A+ Work

Systems Improvement
Have you ever found using software to be frustrating? Is the system tedious to use, or does it fail to fully meet the needs of its users? Sometimes such problems can be addressed by changing some aspects of a system, or changing how it is used. For this assignment, you will identify problems and propose improvements to an existing information system.
Identify a system at your workplace or another workplace you know well (i.e. manual inventory system, cash register, tablet, etc...whatever you like)  with which everyone is not completely happy at work. Please support your answers on ideas for improving the system with your knowledge of it.
What is the purpose of the system?
What are the system’s perceived deficiencies?
What changes can you propose to improve perceived deficiencies? 
What data and processes will be affected by these changes? 
What changes in procedures and policies will be required? 
What other systems and hardware resources will be needed to support these changes? 
 What challenges to you anticipate in implementing the changes?  Consider ideas from Adventures of an IT Leader. If possible, incorporate your knowledge of resources and history of projects in your workplace to bring realism to your plans.
What actions do you recommend to overcome these challenges?
Students normally choose the same system for this assignment and the System Replacement assignment.  You are encouraged to read the criteria for that assignment to determine whether you'd like to employ this strategy, and if so, to choose a system that will work for both.

Please label the sections of your response. Be sure to cite work documents and other sources as appropriate.