A+ Papers

What one concept learned in this course was the easiest for you to grasp? Why do you think it was easy for you? Which was the hardest? What would have made that hard-to-learn concept easier to learn? Post a 100-200 word response

If your neighbor asked you to explain what you learned in this course, what would you tell her? Post a 100-200 word response
Capstone discussion question part 1 participation requirement:
Describe your own idea of a dream vacation.
Where would you go?
What would you do?
Who would you go with? Capstone Discussion Question Part 2: Sources For Planning Your Dream Vacation

Capston Discussion Question Part 2:
Which websites are best for researching information regarding your destination? What is the difference between researching on the Internet and calling the source for information?
Capstone Discussion Questions
Respond to the capstone discussion questions.
Describe your own idea of a dream vacation. Where would you go? What would you do? Which websites are best for researching information regarding your destination? What is the difference between researching on the Internet and calling the source for information?
Review a classmate’s dream vacation destination and reply to his or her post by recommending another resource he or she might access to find additional information about the destination.
Capstone Discussion Question Part 1 - Describe Your Dream Vacation
Hello Students,
To meet the participation requirement for the Capstone Discussion Question; please respond to both part one and part two of the assignment in the discussion thread.

You must also post to the Capstone Discussion your complete response (part one and two) as a word document. Please let me know if you have any questions. Thank you.

Capstone discussion question part 1 participation requirement:
Describe your own idea of a dream vacation.
Where would you go?
What would you do?
Who would you go with? Capstone Discussion Question Part 2: Sources For Planning Your Dream Vacation
 Hello Students,
To meet the participation requirement for the Capstone Discussion Question; please respond to both part one and part two of the assignment in the discussion thread.

You must also post to the Capstone Discussion your complete response (part one and two) as a word document. Please let me know if you have any questions. Thank you.

Capston Discussion Question Part 2:
Which websites are best for researching information regarding your destination? What is the difference between researching on the Internet and calling the source for information?
Review a classmate’s dream vacation destination and reply to his or her post by recommending another resource he or she might access to find additional information about the destination.

The Plan for a Dream Vacation
Over the past eight weeks, you learned about the different sectors of travel and tourism, and became familiar with the variety of destinations and activities in which travelers may participate. For this assignment, assume the role of a travel agent and plan a dream vacation for your target group.
Resources: Appendix A and Travel and Tourism: An Industry Primer
Write a 1,750- to 2,100-word paper promoting the plans for your target group's dream vacation. Include the following in your paper:
A brief description of your target group:
Motive for travel (See Table 3.1, p. 67.)
Age group (See Table 3.2, p. 69.)
Household income (See Table 3.3, p. 71.)
Lifestyle dimension (See Table 3.4, p.76.)
Psychographics (See Table 3.5, p. 81.)
The dream vacation destination and how it relates to the target group's characteristics, as well as to the elements of Table 15.1, on p. 378 of the text.
Possible challenges with the dream vacation destination:
The government's role--How does the government affect the tourism industry of your destination? Provide both positive and negative effects. Refer to applicable Web sites on p. 476 of the text to help you with your response.
Sustainability issues--Should tourist activities be rationed or limited to help conserve the area? Refer to applicable Web sites on p. 128 of the text to help you with your response.
Societal issues--Are there any challenges with the area's people or culture? Do they welcome tourists? Why or why not? Refer to applicable Web sites on pp. 405-407 of the text to help you with your response.
Describe activities and attractions planned for the trip, which includes the following:
Reason a gaming activity will or will not be included
Reason for choosing the planned activities and attractions
Includes at least one ecotourism activity
Explain the difference between the ecotourism activity and another activity planned
Describe the mode(s) of transportation to the destination and activities, as well as the reasoning for those choices
 Describe the advantages for using a travel agent to plan the trip and determines whether a tour operator or guide is set up for the group
Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.
Post your paper as an attachment.
Click the Assignment Files tab to submit your assignment.

Appendix A
Final Project Overview and Timeline
Final Project Overview
Throughout this course, you will explore the travel and tourism industry, including a history of the industry, its sectors, travel marketing, vacation destinations, sustainability of tourist areas, the government’s role in the industry, ecotourism, and careers within the industry. In the final project for this course, you play the role of a travel agent. As the travel agent for a target group of your choice, research a destination, modes of travel, tourist attractions, and planned activities for the group.
Final Project Timeline
Some assignments in this course help you complete your final project. Budget your time wisely and work on your project throughout the course. To conclude your project successfully, complete all of your course activities and apply the feedback provided by the instructor.
Due in Week Two: Submit the Travel Marketing Brochure assignment. Familiarize yourself with the characteristics of the target group marketed to in your brochure. In the final project, you plan a trip for this group.

Suggested in Week Three: Review the discussions on sustainability issues and the government’s role in travel and tourism. Sustainability, society, and government challenges will be factors in the final project.

Due in Week Four: Submit Lisa’s Ecotourist Trip CheckPoint. This assignment explores ecotourism activities and guidelines. In the final project, you are required to plan an ecotourist activity for your target group.

Due in Week Five: Submit the Travel Transportation CheckPoint. Explore the modes of transportation available in the travel and tourism industry. You will need to plan transportation for your target group in the final project.

Suggested in Week Six: Review the assignments due this week. The attractions and gaming sectors may encompass activities or places you may want to include for your target group.

Due in Week Seven: Submit the Travel Agent and Tour Operators CheckPoint. Explore the duties required of a travel agent and tour operator, and investigate online travel booking. In the final project, you evaluate the opportunities a travel agent can provide with online booking

Due in Week Nine: Submit your final project.

Final Project: The Plan for a Dream Vacation
Students are required to assume the role of a travel agent or tour operator and present a detailed plan for a dream vacation for their selected target group.
Final Project Overview: Throughout this course, you will explore the travel and tourism industry, including a history of the industry, its sectors, travel marketing, vacation destinations, sustainability of tourist areas, the government’s role in the industry, ecotourism, and careers within the industry. In the final project for this course, you play the role of a travel agent. As the travel agent for a target group of your choice, research a destination, modes of travel, tourist attractions, and planned activities for the group.
Resources Required
Appendix A

Written Assignment Grading Form for “The Plan for a Dream Vacation”

Content and Development 
200 Points Points Earned
Additional Comments:
All key elements of the assignment are covered in a substantive way. The student completes the following:
Describes their target group to include the following:
Motive for traveling (See Table 3.1, p. 67)
Age group (See Table 3.2, p. 69)
Household income (See Table 3.3, p. 71)
Lifestyle dimension (See Table 3.4, p. 76)
Psychographics (See Table 3.5, p. 81)
Describes the vacation destination and why it was chosen in relation to the target group and elements of Table 15.1, on p. 378
Describes possible challenges with the vacation destination to include the following:
Government’s role
Sustainability issues
Societal issues
Describes activities and attractions planned for the trip, which includes the following:
Reason a gaming activity will or will not be included
Reason for choosing the planned activities and attractions
Includes at least one ecotourism activity
Explains the difference between the ecotourism activity and another activity planned
Describes the mode(s) of transportation to the destination and activities, as well as the reasoning for those choices
Describes the advantages for using a travel agent to plan the trip and determines whether a tour operator or guide is set up for the group
The paper is 1,750 to 2,100 words in length.
The content is comprehensive, accurate, and persuasive.
The paper develops a central theme or idea directed toward the appropriate audience.
The student assumes the role of a travel agent planning a trip for a specific target group described in the paper.
The paper links theory to relevant examples and uses the vocabulary of the theory correctly.
Major points are stated clearly, are organized logically, and are supported by specific details, examples, or analysis.
The introduction provides sufficient background on the topic and previews major points.
The conclusion is logical, flows from the body of the paper, and reviews the major points.