A+ Work

Month Class
 Design a class named  Month . The class should have the following private members:
 •  name  A  string object that holds the name of a month, such as “January,”
“February,” etc.
 •  monthNumber  An integer variable that holds the number of the month. For exam-
ple, January would be 1, February would be 2, etc. Valid values for this variable are
1 through 12.
 In addition, provide the following member functions:
 •  A default constructor that sets  monthNumber to 1 and  name to “January.”
 •  A constructor that accepts the name of the month as an argument. It should set  name
to the value passed as the argument and set  monthNumber to the correct value.
 •  A constructor that accepts the number of the month as an argument. It should set
 monthNumber to the value passed as the argument and set  name to the correct month
 •  Appropriate set and get functions for the  name and  monthNumber member variables.
 •  Prefix and postfix overloaded ++ operator functions that increment  monthNumber
and set name to the name of next month. If  monthNumber is set to 12 when these
functions execute, they should set  monthNumber to 1 and  name to “January.”
 •  Prefix and postfix overloaded  −− operator functions that decrement  monthNumber
and set  name to the name of previous month. If  monthNumber is set to 1 when these
functions execute, they should set  monthNumber to 12 and  name to “December.”
 Also, you should overload  cout ’s  << operator and  cin ’s  >> operator to work with the

 Month class. Demonstrate the class in a program.