Database Security and Auditing Lab 1

Database Security and Auditing Lab 1
This lab requires MS SQL Server and Oracle.
The requirement of the lab is listed as deliverables. The deliverable is abbreviated as “D” in this manual. 

Deliverable 1-7 can be completed using either Oracle or MS SQL Server.
D1. Create table Product – include SQL script and screen shot in the lab report.
ProductID (primary key)
int, not null
Not null, length 50
int, not null
D2. Add values to table Product - include SQL script in the lab report. If you received errors, explain why and show how you corrected those errors
D3. Update the name of a product whose ID is 299 to "Small Chest" - include SQL script and screen shot of successful execution in the lab report
D4. Select all unique categories from product table. – include SQL script and screenshot of successful execution in the lab report.

D5. Delete all products in category 12 - include SQL script and screenshot of successful execution in the lab report.
D6. Create view Product_Category11 that will include only products from category 11 - include SQL script and screenshot of successful execution in the lab report.
D7. Display all products from Category 11 - include SQL script and screenshot of successful execution in the lab report. 
Deliverable 8 & 9 should be completed using Oracle
D8. ORACLE: Display List of all tables in Database (hint use DBA_TABLES) - include SQL script in the lab report.
D9. Display information about all columns in Customers table. (hint use OE schema and DESC) - - include SQL script in the lab report.
Deliverable 10 & 11 should be completed using MS SQL
D10. Display List of all tables in AdventureWorks database (hint use INFORMATION_SCHEMA system view) - - include SQL script in the lab report.
D11. Display information about all columns in Production.Product table (hint use INFORMATION_SCHEMA system view) - include SQL script in the lab report.