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Exam: 050138RR - Lesson 4: Renaissance and Baroque Art

1. One of the primary consequences of the Council of Trent in art and architecture was that
A. Protestant art became more realistic.
B. Catholic art became increasingly two-dimensional.
C. Roman Catholic art concerned itself more with the spectator's emotions.
D. The Catholic church strengthened its position as an art censor.

2. What was Vigée-Lebrun best known for?
A. Prints
B. Portraits
C. Landscapes
D. Sculpture

3. Bernini's David, unlike Michelangelo's, shows David
A. in motion.
B. after he has killed Goliath.
C. as a young man.
D. at rest.

4. In which of the following paintings has the artist included a portrait of himself?
A. Rembrandt's Sortie of Captain Banning Cocq's Company of the Civic Guard
B. Tintoretto's The Last Supper
C. Velázquez' Las Meninas
D. El Greco's Purification of the Temple

5. Which artistic value is least apparent in Mannerist paintings?
A. Moral message
B. Meaningful distortion
C. Refined style
D. Elegance

6. Giotto's Lamentation in the Arena Chapel in Padua is remarkable primarily because
A. it's one of the first religious oil paintings with real human figures.
B. of the colors used to convey allegorical meaning.
C. the characters in the painting are presented as individuals.
D. Giotto painted it in one sitting and made no revisions to the completed work.

7. The _______ style, typical of Caravaggio, featured strong contrasts in light and dark, with darkness
being the dominant feature.
A. accession
B. gouache
C. tenebroso
D. monochromatic

8. Which one of the following was the ruler of Florence who arranged for Michelangelo to study sculpture
in the private academy on the grounds of his palace?
A. Geiorgio Vasari
B. Lorenzo de' Medici
C. Pope Julius II
D. Andrea Palladio

9. Which of the following statements is the best definition of a triptych?
A. A painting on three panels
B. A painting with a figure triangle
C. A representation of the Stations of the Cross
D. A carving of the Holy Trinity

10. Which of the following subjects would lend itself to the use of the tenebroso manner of painting?
A. A boating scene on a bright summer day
B. A secret meeting between two conspirators
C. A little girl on a swing in the sun
D. A flower garden in full bloom

11. Which of the following descriptions best characterizes impasto?
A. Pigment and water painted directly onto wet plaster
B. Pigments mixed with egg yolk rather than oil
C. Thick layers of paint built up on a canvas
D. Designs using tiles of stone, ceramic, or glass

12. One of the most significant achievements of Albrecht Dürer was to
A. write treatises on painting, perspective, and human proportions.
B. sketch from nature, studying its most delicate details.
C. travel to Italy to study the great works of the Italian Renaissance.
D. make the print a fine art form.

13. Which one of the following artists discovered the mathematical rules of perspective?
A. Donatello
B. Brunelleschi
C. Rembrandt
D. Michelangelo

14. Pope Julius II originally commissioned Michelangelo to
A. sculpt his tomb.
B. sculpt the Pietà.
C. paint the Sistine Chapel.
D. sculpt the statue of David.

15. Which of the following works of art did Michelangelo complete first?
A. Tomb of Pope Julius II
B. The Creation of Adam
C. Pietà
D. David

16. The fact that the figures in Leonardo da Vinci's The Virgin of the Rocks are arranged in a figure
triangle gives the painting
A. immediate viewer appeal.
B. a strong sense of immediacy.
C. structural strength.
D. clear market value.

17. In the name of what Protestant movement were many of Hans Holbein's religious paintings destroyed?
A. Agnosticism
B. Monotheism
C. Iconoclasm
D. Papism

18. The Villa Rotunda has been a model for architects in every century since it was built in the 1500s. This
building was designed by
A. Palladio.
B. Raphael.
C. Michelangelo.
D. da Vinci.

19. In religious works of art, the Holy Ghost is often represented symbolically as a/an
A. angel.
B. unicorn.
C. star.
D. dove.

20. Which one of the following artists sculpted a statue of David?
A. Donatello
B. Lorenzo Ghiberti
C. Raphael
D. Andrea Palladio

Exam: 050137RR - Lesson 3: Ancient, Classical, and Medieval Art
1. What is the basic shape of a Christian church of the Middle Ages?
A. Pentagon
B. Latin cross
C. Quatrefoil
D. Rhombus

2. What is the opening in the ceiling of the Pantheon called?
A. Orifice
B. Oculus
C. Rotunda
D. Olho

3. Roman paintings in stone that have best stood the test of time are
A. mosaics.
B. oculus.
C. frescoes.
D. sosus.

4. Which of the following architectural features is not typically Gothic?
A. Pointed arch
B. Massive rotunda
C. Flying buttress
D. Ribbed vault

5. Who said, "The unexamined life is not worth living?"
A. Homer
B. Siddhartha Gautama
C. Plato
D. Socrates

6. A _______-style church was built by all the townspeople.
A. Classical
B. Hellenistic
C. Byzantine
D. Gothic

7. Mosaics are made of
A. tiny pieces of colored stone or tiles.
B. shells and colored sea glass.
C. panels of color.
D. columns of light.

8. As agriculture replaced hunting and gathering, _______ began to develop.
A. monarchies
B. civilization
C. countries
D. empires

9. If you were a citizen in ancient Rome and you decided to worship in the Pantheon, you would do so
because you were interested in worshipping
A. all of the Roman deities.
B. the most powerful Roman gods and goddesses.
C. Athena and Poseidon.
D. Apollodorus, Nike of Samothrace, and Discobolos.

10. A fertility goddess is called _______ in Indian art.
A. Isis
B. Ishtar
C. Astarte
D. Yakshi

11. A unique architectural feature of the Hagia Sophia is its
A. minaret.
B. mihrab.
C. trumeau.
D. transept.

12. Which of the following warrior tribes did not settle in England following the fall of the Roman Empire?
A. Franks
B. Jutes
C. Angles
D. Saxons

13. For several hundred years following the end of the first millennium, many Christians believed that the
world was coming to an end. A consequence of that belief are the many artworks from the period that are
illustrations of the
A. day of judgment.
B. creation of Adam.
C. Last Supper.
D. expulsion from the Garden of Eden.

14. The _______ is the central pillar of the main doorway of a Romanesque church.
A. stupa
B. Doric column
C. trumeau
D. mosaic

15. A pointed arch, ribbed vaults, exterior buttresses, and stained glass describe _______ architecture.
A. Classical
B. Romanesque
C. Gothic
D. Byzantine

16. What is a Buddhist stupa?
A. A monastic community
B. A place for healing
C. The tomb of a religious leader
D. A place of worship

17. In 313 A.D., Constantine the Great caused a significant change to be made in the daily life of many
Romans. In that year, he declared that
A. gladiatorial games would be reinstated.
B. travel was possible anywhere within the Empire.
C. Christianity was legal.
D. aristocratic privileges would be abolished.

18. Which of the following religious groups was the focus of attacks by European Christians during the
A. Muslims
B. Jews
C. Catholics
D. Buddhists

19. Queen Nefertiti symbolized
A. aloofness.
B. fertility.
C. feminine beauty.
D. power.

20. The statue known as Augustus of Prima Porta is posed so that it calls to mind the Greek model of
A. Nike of Samothrace.
B. Discobolos.
C. Aphrodite of Melos.
D. the Spear Carrier.

Exam: 050136RR - Lesson 2: The Artist's Materials and Tools

1. When was acrylic paint first used?
A. 1700s
B. 1950s
C. 1850s
D. 1300s

2. Which of the following sequences of architectural features is in the correct chronological order of development?
A. Pointed arch, steel frame construction, frame construction
B. Pointed arch, barrel vault, cast-iron construction
C. Frame construction, barrel vault, groin vault
D. Post and lintel construction, groin vault, pointed arch

3. Stiff, thick paint that reveals brushstrokes is called
A. gouache.
B. glaze.
C. tempera.
D. impasto.

4. Like the decorative arts and design, architecture is meant to be useful. Like sculpture, architecture
A. must be seen from multiple perspectives to be appreciated.
B. is usually thought to be as "pure" as painting.
C. is most successful when it's two dimensional.
D. is generally thought to be less "pure" than the decorative arts.

5. Which of the following artists was not involved in the creation of Saint Peter's Basilica and the Vatican?
A. Carlo Maderno
B. Giacomo della Porta
C. Leonardo da Vinci
D. Michelangelo

6. It wouldn't have been possible to build a building such as London's Crystal Palace in the eighteenth
century because
A. iron hadn't yet been developed as a building material.
B. advanced structural construction methods were unknown.
C. appropriate glass-making techniques were not yet known.
D. innovative building techniques weren't encouraged before 1850.

7. Sanguine is another name for
A. pen and ink.
B. quills.
C. watercolor.
D. red chalk.

8. Wood engravings such as those created by Gustave Doré for Samuel Coleridge's The Rime of the
Ancient Mariner are good examples of
A. lithographs.
B. intaglio prints.
C. relief prints.
D. etchings.

9. In which of the following buildings are there no arches?
A. The entrances to the Colosseum in Rome
B. Taos Pueblo
C. Amiens Cathedral
D. Nave of Sainte-Madeleine

10. The interiors of Victor Horta are examples of
A. the Rococo period.
B. Art Nouveau.
C. eighteenth-century design techniques.
D. twentieth-century decorative skills.

11. Which of the following is not a concern of the Tibetan monks from the Drepung Loseling Monastery
who, during an eight-day empowerment ritual, create a sand mandala?
A. The use to which the finished work is put
B. The process of artistic creation
C. The preservation of the completed work
D. The pattern of the mandala

12. The most preferred surface in lithography is
A. granite.
B. limestone.
C. marble.
D. lead.

13. Pigment mixed with egg yolks is called
A. impasto.
B. tempera.
C. glaze.
D. fresco.

14. Modeling a flexible material like clay is a/an _______ type of sculptural method.
A. casting
B. subtractive
C. lost wax
D. additive

15. Modern Chinese and Japanese artists model the centuries-old brush techniques after those of
A. Zhan Wang.
B. Maya Ying Lin.
C. Daguerre.
D. Wu Chen.

16. The Eiffel Tower was designed by Gustave Eiffel, who was a/an
A. architect.
B. bridge builder.
C. mechanical engineer.
D. sculptor.

17. Six Pillows, a drawing by Albrecht Durer, was created using
A. charcoal.
B. quills.
C. crayons.
D. Conté crayon.

18. If you were to spend a week in Athens visiting the major architectural achievements of the ancient
Greeks, which type of column would you see the least number of during your stay there?
A. Doric
B. Capital
C. Ionic
D. Corinthian

19. The photograph made by the artist _______ are considered obscene by some.
A. Richard Mapplethorpe
B. Timothy O'Sullivan
C. Edward Weston
D. Dorothea Lange

20. Ceremonial knives with which Peruvians often buried their dead are called
A. tusche.
B. forged.
C. tumi.

D. trumeau.