A+ Work

write a console application to meet the following requirements. Create a system for a simple library. The library has a name and a list of books. Each book has a title, author and an int as the id number. Define classes for both the library and the book. The library should have methods for adding a book to the library, to search for a book by title, to display information about all of the books and to delete a book (by title) from the library.

The following conditions apply to the books in the library:

1. Each book’s name is unique. There are no duplicate titles. When adding a book, ensure that the title doesn’t already exist. If it does exist, don’t let the new book be added.

2. There is only one copy of each book in the library.

3. An author may have more than one book in the library.

Complete the code in this incomplete client designed to test the classes and their functionality. You should not change any of the other code in main.

class MainClass


public static void Main (string[] args)


Library lib = new Library ();

lib.AddBook ("C# *****", "Gesick", 4);

lib.AddBook ("java programming", "Roth", 2);

lib.AddBook ("C++ programming", "Franklin", 1);

lib.AddBook ("unity programming", "Preston", 3);

lib.AddBook ("graphics & multimedia", "Chastine", 5);

printMenu ();

string p = Console.ReadLine ();

p = p.ToUpper ();

char pick = p [0];

while (pick!='Q') {

switch (pick) {

case 'A':

//insert code here for adding a book


case 'S':

//insert code here for finding a book and

//printing its details


case 'D':

//insert code here for displaying all of the books in the library break;

case 'R':

//insert code here for removing a book break;


Console.WriteLine ("\nInvalid choice, please re-enter");



printMenu ();

p = Console.ReadLine ();

p = p.ToUpper ();

pick = p [0];


Console.WriteLine ("good bye");


public static void printMenu ()


Console.WriteLine ("\nSelect one of the following:\n\n" +

" A to add a book to the library\n" +

" S to search for a book by title\n" +

" D to display the contents of the library\n" +

" R to remove a book from the library\n" +

" Q to quit this program\n\n");

Console.Write ("enter choice here: ");

