A+ Work

Question 1
Interpret the following output examining group differences for purchase intentions.  The three groups refer to consumers from the states of Illinois, Louisiana and Texas  
  Dependent variable int 2
Source Type III Sum of Squares df
Corrected Model 6681.745R 2
Intercept 308897.012 1
State 6681.746 2
Error 148069.543 143
Total 459697.25 146
Corrected Total 154750.289 145
Question 2

Formulate a statisticla hypothesis appropriate for the conumer group
s purpose then calculate the man average miles per gallon.  Determine the most appropriate statistical test using 0.05 significnance level.   
Response should be approx 50 words in length.
Question 3  
The management of a regional bus line thought the company's  
cost of gas might be correltarted with its psasnger/miles ration.  
Comment please around 50 words  
 Total Gas
year expendiitures passnager/miles
1 56.5 8.37
2 59.4 8.93
3 63 9.15
4 65.6 9.79
5 89 11.2