A+ Work

CSCI192         Programming Assignment 3
This question has two parts (a) and (b):
Develop a program to read in five exam-scores (in the range of 0-100) of a student in HIST220 class.
(a) You program should compute and store in memory the student average and the corresponding letter grade (A = 90%, B = 80%, C = 70%, D = 60%, F = 0%). Display the average and the letter-grade on the screen with appropriate labels.
(b) The instructor has decided to drop the lowest of the five scores. You program should compute and store in memory the student average and the corresponding letter grade based on the best (top) four exam-scores. Display the new average and the new letter-grade on the screen with appropriate labels.
Come up with a hypothesis for this problem and email it to the instructor within 24 hours.
Please draw a flowchart first then translate it into a Java program.
Please include program description at the top of the program explaining everything (what the program does, what is the input, what is the output, what type of computation is done, what are the grading scales, does the input come from a file or from the keyboard, does the output go to a file or to the screen and so on.
Turn in a copy of the source code (using File, Print options), input/output of the program (screen shots), and the flowchart. Please do not use screen shot for printing the Java code.
Use the following data sets as input. Remember that for each of the five scores your program is to output two sets of average and letter-grade (one before dropping the lowest score and one after):
90        90        80        90        90
100      88        87        93        90
80        80        80        80        72
77        77        77        66        77
70        68        66        64        62
80        0          0          60        70

Please direct your questions to the instructor.
Upload your work to Blackboard.