A+ Work

Modify an existing class and use the same code from the console to make a WPF Application in C# using
We are extending the vending machine class to support three candy bars. Modifying the public interface to specify what candy bar you want to select and manage the state of how many of those candy bars are left.

You deposit Quarters which are global. Each of the candy bars have a set of quantities available.

Modify the console application to test it out. Can add a for loop to pick out a random bar from the three, make sure as you go through the loop, if you extinguish the candy bars it says, "There is no more candy bars." Or If you add quarters, make sure you add enough quarters. Test the class to make sure it’s behaving correctly.

Once written and tested the class, take the class as is and make it into a WPF application and a write a GUI that simulates a vending machine. GUI is going to the be controls to interact with the vending machine. Anything you do in the form, will call into the class and the class code will have the code to manage the state. GUI reflects what the current state of the vending machine is.

Both VendingMachine.cs files need to be same in each project; Console and WPF