A+ Work

Design a Windows application and write the code that will execute according to the program requirements in Figure 12-35 and the Use Case definition in Figure 12-36. Before writing the code, create an event planning document for each event in the program. The completed Windows application and other objects in the user interface are shown in Figure 12-37.
Application title:   Multinational Currency Conversion Web    Services Windows Application
Purpose:   This Windows application connects to a Web service to convert the currency of North American countries including the United States, Mexico, and Canada to Asian currencies such as Japanese yen, Chinese yuan, and the South Korean won.
Program Procedure:   In a Windows application, a Web service converts a North American currency to an Asian currency.
Algorithms, Processing, and Conditions:    1. The user first views a Windows application that allows the user to select from the North American countries of United States, Mexico, or Canada. The user enters the amount of currency to be converted.
2. The user selects the Asian country of Japan, China, or South Korea to which to convert their North American currency.
3. The user can click the Convert Currency button to calculate and display the conversion amount.
4. The user can click the Clear button to reset the Form object.
Notes and
Restrictions:      n/a
The name of the calling method is Conversion Rate. Two arguments are passed to the Web
Mexican pesos argument is net. Webservicex .www. Currency.MXN,
and the Canadian dollar argument is net.webservicex.www.Currency.CAD.
The Asian argument for the Japanese yen is represented by the argument net. webservicex. www.Currency.JPY.
Figure 12-36      USE CASE DEFINITION
1. The user selects the North American country where the currency originated.
2. The user enters the amount of currency.
3. The user selects the Asian conversion currency type from a ComboBox object.
4. The user clicks the Convert Currency button to display the conversion amount.
5. The user clicks the Clear button to clear the form.
Figure 12-37