A+ Work

In Chapter 8, you created a Salesperson class with fields for an ID number and sales values. Now, create an application that allows you to store an array that acts as a database of any number of Salesperson objects up to 20. While the user decides to continue, offer three options: to add a record to the database, to delete a record from the database, or to change a record in the database. Then proceed as follows:
  If the user selects the add option, issue an error message if the database is full. Otherwise, prompt the user for an ID number. If the ID number already exists in the database, issue an error message. Otherwise, prompt the user for a sales value, and add the new record to the database
If the user selects the delete option, issue an error message if the database is empty. Otherwise, prompt the user for an ID number. If the ID number does not exist, issue an error message. Otherwise, do not access the record for any future processing.
 If the user selects the change option, issue an error message if the database is empty. Otherwise, prompt the user for an ID number. If the requested record does not exist, issue an error message. Otherwise, prompt the user for a new sales value, and change the sales value for the record.
After each option executes, display the updated database in ascending order by Salesperson ID number, and prompt the user to select the next action. Save the application as SalespersonDatabase.java.