Create a C++ project

1) Create a C++ project.

2) Declare the following identifiers using appropriate data types.

3) Input the given values for each by prompting the user with an appropriate prompt.

4) Submit as instructed the Video submission.

studentFirstName = "Jimmy";

studLastName = "Derakhshandeh";

School_Name = "HCCS";

Soc_Sec_Number = "123456789";

AmountOwed = 1.10F;

roomSize = 12.5;

moreData = true;

pointsScored = 10;

numberOfCourse = 4;

courseSel = "COSC_1436_Prg_Fund_I";

taxAmount = 100.20;

ZipCode = "77009";

homeRuns = 54;

exam4 = 100;

gender = 'M';

grade = 'A';

age = 19;

departureTime = "10:20AM";

count_Of_Values = 10;

streetAddress = "1010_Elm_Street";

courseName = "Intro_to_C++";

bookTitle = "Prog_with_C++";