A CollegeCourse class includes fields representing department, course number, credit hours, and

1.  A CollegeCourse class includes fields representing department, course number, credit hours, and tuition. Its child LabCourse, includes one more field that holds a lab fee charged in addition to the tuition. Create appropriate functions for these classes, and write a program that instantiates and uses objects of each class. Place all code into one file. Use the following code to test your program:

CollegeCourse cc("ENG", 121, 3, 333.33);
LabCourse lc("CIS", 250, 4, 444.44);

UML Class diagram provided. Output should look similar to below.

Sample Run:

ENG121 3 credits. Tuition $333.33
CIS250 4 credits. Tuition $444.44
plus lab fee $30.25 for a grand total of

Name the program:  TestCourses.cpp, where XX are your initials. 

2. Design a class named Month. The class should have the following private members:

• name A MyString object (from the MyString class presented in this chapter) as a member.

The name object should hold the name of a month, such as “January”, ‘February’, etc.

• monthNumber An integer variable that holds the number of the month.

For example January would be 1, February would be 2, etc. Valid values for this variable are 1 through 12.

In addition, provide the following member functions:

• A default constructor that sets monthNumber to 1 and name to “January”.

• A constructor that accepts the name of the month as an argument.

It should set name to the value passed as the argument and set monthNumber to the correct value.

• A constructor that accepts the number of the month as an argument.

It should set monthNumber to the value passed as the argument and set name to the correct month name.

• Appropriate set and get functions for the name and monthNumber member variables.

• Prefix and postfix overloaded ++ operator functions that increment monthNumber and set name to the name of next month.

If monthNumber is set to 12 when these functions execute, they should set monthNumber to 1 and name to “January”.

• Prefix and postfix overloaded -- operator functions that decrement monthNumber and set name to the name of previous month.

If monthNumber is set to 1 when these functions execute, they should set nionthNumber to 12 and name to “December”.

Also, you should overload cout’s << operator and cin’s>> operator to work with the Month class.

Demonstrate the class in a program