journal entry

Required journal entry 1 me, a writer
Attitude: Describe your attitude toward completing this course as part of the description, explore how your feelings about being required to take a composition course may affect your performance in accomplishing the course objectives,(1 paragraph, 5 sentence)
Inventor: Explain what you learned about yourself as a writer working though the inventory exercise. discuss two ways you want to improve as a writer an why(1 paragraph, 5 sentence)
Required journal entry 2 Prewriting Brainstorming:
Brainstorm about specific positive and negative effects computer have had on your personal, professional, and academic life. create a one-page list of your ideas. Thesis: Based on your brainstorming, write a one-sentence working thesis statement that focuses on the impact of computer related to a single area of your life personal, professional, or academic) the thesis should be one you could develop into an essay of about one page (250-300), directed to reader of your local newspaper don’t draft the essay in your journal, however you need only your list from brainstorming and your working thesis statement
(see essay in progress 1 page 126 and essay in progress 2 page 198)
Required journal entry 3 Drafting
This entry builds on the brainstorming and thesis you developed for journal entry 2
. Evidence: identify three different types of evidence you could use to develop your working thesis from entry 2 use specific information from your brainstorming list and any other ideas that come to you (length open)
Organization: choose a method of organization for your evidence using that evidence, prepare an outline or simulate a graphic organizer to show your organizational plan for the one-page essay don’t draft the essay in your journal, however(length open)
see essay in progress 3 page 130 and essay in progress 2 page 150.
Required journal entry 4 Revising
This journal entry requires you to review the rough draft of the essay that follows. as you analyze the draft according to each of the areas listed, identify what needs revision for each area explain why and how you would change the draft.( 4 paragraphs,5 sentences each)
Analyze the essay’s
Purpose and audience
Thesis statement, topic sentences, and paragraphs
Rough draft: e-mail vs. letters instead of using e-mail, mail a letter to your grandparents an aunt or uncle, or another role model who’s older than you are. we live in a fast-paces world we use computer to send e-mails and instant message some though don’t live in that time zone forget all the fonts emoticons, and abbreviations like LOL. you point and click but some people want to hold something, unwrap a letter, and smell it a crayoned picture smells and feels special no scanner can do that people’s senses want to be used we live in a physical word, not an invisible one people can touch something that’s mailed. sometimes it’s as if touching the ink or pencil on paper helps them touch the write a picture can be held and used in so many ways. for example I get to see how my grandkids handwriting is changing as they grow I know how they feel just from the way they write the words. A letter gives someone the real thing a letter exists in time and space even if someone e-mails you regularly, the surprise of a mailed letter provides something to cherish rather than to be deleted. of course, they may like getting through the internet a photograph of you on the day of a special event however a printed photograph can be put into a album or used for a bookmark or posted on the refrigerator for regular review. they don’t have to worry about color cartridges or paper because you’ve given them what they need in the mail though they may have a hard time reading your handwriting a letter is a tangible way to remind them that you care enough to take the time and effort to communicate with them and them alone. The convenience and efficiency o computers can’t be matched by regular postal service. however they sometimes bleep and blurp in a frustrating conversation one that older persons can’t always hear or understand one wrong click here and another there can mean mass destruction they may get a paper cut from your letter but even sucking on a finger while reading makes their experience more memorable and satisfying the cut heal; the letter remains alive. To evaluate your essay in progress complete the following exercise essay in progress in progress 1 on page 185 essay in progress 2 on 187 and both essay in progress 3 and 4 on page 188.
Required journal entry 5 public space
Reread Brent staples essay black men and public space on pages 160-162 explore you and individuals around you alter public space include specific example from your life you may wish to describe a situation in which your intentions were misunderstood or when someone made false assumptions about you. another option is to discuss times when you’ve had to change your behavior to accommodate someone else’s needs or expectations (2 paragraph, 5 sentences)
free writer about the way error in grammar, spelling, and punctuation can alter the public space between writer and reader in an essay.(1 paragraph, 5 sentences)
Required journal entry 6: Narration
Outline one specific time when you felt extremely stressed by the pressure to succeed in your studies perform on the job(if applicable), and spend time family and friends as needed prewrite on the topic in your notes file, but don’t submit that work for this journal entry, use the following labels to sketch out the details for your narrative of that time

key actions

key participants

key line of dialogue


Required journal entry 7 description
Think of an experience in which you faced an important text ( either in school, at work, or in a personal situation). As needed, prewrite on the topic in your notes file or notebook, but don’t submit that work.
Sensory details: For this journal entry, list two specific, concrete, original details for each sense describing that particular testing event:




Comparison: Write one fresh, creative comparison for one of your details(one simile or metaphor).
Evaluation: For which of the five sense was it easiest to write sensory details? For which was it most difficult? Why?(1 paragraph, 5 sentences)
See collecting details that describe your subject on page 281 and the first paragraph of finding comparisons and choosing a vantage point on page 282.
Required journal entry 8 Reflections
Attitude: Now that you’ve halfway through your journal assignments, think back to when you first picked up this guide and looked at the list of assignments. Do you remember how you felt? Do you still feel the same way? Describe how your feelings toward English have changed, or what feelings have stayed the same. (1 paragraph, 5 sentences)
Inventory: Think back to those goals you made for yourself in that first reflective journal entry now that you’ve submitted several assignments, do you feel that you’ve made any improvements toward meeting them? If not , what goals do you still have to meet? Are there any new goals that you might now want to make? (1 paragraph, 5 sentences)
Required journal entry 9: Comparison and Contrast
Review Abigail Zuger’s “Defining a Doctor, with a tear a shrug, and a schedule” on page 403-405. Describe an experience you’ve had with a doctor or other medical professionals. (1 paragraph, 5 sentences)
Compare/contrast: List the similarities and the differences of your own experience, showing how they match up with the work of the two doctor described in Zuger’s article. (2 paragraph, 5 sentences)
Required journal entry 10 Classification and division
Review “Generating ideas” on page 421-423 Using either method 1 or method 2, explore the reasons students may be tempted to cheat on one or more assignments in their colleges program. Whichever method you choose, identify the principal of classification or division and devise a set of categories or part in which you list the examples, situations, or other details you would use to describe each category or part. You may simulate a graphic organizer.
Required journal entry 11: Classification and Division
Think about the information you’ve read concerning definition classification and division. How would you define or classify yourself? As you free write consider all your aspects including your roles personality, background, and experiences.
Required journal entry 12: Argument
Analyze: Review the essay by Peter Bergman on pages 534-536 and the essay by David Silverman on pages 537-539. Respond to the two viewpoint using either the compare/contrast or the classify/divide pattern of development. Review Chapters 12 and 13 if necessary. (Open, list)
React: React to this thesis: Reducing multitasking to a minimum reduces the stressful dehumanizing effects of compulsive multitasking. Don’t immediately choose to agree or disagree instead explore in the entry your feelings and beliefs, both agreement and disagreement, until

you reach a point of conversation, showing yourself coming to a place where you strongly agree or disagree. (3 paragraphs, 5 sentences each)
Required journal entry 13: Website Evaluation
First, identify or make up a particular career need you’re faced or might face such as earning a promotion at your current job switching jobs, or entering the job market then reread choosing and evaluating useful sources pages 583-587 and evaluating Internet sources pages 585-586 next examine each of the following two websites:
Argue in favor of the site you believe is most relevant for your career need need and most reliable as you discuss specific reasons to support your thesis, use the terminology and criteria for electronic sources discussed in the textbook. Include with your evidence why the other site isn’t as satisfactory for your purposes. (5 paragraphs, 5 sentences each)
Required journal entry 14: Notes and citations
Reread writing summary notes writing paraphrases, and avoiding plagiarism on pages 611-614 of the textbook. Also review both the MLA and APA formats for citing Internet sources on textbook page 652-655 and 673-674 then go to Scroll to the job search tools section click career advice from the bulleted list. From the list provided, choose any article related to a job search. Actively read and reread that artic several times
summary: summarize the articles .(1 paragraph, 3-5 sentences)
MLA format: write an accurate citation for the article using MLA format.
APA fromat write an accurate citation for the article using APA format.
Required journal entry 15: Courses Reflections
Reflect: Reread what you wrote for journal entry 1: Me, a writer? Compare and contrast your attitude then with your attitude now. Reflect on how knowing who you are as a learner has helped you with the course activities. Reflect on ways you’ve changed as a writer, reader, and /or thinker throughout the course. (3 paragraphs, 5 sentences each)
Evaluate: Evaluate this English composition course. Explain what you found most helpful, least understandable, and/or least helpful. Suggest ways to improve the course so it better accomplishes its objectives for college students. (2 paragraph, 5 sentences each)