Instance data and methods belong to objects

Part 1 Instance data and methods belong to objects (which are class members) and static data and methods belong to a class as a whole. Consider the real-life class named StatelnTheUnitedStates. Name some real-life attributes of this class that are static and instance. Create another example of a real-life class and discuss what its static and instance members might be. Justify your answers using examples and reasoning.

Follow APA guidelines for writing style, spelling and grammar, and citation of sources. Part2 An application contains the following Structure statement: Structure MyFriend Public strLast As String Public strFirst As String End Structure 1. Write a Dim statement that declares a MyFriend variable named school. 2. Write an assignment statement that assigns the value in the txtFirst control to the strFirst member. 3. Write an assignment statement that assigns the value in the txtLast control to the strLast member. 4. Write an assignment statement that assigns the value in the strLast member to the lblLast control. 5. Write an assignment statement that assigns the value in the strFirst member to the lblFirst control. Justify your answers using examples and reasoning.Follow APA guidelines for writing style, spelling and grammar, and citation of sources.