Word document Papers



ACO's (Accountable Care Organizations) are described as providers who are jointly held accountable for achieving measured quality improvements. They are essentially an integrated healthcare organization, that can include primary care physicians, specialists, hospitals, healthcare insurance plans, suppliers of durable medical equipment or other services and items.

For this discussion, research ACO's in your geographical area, if there is not one in the immediate area find one near you, and describe it, including how long it has been in existence, what providers it consists of, services it offers, its overall goal, etc., and give your summary thoughts on whether you think ACO's are a good idea and will serve the intended purpose.

Your initial submission should be 100-150 word

Principles of Healthcare Reimbursement; Castro and Forrestal, AHIMA Press, 2015, 5th edition

Can use outside sources also!

This week’s focus is on the digestive system, so lets give each of you a chance to have some fun and show you have “guts” by putting YOU in the instructor seat:

Scenario: You are at a family picnic. Your 12-year old nephew is eating a hamburger, fries, and an carrots. He learns you are taking this course and asks you a whole bunch of questions…


  • What happens to all this food he eats?

  • Does the body handle the hamburger different than the bun?

  • Will the hamburger turn into more muscle for him?

  • Are there different parts of the “guts” doing different things?

  • Why does his tummy rumble sometimes?

  • How & why does he makes poop? (being a boy, he asked this to gross out his sister...)

Read the discussion question.

Post a 5-10 sentence response to the discussion topic using examples and personal experiences.

Integrate a quote from your weekly reading assignment into your post to support your thoughts and cite the source (and page number) of your quote using the APA format.