A+ Work

Design a Windows application and write the code that will execute according to the program requirements in Figure 10-78.  Before designing the user interface, create a Use Case definition.  Before writing the code, create an event planning document for each event in the program.  This program requires the use of an Access database file named kidfriendlystocks.accdb located at scsite.com/vb2010/ch10.  Link for DB→http://ge.tt/3lBHRqM2/v/0   

Application title:                           Kid Friendly Stocks Windows Application
Purpose:                                        This Windows application opens an Access database in a
Windows form with 16 child- centered stock picks from a
 investment portfolio.  The database can be viewed, updated,
 and deleted.  The application also computes the total
 investment made in the portfolio and lists the name of the
 stocks with the selected rating which have been entered into   
 the database.
Program Procedures:                      In a Windows application, the Access database file is opened
                                                        and the user can view, add, and delete records as needed.  The
                                                        total portfolio investment is calculated.

Algorithms,                                  1.  The user first views a Windows application that loads an Processing,                                        existing Access database table that includes the stock                                                         and Conditions:                                 symbol, the name of the stock, the price per share, number
                                                          of shares, and the earning potential rating.  A navigation
                                                          toolbar appear at the top of the Windows form, allowing the
                                                          user to move from record to record.  The Windows form also
                                                          includes a title and graphic image.
                                                      2. The user can click the Add new button on the navigation
                                                          toolbar to add a new stock purchase.  The record is saved
                                                          when the user clicks the Save Data button on the navigation
                                                      3. The user can click the Delete button on the navigation
                                                           toolbar to delete a stock purchase.  The record is
                                                           permanently deleted when the user clicks the Save Data
                                                           button on the navigation toolbar.
                                                      4. The user can select the stock symbol using the list arrow on
                                                          a ComboBox object to move directly to the record needed.
                                          5. The user can click the Compute Total Investment Button
                                             object to compute the total worth of stock owned.
                                                      6. The stock ratings list includes Exceptional, High, Average,
                                                         and Low, and can be selected by the user.  The application
                                                         will display all the stock names in the selected rating in a
                                                         ListBox object.
Notes and Restrictions:                1.The kidfriendlystocks.accdb file is located on the USB drive
                                                         on E: drive. 
                                                     2. Use a Try-Catch statement to catch an exception if the file is
                                                        not available.
Comments:                                  1.The kidfriendlystocks.accdb Access database can be down-
                                                       loaded at scsite.com/vb2010/ch10. 
                                                     2. Use a graphic image you obtain from the Web.