will be composed of two parts, each will be completed in approximately 2 pages. Please address each of the bulleted points in your essay.

Part 1

Using your selected campaign, research 3-4 credible sources—such as academic journals, books, magazines and newspapers—and examine the campaign’s goal, the methods it used to try to reach that goal, and whether the campaign was effective.

Did the campaign achieve its goal? What made the campaign effective or ineffective?

How were online communities or networks involved in spreading the campaign’s message?

Would the campaign have been as effective if it had used only traditional media?

Part 2

Then, using what you have learned from how this campaign was organized, select an issue of importance to you and briefly propose how you would organize a new media activism campaign to achieve a goal related to that issue. Be sure to identify the goal you hope to achieve, the new media you would use to achieve that goal, and why you feel this would be a successful way to reach your goal.

Finally, reflect briefly on the impact of online activism. Does participating in online activism reinforce or shape individuals’ sense of being engaged and active citizens? How does it reflect, shape, or determine how individuals think about or participate in social and political causes?

Technical Requirements:

Cite the text, specified readings, and research (with page numbers) and reference it at the end of the essay.

Identify five college-level sources and evaluate them thoroughly by summarizing their main ideas and evaluating their relevance to the project.

Write in APA style using correct grammar and spelling.


Verified Work



Answer the questions below 50-75 word count
Consider the issue of high executive compensation as an important ethical issue,
1. Using one of the ethical perspectives (Utilitarianism, Kants Categorical Imperative, Rawl's Fairness as Justice, etc) noted in week 2 discussion, defend or oppose the basis for high executive compensation.
2. Based on your discussions in question 1, should government regulate executive compensation or not? Discuss your response using one ethical perspective.
Ethics in business relationships include both the external and internal relationships that develop around the organization. For this assignment, we will focus on the internal relationships that develop inside the organization. Studies have indicated the more positive the environment within the organization, the more productive the employees.
Research one or a combination of these job-related topics found within organizations: job discrimination, reverse discrimination, sexual harassment, bullying, and/or unsafe working conditions. Your essay should address the following:
1. Briefly describe the issue.
2. Explain the significance of any ethics-based decision your research finds and the affect it had or has on overall morale, relationships within the organization, and ultimately overall productivity levels.
3. Research a minimum of one company involved in this type of issue.
4. What best practices might a company implement to avoid negative behavior within their organization?
Your response must include an introduction, thesis statement, and a clear discussion of the questions/topics above. It must be a minimum of two double-spaced pages. You are required to use at least two credible references. All sources used must be referenced; paraphrased and quoted material must have accompanying citations and be cited per APA guidelines.

Reflection Paper
Select a significant tragic event (either domestic or global) that has occurred over the last 50 years. The interactive presentation in this unit provides some ideas of historical tragic events, but understand that these are just ideas. After describing the event and the post-tragedy events, discuss the ethical aspects revolving around this incident. This discussion may require some additional research to understand the ethical situations and the impact the event(s) had on affected people and their ability to move on with their lives.
1. Describe the actions of people and organizational leaders directly and indirectly involved with the tragedy. Specifically, address the ethical issues they faced.
2. What were some of the actions of local, state, and federal personnel with respect to dealing with this tragedy?
3. Explain the strategies of organizations that attempted to assist with the clean-up after the tragic event. Describe several of the pressures that influenced their strategies. Distinguish between social responsibility, integrity, and simple business ethics.
4. How has this event affected the ethical culture here in the United States? What other effect has it had on society as a whole?
5. What other lessons might we learn from this event in the future?

Your response must be a minimum of two double-spaced pages. You are required to use at least one scholarly source in your response. All sources used must be referenced; paraphrased and quoted material must have accompanying in-text citations, and be cited per APA guidelines.


Verified Answers




Topic 1: The Internet: Revolutionary Change?

Changes to business enterprises in response to the commercialization and growth of the Internet are often seen as by-products of revolutionary change.

  1. Why is the Internet viewed as a revolutionary change?

  2. Describe some of the attributes of revolutionary change brought about by the Internet and their impacts on security.

 Topic 3: Asymmetric Threats

This week we are reviewing responses to an asymmetric threat.

  1. What is an asymmetric threat?

  2. Describe some dynamic approaches for defending against an asymmetric threat.


Topic 4: Westphalian Model Advantages at Global Level
Not only must asymmetric advantages be countered domestically, attackers often originate from
outside the United States. Given that situation, describe how the Westphalian model would aid
cybersecurity at the global level.

J. D. Williams Inc



Linear Programming: Sensitivity Analysis and Interpretation of Solution: Case Problem 2: Investment Strategy

J. D. Williams, Inc., is an investment advisory firm that manages more than $120 million in funds for its numerous clients. The company uses an asset allocation model that recommends the portion of each client's portfolio to be invested in a growth stock fund, an income fund, and a money market fund. To maintain diversity in each client's portfolio, the firm places limits on the percentage of each portfolio that may be invested in each of the three funds. General guidelines indicate that the amount invested in the growth fund must be between 20% and 40% of the total portfolio value. Similar percentages for the other two funds stipulate that between 20% and 50% of the total portfolio value must be in the income fund and at least 30% of the total portfolio value must be in the money market fund.

In addition, the company attempts to assess the risk tolerance of each client and adjust the portfolio to meet the needs of the individual investor. For example, Williams just contracted with a new client who has $800,000 to invest. Based on an evaluation of the client's risk tolerance, Williams assigned a maximum risk index of 0.05 for the client. The firm's risk indicators show the risk of the growth fund at 0.10, the income fund at 0.07, and the money market fund at 0.01. An overall portfolio risk index is computed as a weighted average of the risk rating for the three funds, where the weights are the fraction of the client's portfolio invested in each of the funds.

Additionally, Williams is currently forecasting annual yields of 18% for the growth fund, 12.5% for the income fund, and 7.5% for the money market fund. Based on the information provided, how should the new client be advised to allocate the $800,000 among the growth, income, and money market funds? Develop a linear programming model that will provide the maximum yield for the portfolio. Use your model to develop a managerial report.

Managerial Report

  1. Recommend how much of the $800,000 should be invested in each of the three funds. What is the annual yield you anticipate for the investment recommendation?

  2. Assume that the client's risk index could be increased to 0.055. How much would the yield increase, and how would the investment recommendation change?

  3. Refer again to the original situation, where the client's risk index was assessed to be 0.05. How would your investment recommendation change if the annual yield for the growth fund were revised downward to 16% or even to 14%?

  4. Assume that the client expressed some concern about having too much money in the growth fund. How would the original recommendation change if the amount invested in the growth fund is not allowed to exceed the amount invested in the income fund?

  5. The asset allocation model you developed may be useful in modifying the portfolios for all of the firm's clients whenever the anticipated yields for the three funds are periodically revised. What is your recommendation as to whether use of this model is possible?


The Vintage Restaurant



The Vintage Restaurant, on Captiva Island near Fort Myers, Florida, is owned and operated by Karen Payne. The restaurant just completed its third year of operation. During that time, Karen sought to establish a reputation for the restaurant as a high-quality dining establishment that specializes in fresh seafood. Through the efforts of Karen and her staff, her restaurant has become one of the best and fastest-growing restaurants on the island. To better plan for future growth of the restaurant, Karen needs to develop a system that will enable her to forecast food and beverage sales by month for up to one year in advance. Table 6.17 shows the value of food and beverage sales ($1000s) for the first three years of operation. Month Sales


Perform an analysis of the sales data for the Vintage Restaurant. Prepare a report for Karen that summarizes your findings, forecasts, and recommendations. Include the following:

  1. A time series plot. Comment on the underlying pattern in the time series.

2. Using the dummy variable approach, forecast sales for January through December of the fourth year. Assume that January sales for the fourth year turn out to be $295,000. What was your forecast error? If this error is large, Karen may be puzzled about the difference between your forecast and the actual sales value. What can you do to resolve her uncertainty in the forecasting procedure?


Verified Answers




  1. (5 points)  Use the binomial calculator to do this problem.

Hopefully by April 2017, I will have 14 descendants – 13 boys and 1 girl.

The binomial equation is 1 = (p + q)n.

Let p be the probability of having a boy and q be the probability of having a girl.

  1. What is the value of p? (p = π in the binomial calculator.)

  2. What is the value of n that should be used?

  3. What is the probability of having 13 boys and 1 girl by chance? (include a screen shot of your answer)

  4. What is the probability of being “normal” (for people with 14 descendants) by having exactly 7 boys and 7 girls? (include a screen shot of your answer)

  5. (5 points) Last year McDonalds ran a promotion where it gave out Monopoly stickers with each purchase. If you got a winning sticker, you would get a small extra item free. The average person makes 3 purchases per visit, i.e. a Big Mac, French fries, and a drink; or an egg McMuffin, hash browns, and coffee; etc. Use the binomial calculator to do this problem.

  6. How many purchases does the average person make in 2 visits?

  7. What is the value of n that should be used?

  8. Let the probability of a single sticker being a winner be 10%. What is π?

  9. What is the probability of winning at least 1 prize (i.e. 1 or more prizes up to 6) after purchasing 6 items? (include a screen shot of your answer)

  10. What is the probability of winning exactly 1 prize after purchasing 6 items? (include a screen shot of your answer)

  11. What is the probability of winning 0 prizes after purchasing 6 items? (include a screen shot of your answer)

  12. (5 points) Calculate the odds of winning the Power Ball 2nd prize of $1 million. In order to win, you must match the numbers of 5 white balls numbered 1 to 69, and NOT match the red Power ball numbered 1 to 26. Write your final answer in 1/p instead of the fraction p. For example, ¼ = 4. 0.10 = 10.

  13. What is the probability of picking 1 of the 5 winning white balls from the bag?

  14. What is the probability of picking 1 of the remaining 4 winning white balls from the bag?

  15. What is the probability of picking 1 of the remaining 3 winning white balls from the bag?

  16. What is the probability of picking 1 of the remaining 2 winning white balls from the bag?

  17. What is the probability of picking the last remaining winning white ball from the bag?

  18. What is the probability of NOT picking the winning red Power ball from another bag? (Note: The white balls and the red Power balls are in different bags. They are not in the same bag.)

  19. Using the multiplication rule, what is the probability of winning the Power ball 2nd prize in 1/p? (Note: The Power ball ticket says the odds of winning are 1 out of 11,688,053.52. If you do not get something close to this number, then you did something wrong!)

  20. (10 points) The probability that a person has a certain fatal disease is 2% of the population. There is a test for detecting this disease. If you have the disease, the test gives the correct result 97% of the time. If you do not have the disease, then the test gives the correct result 95% of the time.

Fill in the following tree diagram.

  1. What is the probability that a person who gets positive test results actually has the disease? (true positive)

  2. What is the probability that a person who gets positive test results does not have the disease? (false positive)

  3. Of all of the people who test positive for the disease, what is the probability that they actually have the disease? P(true positive| positive test results)

  4. You are the medical advisor to the president. Based on the above statistics, would you recommend that everyone in the country get tested for this fatal disease?

  5. (10 points) Determine the poker odds of drawing the following hands from a standard 52 card deck.

What are the odds of drawing a royal flush? (Drawing AKQJ10 of the same suit.)

  1. What is the probability of drawing the A of spades for your first card?

  2. What is the probability of drawing the K of spades for your 2nd card?

  3. What is the probability of drawing the Q of spades for your 3rd card?

  4. What is the probability of drawing the J of spades for your 4th card?

  5. What is the probability of drawing the 10 of spades for your 5th card?

  6. Now there are 4 suits (spades, hearts, diamonds, and clubs). What number do you need to multiply the above probability to take into account that there are 4 suits?

  7. Now we drew the cards in a specific order (AKQJ10). But the order of the drawing of the cards does not matter in the end. What number do you need to multiply the above to get the final probability which takes into account that drawing order does not matter? (How many different ways can you arrange 5 different distinct objects?)

e.g. KQJ10A, QJ10AK, etc.

  1. Multiply the above numbers to get the final probability. Express you answer as 1/p (i.e., .10 = 10, .5 = 2)

(Note: The odds for getting a flush are 1/p = 649,740. If you did not get this number, then you did something wrong.)

  1. (10 points) Use the following values to fill in the Venn diagram.

A = “2” + “3”,    B = “3” + “4”

P(A) = 0.75, P(B) = 0.60, area(“3”) = 0.40

1 = area(“1”) + area(“2”) + area(“3”) + area(“4”)

  1. What is the value of area(“2”)?

  2. What is the value of area(“4”)?

  3. What is the value of area(“1”)?

  4. What is the value of P(A ∩ B)?

  5. What is the value of P(A Ụ B)?

  6. Are events A and B “mutually exclusive” in the mathematical sense? (yes or no, and explain your answer)

  7. Are the events A and B “independent” in the mathematical sense? (yes or no, and explain your answer)

  8. What is the value of P(A|B)?

  9. What is the value of P(B|A)?

  10. (10 points) Fill in the following table when using 2 dice.


1st roll/2nd roll123456

  1. Let event A be that the 1st die roll is an odd number. Put an A in the appropriate boxes.

  2. Let event B be that the 2nd die roll is an even number. Put a B in the appropriate boxes.

  3. What is P(A)?

  4. What is P(B)?

  5. What is P(A ∩ B)?

  6. What is P(sum of the 2 dice = 7|given A and B)?

  7. What is P(sum of the 2 dice = even number|given A and B)?

  8. Are events A and B mutually exclusive? (yes or no) Be sure to give your reasoning.

  9. Are events A and B independent? (yes or no) Be sure to give your reasoning.


  1. (10 points) Fill in the following contingency table to answer this question about the student population at a small liberal arts college.

Arts majorScience majorTotal

  1. If a student is chosen at random, what is the probability that it will be a man, P(M)?

  2. If an arts major is chosen at random, what is the probability that it will be a woman, P(W|A)?

  3. If a student is chosen at random, what is the probability that it will be a woman majoring in the sciences, P(W ∩ S)?

  4. If a student is chosen at random, what is the probability that it will be an arts major, P(A)?

  5. If a student is chosen at random, what is the probability that it will be a woman majoring in the arts OR a man majoring in the sciences, P[(W∩A) Ụ (M∩S)]?

  6. (10 points) You are planning on going to the National Harbor casino to play roulette. The roulette odds chart tells you how much money you will win if the ball lands on one of the numbers you bet on. For example, if you bet $1 on number 17 (a) and the ball lands on number 17, you will win $35 and get back your $1 bet as well. If you bet on 24 numbers (h) and the ball lands on one of the 24 numbers, you will get back $0.50 = (1/2 * $1) plus not lose your $1 bet. If the ball does not land on any of the numbers you bet on, then you just lose your $1 bet.

Roulette Payoff Odds Chart

  1. 35-to-1 : One number

  2. 17-to-1 : Two numbers

  3. 11-to-1 : Three numbers

  4. 8-to-1 : Four numbers

  5. 6-to-1 : Five numbers (including 0 and 00)

  6. 5-to-1 : Six numbers

  7. 2-to-1 : Twelve numbers (1 column, 1 to 12, 13 to 24, 25 to 36)

  8. ½-to-1 : Twenty-four numbers (two columns of 12 squares)

  9. 1-to-1 : Red (18 numbers)

  10. 1-to-1: Black (18 numbers)

  11. 1-to-1 : High (19 to 36)

  12. 1-to-1 : Low (1 to 18)

  13. 1-to-1 : Odd (18 numbers)

  14. 1-to-1 : Even (excluding 0 and 00 for 18 numbers total)

The expected pay off value for roulette is

E = Payoff odds*bet* P(win) - bet*P(lose)

Let bet = $10.

Choose two different payoff odds from the above table and calculate what the expected payoff value is for each of your choices. (Hint: The expected payoff value has to be negative so that the house can stay in business over the long term!)

For your two choices of payoff odds, are your two expected payoff values the same (yes or no)? (Hint: It should not matter which numbers you play. Every choice should lose the same amount of money. Otherwise, no one would play the numbers where the losses are higher.)


Arizona Department of Corrections



Review the sample report from the Arizona Department of Corrections website by clicking on the most recent month and year. (January 2017)
Research the Department of Corrections in your state.
Review the most recent report from this department.
Analyze the report to determine the types of inmates and offenders in the correctional system in your state.
Create an 8- to 10-slide Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentation discussing your results from the analysis. Include the following:
Outline the five offenses with the highest occurrence.
Outline the ethnic distribution of the population.
Outline the occurrence of assaults on staff.
Describe communication strategies for working with the population within this department, including considerations for culture and gender.
Describe how a better understanding of language and communication can improve safety in the department.
Include a minimum of two sources.
Format any citations in your presentation consistent with APA guidelines.


Verified Answers



1. The daily newspaper America at a Glance has just released the results of a study of students who completed preparation programs for a nationwide standardized test. The following histogram, which summarizes the mathematics test score information for the sampled students, appeared on the front page of America at a Glance:

Based on the histogram, find the proportion of mathematics test scores in the sample that are less than 750.

2. The students of a certain college were asked to choose which of six movie genres was their favorite. The pie chart below shows the distribution of the students answers. If there are 12000 students at this college, how many choose drama or other?