Management and Supervision in Criminal Justice
Response to each question must be at least 500 words minimum in length.
1) Do you have to hold a position as a police supervisor to be a police leader? Why, or why not? Can you think of a position in an organization where someone can be successful as a leader without the responsibility of supervision?
2) The supervisor-leader debate has resulted in many different arguments through the years. Please discuss your point of view on this topic. Can you be an effective police supervisor but not a good leader? Can you be a good leader but a poor supervisor? Can you do both effectively at the same time?
3) How would you use the nine checkpoints when making a decision? Please discuss all nine, and use them in your process.
4) Recall the five intelligences and decide which are the most important down to the least important. Please describe and discuss them all in order of importance.
5) Of the six pillars of character, which one do you feel is the most important character for a police office to have? Why do you feel this way? Which pillar is least important for a police officer to have? Again, why do you feel this way? Can you think of your own pillar to add to the list?
6) Do you agree with the statement that, "there is no such thing as police ethics"? Why do you agree or disagree?