A personal narrative from 750 to 1250 words

A personal narrative from 750 to 1250 words. 

The essay should tell a story that represent who I am to my audience . nonfiction stories the essay should create a map that takes the reader from point A to point B to point C and have to use the first person point of view requires that’s mean the frequent use of pronouns I and we is a requirement.

When writing from the first point of view, you are relaying your personal thoughts feeling.

By example not the first day of high school is difficult for everyone 

But my first day of high school is difficult for everyone .

An other Topic so you can make option

Some experience may initially seem trivial and insignificant, but prove in time to be important to your life's journey or to the development of your personality. Present one of these experiences from your life so that it gives the audience a sence of how your life was changed.