A+ Answers

PART A: Select ONE of the following questions to answer in one or two paragraphs, totalling between 20 and 30 sentences. Your answer is worth 30 points.
1. What are four reasons that we forget? What is the difference between proactive and retroactive
interference? What important purpose does forgetting serve? Be sure to include examples.
2. Describe dissociative disorders in general and several specific disorders of this kind by way of illustration. Contrast dissociative disorders with somatoform disorders. briefly explaining
two such disorders.
PART 8: Answer each of the following in three to five sentences. Each answer is worth 5 points.
1. With respect to aging, differentiate disengagement theory and activity theory.
2. In the context of operant conditioning. what is shaping?
3. How was factor analysis used to create Hans Eysenck's trait theory of personality?
4. Briefly, in terms of human behavior. how would you define or explain latent learning?
5. What is the opposite of a background stressor?
6. What kind of drug is Rohypnol, and why is called the "date rape drug"?
7. What is the reticular formation? Where is it located, and why is it important?
8. Discuss memory traces and their role in decay.
Proctored Final Examination
Part A: Answer each of the following questions in a paragraph of 15-20 sentences.
Each answer is worth 20 points.
1. Describe the major approaches to segmenting business-to-customer markets.
2. Explain the different circumstances
under which marketers choose between informative, persuasive, and reminder advertising.
3. Define the concept of price elasticity of demand, and list the factors that influence the
degree of elasticity.
Part B: Answer each of the following items in two or three sentences. Each
response is worth four points.
1. Why might a potential customer prefer to shop using the Internet channel, and what are the marketer's opportunities in meeting the needs of this customer?
2. Describe a public relations marketing strategy that a firm may use to enhance brand
awareness and/or the company's image.

Imagine that you've just been made the marketing manager for a university. Your first task is to assess the university's immediate environment. What questions should you ask?