1.         Create a query to display the country name and region id of the countries with a region_id greater than 2.
2.         Create a query to display the country name and region id of the countries for one specific country.
3.         Write a query to display your name, and the current date on a single line of output.
4.         Display using the job_history table the EMPLOYEE_ID, JOB_ID, START_DATE, and END_DATE, of every employee who was terminated after 1997.
5.         Write a query using the employees table to determine what salaries would be if the employees were given a 15% raise. Label the column New Salary. Display four columns from the employees table including the salary column.
6.         For each Employee in the job_history table display the employee_id, job_id, department_id and calculate the number of months between the start_date and the end_date. Label the column MONTHS BETWEEN. Round the number of months up to the closest whole number.
7.         Write a query using the jobs table that produces the following output concatenated. , has a minimum salary of, , but a maximum salary that is more than the min_salary. Provide a column alias for each column.
8.         Write a query using the countries table to display the STREET_ADDRESS with the first letter capitalized and all other letters lowercase and the length of the CITY.
9.         Write a query using the countries table to display the country id, and country name for three specific regions without using the ‘or’ operator.
10.       Write a query using the countries table to display the country id, and country name for three specific regions whose country_name ends with an s.
11.       Write a query using the departments table that displays the department number, department name, manager id and location id where the manager id or location id is null.
12.       Create a query that will display the department number, department name and location id. If the department does not have a location id put “No Location is Listed”. Create an alias for the column.
 13.      Write a query using the job_history table to display the employee id, start date, and end date for all employees with an end date of 15 March 1997.
14.       Display the highest, sum, and average actual salary of all employees in the employees table. Label the columns Maximum, Sum and Average “Actual Salary”, respectively. Round your results to the nearest whole number.
15.       Write a query to display the number of job id’s with the same salary.
16.       Write a query that will display the difference between the highest and lowest start_date in the job_history table. Label the column “Highest and Lowest”.
17.       Write a query using the jobs and job_history tables to display the job id , department id, and job title for all employees.
18.       Write a query to display the employee last name, email, phone_number, and start_date of all employees who earn a commission.