A+ Answers

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For the Love of All Things Water
As a scientist and statistician by day, and a SCUBA instructor and triathlete by night, it is safe to say that I lead an interesting, eventful and goal oriented life. My name is Saskia de Jong and I am a marine biologist. I completed my undergraduate degree in Marine and Tropical Biology at JamesCookUniversity in Townsville, Queensland, Australia. Shortly thereafter I also completed a Masters of Science program in Environmental Science and Statistics while conducting my research on sharks and fisheries biology. At the moment, I am going back to school to study nursing in a post-graduate degree program. In my spare time I work as a SCUBA diving instructor. I love all things aquatic and marine; thus I spend as much time as I possibly can in and around the water. I take great joy in teaching people from all walks of life about both SCUBA diving and the underwater world. In addition to diving, I also spend a fair bit of time in the pool as part of triathlon training. Sports have always been a large part of my life, but it wasn’t until recently that I began to compete in the sport of triathlon. I love spending time outside in the fresh air and the challenge that racing in three different sporting disciplines has to offer in long course triathlon. I was raised to make goals, to accept life’s challenges and to work hard to achieve my dreams. Both on an educational and recreational front, I believe I have been successful on all accounts thus far.
Music for the Soul
There is an old saying that goes as follows: “Bring together two Ukrainians, and you have the beginnings of another choir.” Music is a very large part of the Ukrainian soul and ties together people of the same cultural background from all over the world to their native land in Eastern Europe. The Ukraine was once recognised as the musical heartland of the former Russian Empire. Within my family, traditional music has been passed down from generation to generation for many years. As one of the first groups of Ukrainian immigrants to settle the Canadian Prairies, my ancestors brought with them very little from their homeland outside of their basic possessions and their rich musical history.  To this day, many of my family members, both young and old continue to play authentic Ukrainian folk music on the fiddle, piano, drums, tsymbaly and bandura. The lively, soulful, and sometimes melancholy tunes are recognised by their minor modes which give them a very rich and deep tone, as deep and dark as the culture roots from where they began. As was the case back in the ‘old country,’ community gatherings, village festivals, weddings and family celebrations are a cause for all to break out their instruments and partake in a musical jam session. Music, in the Ukrainian culture, truly does bring everyone together.
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I am an ethnic Asian who migrated from South Korea when I was thirteen years old. Living in Canada has taught and brought me many invaluable lessons, experiences and people: learning to play musical instruments, strengthening my testimony in Christ and building a strong family. I play piano and cello; I love playing classical music. I started learning cello in high school and learning to play cello has enriched my life. Music allows me to feel and express emotions that are difficult to do so by words. I am also a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. I try hard to think and act in accordance with the gospel I learn from my church. Finally, I am a member of my family. My family has learned to trust and love one another as we went through difficult times we had to face as immigrants. I can feel that there is a strong bond among all the members of the family, and we are there to support one another in times of need. Church, family and music are some of things that define who I am now.
Sunday is a special day for me; it is a day I set aside to rest from worldly labour and focus on my spiritual side. As a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, I go to church on Sunday to attend three meetings: sacrament, Sunday school and Relief Society. Most important one is the sacrament meeting. During this meeting, I renew the covenant I have made with God and try to stay focused on feeling the Holy Ghost. During Sunday school and Relief Society, we mostly talk about the gospel. Once the church is done, I try to spend quality time with my family and/or friends. I feel that my family needs to communicate more to stay strong and show love to each other. I find it nice to spend time with my family, no matter what it is that we do together. Sunday is slow-paced and relaxing. It is a day when I can look after people whom I love and take care of my spirituality.
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An East Coast Upbringing:

I was born on the east coast of Canada with fresh Atlantic air in my lungs and a desire for creativity and adventure in my blood. In keeping with my Scottish roots, the tough sport of Rugby caught my attention at a young age, and it would evolve into the backbone of my active and social life. Lifelong friends were made during themed parties, and on long drives to and from neighbouring rugby fields; in fact, I hold those memories near and dear to my heart. The need for adventure took hold of me in my early 20’s; consequently, the decision to pack up my life in Nova Scotia and move to the Wild West turned into the catalyst of my self-discovery and ultimate happiness. Having completed my nursing diploma at the Nova Scotia Community College prior to moving, I was trained and ready to find work, and within a week of arriving in Alberta had landed a nursing job. My passion for nursing began to thrive once I moved to Alberta, for I was exposed to several areas of healthcare I hadn’t yet experienced. These experiences helped develop my nursing skills and shape me into the competent and confident nurse I am today. I enjoy working as part of a team, not only with my fellow nursing co-workers, but also alongside the complete multidisciplinary team. I believe it is important to truly love and enjoy what you do, consequently, making you a more pleasant person to be around. Alberta is my home now, but I will never forget my humble East Coast upbringing, as it has shaped me into the woman I am today.

Apple Blossom Festival:

Nova Scotia is known for its beautiful coastline, green fields, and fishing communities. However, one community in particular, The Annapolis Valley, is known specifically for apple orchards. Yearly, in the middle of Spring, when the apple blossoms begin to bloom, locals gather to celebrate the upcoming apple season. This is known as The Apple Blossom Festival. While the Annapolis Valley is painted with beautiful colors of pink and white from the blooming apple blossoms, it seems natural for locals to begin celebrating. Festivals pop up all over the community. They consist of carnivals, BBQs, back yard parties, fireworks, and the third largest parade in Canada. All this excitement attracts tourists from all over the World, who are greeted with east coast charm and hospitality that keeps them returning year after year. The Apple Blossom festival is not only a time to celebrate the upcoming apple harvest, but an occasion for family and friends to come together in a celebratory manner and enjoy all The Annapolis Valley has to offer. This festival is just another (of many) reasons that make Nova Scotia a top tourist destination in Canada.
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I remember always being an empathetic person. That is what has led me down the path that I have chosen today. I have chosen a career involving helping relationships.  One thing that is most valuable to me is to help people understand their worth and potential. I am a blessed mother of one child.  My son, at 5 years old, is well rounded and a joy.  Considering that I was a rebellious teenager, I ultimately decided to study youth criminal justice.  These studies provided me with the tools to be more effective in helping relationships. After working in my field, I felt that my pursuit of knowledge was not done. My journey is not over. So that brings us to the present, where you and I meet. Today is the first day of my new journey.

My Community, My Family
My own personal community is one which is diverse. I come from Winnipeg, Manitoba. I am from a strong Ukrainian family, who thrived on tradition and the good old days. In my mid-teens, my mother, father, and I moved to Calgary, Alberta. Moving grew my personal circle leaps and bounds. In Winnipeg, we were a tight nit clan. In my experience, your community stays the same from childhood to adulthood, which can be limiting. However, when I moved to Calgary, I no longer had my extended family and had to branch out. Now, my community consists of people from all over the world. Some of my closest friends are from France, Wales, and Guatemala. I feel like my community has become rich with new traditions. We celebrate each other and friendship with gatherings and parties for the kids. We help each out when it is needed. We share cultural customs. We have now developed our own traditions of togetherness. I now have a vast, rich, community to grow with and pass on to generations to come.