CSC139 Chapter 6 Lab Assignments

CSC139 Chapter 6 Lab Assignments


In this lab assignment, students will learn:
- How to define methods and functions
- How to call methods or functions
- How to specify parameters and how to pass arguments by value


In this lab assignment, students will demonstrate the abilities to:
- Define methods and functions
- Call methods or functions
- Specify parameters and pass arguments by value


- Design and create a GUI (20 pts)
- Create correct event handler methods (30 pts)
- Define and call methods or functions correctly (30 pts)
- The program can be compiled and executed without error (20 pts)
     In this lab assignment, you will create a “Gas Pump” application. A gas pump calculates the cost of gas based on the grade of gas. The station charges
$2.69 per gallon for Regular grade gas
$2.79 per gallon for Special grade gas
$2.89 per gallon for Super grade gas

Create a windows form application that simulates the functionality of the gas pump.

The user enters the number of gallons to purchase in a TextBox.

Click the desired grade button (each grade is represented by a Button whose Text properties are set to Regular, Special and Super).

The total cost will be calculated and displayed on the form.

In each Button’s Click event handler methods –

Read user’s input from TextBox.
Call a function to calculate total cost by passing number of gallons and grade of gas. The grade of gas can be retrieved from the Text property of each Button.
Display the total cost on the form.
Define a function to calculate total cost. This function
Requests the values of number of gallons and grade of gas (“Regular”, “Special” or “Super”).
Calculates total cost.
Returns the total cost.