This assignment is the beginning of a larger project

This assignment is the beginning of a larger project. For this first phase of the essay paper, you will research the CSU Online Library for peer-reviewed journal articles that address and support your position on the provided essay topic. You will need to read the entire scenario and questions (listed below) to better choose your peer reviewed articles. You must include a paragraph synopsis of each article in APA style.

The annotated bibliography must be at least two pages in length and contain a minimum of five peer-reviewed journal articles. All sources used must be referenced. Paraphrased and/or quoted materials must have accompanying citations in APA style.

Scope of the major project for this course

 Unit II: Create a two-page annotated bibliography.·

 Unit IV: Write a two-page outline for your essay paper.·

 Unit V: Submit a three- to five-page draft of your essay paper.·

 Unit VII: Submit your 10-page final essay·