A+ Answers

1. Workers internalize norms and values of the police culture through a process called

A. professionalism.

B. socialization.

C. professionalization.

D. legalistic absorption.

2. The decision to make an arrest may often depend on the

A. level of offense.

B. demeanor of the suspect.

C. age of the suspect.

D. Agency General Orders.

3. Using alternatives to taking reports, such as mail-in reports, is an example of _______ response.

A. differential police

B. open reporting

C. delayed police

D. directed police

4. Classical organizational theory was advanced by

A. Robert Merton.

B. Herbert Engle.

C. Karl Marx.

D. Max Weber.

5. The authority granted by Terry v. Ohio has been used to support

A. stop-and-frisk.

B. arrest based on reasonable suspicion.

C. temporary arrest.

D. specific detention.

6. One-officer patrol units have _______ when compared to two-officer units.

A. more complaints

B. greater resistance to arrests

C. more concerns regarding officer safety

D. better performance in terms of arrests, complaints, reports filed

7. Procedural guidelines limit

A. management levels.

B. officer discretion.

C. training options.

D. specialization.

8. The majority of police services or operational activities result from which unit(s)?

A. Traffic

B. Patrol, criminal investigation, and traffic

C. Criminal investigation

D. Patrol

9. Decisions about allocation of officers in an agency are generally made

A. by middle level management.

B. by the chief administration officer.

C. by first line management.

D. after workload analysis.

10. The move from foot patrols to automobile patrols began in the

A. 1940s.

B. 1950s.

C. 1930s.

D. 1960s.

11. Vice laws are designed to

A. control morality.

B. prevent juvenile crime.

C. keep drugs off the street.

D. eliminate domestic abuse.

12. During the last few decades, highly organized and militaristically armed units called _______ have

become popular in the United States.

A. collective forces

B. urban street fighters

C. enforcerment squads

D. paramilitary units

13. When officers perform an undercover operation, they need to be careful of which of the following


A. Entrapment

B. Hate crime

C. Discrimination

D. Human trafficking

14. Studies show that when serious crimes are discovered, citizens call the police

A. after thinking about the situation for at least an hour.

B. after waiting five minutes.

C. immediately.

D. before calling anyone else.

15. Detectives are assigned to one of three types of cases that include all of the following except

A. whodunits.

B. where-are-theys.

C. walk-throughs.

D. modus operandi.

16. Which term is used to refer to how a police agency is structured?

A. Specialization

B. Administration

C. Organization

D. Management

17. Brent and Jin Lee are discussing control mechanisms for police departments. Brent says that internal

control mechanisms are meant to establish policies and guidelines to control officers' behavior. Jin Lee says that they’re meant to establish control from a review board or legislative court. Who is correct?

A. Only Brent is correct.

B. Only Jin Lee is correct.

C. Neither is correct.

D. Both are correct.

18. One basic objective of foot patrol is to

A. take advantage of rough terrain for crime prevention.

B. eliminate apathy about reporting crime to the police.

C. increase the number of misdemeanor arrests.

D. make greater use of patrol officers available for crime prevention tasks.

19. Arlo and Sam are discussing the investigation process. Arlo says that during the preliminary

investigation, the patrol officers search for the suspect(s) and cordon off the crime scene. Sam says that

during the preliminary investigation, the investigation is turned over to detectives. Who is correct?

A. Neither is correct.

B. Both are correct.

C. Only Sam is correct.

End of exam

D. Only Arlo is correct.

20. The type of planning where sergeants and lieutenants put strategies into action is called _______


A. operational

B. vertical

C. strategic

D. management