A+ Work

On completion of Phase 1 of the recipe management system, XYZZY management set up a focus group to evaluate the system. The group found that the current GUI design is confusing and that the insert functionality should be separated from the query functionality. The XYZZY operations manager agreed with this finding and has decided that this separation is to be achieved using the CardLayout class, with switching between cards to be achieved through the use of appropriate buttons. In addition, XYZZY Software has made an internal decision that all projects should henceforth conform to the MVP design pattern. Therefore you will need to refactor the Phase 1 design to conform to this pattern. In this regard, note that each card should have its own presenter. The focus group has also recommended that when a query returns a list of recipes, the recipes should be browsable using previous and next buttons. The group was asked whether browsing should be structured as in XYZZY's Address Book product, with each attribute appearing in its own text field. However, they felt that displaying a complete recipe record as a formatted string in the existing text area was more appropriate.

For this assessment item, you are to modify the design document provided in Assignment 1 so that it satisfies the original requirements 1-7,and the new requirements (Card Layout, MVP conformance, recipe browsing). The new version is to be designated 1.1 and an appropriate entry is to be added to the Revision History table in the design document. The original design document, together with its UML artefacts, is accessible from here:http://wikisend.com/download/117568/Design.zip

You are required to submit the revised design document, together with your UML artefacts, as a zip file. For assessment criteria, refer to the Course Profile. However, note the following

With respect to the design document, assume that you and I are working for the same company. I wrote version 1.0. You now have responsibility for taking that document and turning it into version 1.1. In doing this, reuse as much of the document as you can. Note that in practice, these documents will be under version control and linked to requirements specifications, which will also be under version control. So there is no need to for you to provide a history of the project.

Interfaces are to be included in the class diagram

The sequence diagrams that I provided will need to be modified at the very least to incorporate your presenter object

Conformance to MVP is effectively a non-functional requirement. All you need to do to demonstrate conformance is that your classes map to the 3 layers (M,V and P) and that the interaction between the layers conforms to the MVP model - ie V talks to P and P talks to M. This information can either be implicitly provided by the NetBeans package diagram + the class diagram / sequence diagrams or explicitly by a redrawing of the class diagram with packages/layers superimposed