A+ Work

The air pollution level of a city on a given day is a function of the time of day (in hours). As an environmental specialist, you have collected carbon dioxide level readings at different times. An example of one day of readings is:

Time CO2 Time CO2

0:00 58 14:00 78

2:00 51 16:00 86

4:00 47 19:00 82

5:00 51 20:00 86

8:00 55 23:00 65

11:00 67

Write a program to read 20 days of data, find the time at which the maximum occurs, and determine the average time of day at which the maximum occurs. Create a Pollution class with data members co2, h2s, and suspended particles and member functions to read the data and print the result. Have the Pollution class use an Analysis class that has function members maximum() and average()