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Exam: 007525RR - Scientific Methods, Mapping, Satellites, and the Composition

1. Which statement best describes an igneous intrusion?

A. Magma is injected into surrounding rock forming an igneous intrusion.

B. Igneous intrusions form when ice crystals splash into lava.

C. Magma is exported to an open area and forms iron.

D. Magma explodes to the surface and forms a smooth outer layer of rock.

2. Which of the following is not a characteristic that geologists use to identify minerals?

A. Streak

B. Color

C. Fracture

D. Softness

3. The five major areas of the study of Earth science are

A. astronomy, meteorology, geology, oceanography, and optometry.

B. biology, physical science, chemistry, physics, and optometry.

C. astronomy, meteorology, geology, oceanography, and environmental science.

D. chemistry, geology, oceanography, optometry, and philosophy.

4. Which of the following is an example of a homogeneous mixture?

A. Copper

B. Sand

C. Zinc

D. Bronze

5. What are the two most common minerals located in Earth's crust?

A. Feldspar and quartz

B. Diamonds and gold

C. Iron and copper

D. Salt and saline

6. Which statement best describes the formation of diamonds?

A. Diamonds form in talc under very high pressure.

B. Diamonds form in talc under very low pressure.

C. Diamonds form in kimberlites under very high pressure.

D. Diamonds form in kimberlites under very low pressure.

7. Cartography is the science of

A. cartoon graphics.

B. the solar system.

C. the prime meridian.

D. mapmaking.

8. What measurement best describes the results of a scientific experiment regarding volume?

A. 2 pints

B. 5 quarts

C. 125 gallons

D. 1425 mL

9. Which of the following is not an example of a mineral crystal shape?

A. Pyrite

B. Quartz

C. Calcite

D. Kryptonite

10. The study of the weather is known as

A. hydrology.

B. microbiology.

C. meteorology.

D. geology.

11. As magma cools and crystalizes, minerals form in predictable patterns in a process known as

A. Bowen's reaction series.

B. fractional crystallization.

C. partial melting.

D. intrusion.

12. How are igneous rocks formed?

A. Hail falls and melts.

B. Lava or magma cools and then crystallizes.

C. Lava or magma heats up and crystallizes.

D. Glaciers melt.

13. What element has 81 protons in the nuclei of its atoms?

A. Lead

B. Platinum

C. Thallium

D. Uranium

14. The four main systems of the Earth are

A. geosphere, atmosphere, hydrosphere, and biosphere.

B. aromatherapy, biology, chemistry, and physical properties.

C. geosphere, atmosphere, hydrosphere, and aerosphere.

D. geology, meteorology, oceanography, and chemistry.

15. Which statement best describes the composition of magma?

A. Magma contains only three elements.

B. Magma contains the same elements as snow.

C. Magma contains the same elements as Earth's crust.

D. Magma is an element all its own.

16. Earth is divided into 24

A. coordinates.

B. time zones.

C. degrees.

D. equators.

17. A heterogeneous mixture is a

A. mixture in which its components can't be separated.

B. component added to sand that makes it inseparable.

C. mixture in which its components retain their identity.

D. mixture that always contains water.

18. A testable explanation that's supported or refuted is called a/an

A. variability.

B. experiment.

C. hypothesis.

D. reaction.

19. The combination of the atoms of two or more elements is known as a/an

A. compound.

B. acid.

C. base.

D. elixir.

20. What type of map is best suited for maritime navigation?

A. Topographic

End of exam

B. Geologic

C. Conic projection

D. Mercator projection

Exam: 007526RR - Surface Processes on Earth

1. Which of the following best describes deflation as it relates to Earth science?
A. An avalanche caused by skiers
B. High tides caused by full moons
C. Beach erosion caused by high tides
D. The lowering of land surface caused by wind

2. The vertical sequence of the layers of soil is called a soil
A. dynasty.
B. family.
C. profile.
D. horizon.

3. A stream channel is formed when water
A. carves a very deep and wide channel into rock.
B. carves a narrow path into rock.
C. carries minerals into the ocean.
D. creates a depression, which forms a lake.

4. A tributary is a river that
A. is located in California.
B. flows into another river or stream.
C. has a bank of less than 22 feet.
D. is in the southeastern United States.

5. The water table is the
A. zone of aeration.
B. aquifer.
C. lower boundary of the zone of saturation.
D. upper boundary of the zone of saturation.

6. Which of the following statements best describes chemical weathering?
A. It's the type of weathering in which rocks and minerals break down into smaller pieces.
B. It happens only in cool environments.
C. It always results in dome-shaped formations.
D. It's the process by which rocks and minerals undergo changes in their composition.

7. How many chemical reactions are possible regarding the formation of carbonic acid and the dissolving of
A. 23
B. 10
C. 2
D. 3

8. What term is used to describe the process by which agents are carried from one place to another because
of erosion?
A. Disposition
B. Transplantation
C. Deposition
D. Reposition

9. What latitudes are most likely to see glaciers?
A. 90° N and 90° S
B. 45° N and 45° S
C. 10° N and 10° S
D. 30° N and 30° S

10. Infiltration is the process by which rainwater becomes
A. ocean water.
B. saltwater.
C. groundwater.
D. river water.

11. Due to human demand because of its importance to life, the Earth's most precious resource is
A. freshwater.
B. saltwater.
C. soil.
D. oil.

12. Which sentence best describes mass movement?
A. The movement of people from New Jersey to Ohio
B. The downhill movement of animals due to heavy snow in their normal home
C. The downhill flow of soil and rock resulting from gravity
D. The steady pace of air bouncing off a mountain

13. Which of the following is not a means of water erosion?
A. Ocean waves
B. Rivers
C. Natural springs
D. Streams

14. Which of the following is not a type of mass movement that results from the force of gravity?
A. Creep
B. Deflation
C. Landslide
D. Mudflow

15. Which of the following is not a process of a stream load?
A. Bed Load
B. Divide
C. Materials in solution
D. Suspension

16. The most easily polluted groundwater reservoirs are
A. artesian wells.
B. sewage plant reservoirs.
C. water-table aquifers.
D. salt reservoirs.

17. A glacier that covers a wide area is called a _______ glacier.
A. valley
B. cirque
C. continental
D. moraline

18. A meander is best described as a
A. bend or curve in a stream channel.
B. straight streamline into a lake.
C. pond located streamside.
D. depression for swimming.

19. Which gas is a source of natural groundwater pollution?
A. Oxygen
B. Hydrogen
C. Carbon
D. Radon

20. The water cycle is also referred to as the _______ cycle.
A. hydrogen
B. watershed
C. oxygen
D. hydrologic