A+ Work

Spring 2014 Assignment #12
Homework assignments must be individual’s original work. Discussion without taking notes will be fine, but collaborations will not be tolerated. Dishonesty will result in an automatic F grade and a formal charge of Academic Dishonesty will be reported.
Each member of Glasgow Health Club must pay monthly dues that consist of a basic fee and one or more optional charges. The basic monthly fee for a single membership is $50; for family membership, it is $90.If the member has single membership; the additional monthly charges are $30 for tennis, $25 for golf, and $20 for racquetball. If the member has family membership; the additional monthly charges are $50 for tennis, $35 for golf, and $30 for racquetball.
In this assignment, you are required to complete the given incomplete application which displays the member’s basic fee, additional charges, and monthly dues. The application contains a class called Dues (Dues.vb).The name of the solution, project, and form file are Glasgow Health Solution, Glasgow Health Project, and Main Form.vb, respectively.
The interface of this application is shown as follows:

The application includes following Function and Sub Procedures.
Function/Sub procedure
Define exitButton click event.
Clear the content of the Labels.
Calculates the monthly dues, which include a basic fee and optional charges.

Complete the following parts in the given application. Questions 1 to 6 are in Dues.vb file and Questions 7, 8 are in Main Form.vb file.
Fill the given two blanks so that the statement defines a class called Dues. (4 points)

Complete the Basic() Property procedure which uses to retrieve and set _basic Property's value. (5 points)

Complete the Additional() Property procedure which uses to retrieve and set _additional Property's value. (5 points)

Write code to directly initialize the _basic and _additional variables to zero within the default constructor. (6 points)

Write code to indirectly initialize the _basic and _additional variables to b and a respectively within the parameterized constructor. (10 points)
Note: Use Public properties Basic and Additional.

Complete the GetDues() Function procedure which returns the summation of _basic and _additional variable values. (10 points)

Fill the statement so that it instantiate an object of class Dues called memberDues.   (4 points)

Fill the statements so that they call the Basic Property procedure in Dues class to set the value of _basic to the value of SingleBasic/ FamilyBasic variable according to the conditions. (6 points)

Submit one Zip file.

Zip file:
Using a zip program such as WinZip, you should make a single zip file that contains all the sub-folders and files for your completed VB project that you have created for your programming assignment.

Once your project folder has been zipped into a single zip file, you should rename this zip file by using the prefix "Prog", the assignment number, an underscore and your ISU Net ID (Not ISU Card ID). For example, the zip file for assignment #12 for a student of which ISU ID is isu123 would be Pro12_isu123.zip.