Implementing a developmentally appropriate curriculum requires early childhood teachers to understand the elements of a sound daily classroom schedule as well as developmentally appropriate activities that successfully engage students in each of the developmental domains.
For this project, you’ll create a daily classroom schedule for a self-chosen age group. The schedule will cover the daily time range of 8:00 A.M. to 4:00 P.M. Your daily schedule should be constructed using the following headings:
■ Time
■ Area of the Room and Number of Children Permitted in Area
■ Developmental Domain(s)
■ Activities
■ Explanation of Activities
Review your course text as you complete this project; it can guide you toward including developmentally appropriate activities necessary for an effective daily schedule. Specifically, pages 310–323 in the final chapter of your text provide important information on daily planning, including pitfalls to avoid, best practices, transition ideas, and a sample full-day schedule. Along with constructing the daily schedule for a specific age group of children, you should also select a topic of study during each small-group or whole-group activity included in the schedule. Examples of topics of study include transportation theme, alphabet knowledge, and sorting and classifying objects.
Note that not all areas of your daily schedule require you to list a topic of study.