SIOP Lesson Plan Template 1

Grade/Class/Subject: 3rd Grade ORIGINAL LESSON
PO 1.  Recognize that there were issues (e.g., slavery, states’ rights, South seceded from the Union) associated with the Civil War.
PO 2.  Discuss contributions of people (e.g., Abraham Lincoln, Jefferson Davis, Robert E. Lee, Ulysses S. Grant, Harriet Tubman, Sojourner Truth, Frederick Douglass) during the Civil War era.
Content Objective(s): Students will learn how different America was prior to the Civil War when comparing the cultures and economies of the Northern and Southern states. Students will be able to summarize the main points of the different political actions that led to the Civil War and that affected its outcome. Students will gain knowledge on the leading causes of the Civil War from both perspectives. Students will form a personal opinion on what they learned about the Civil War.

Language Objective(s): Students will be able to improve their reading comprehension and writing skills by participating in different activities that will provide them with background on historical events that affected the country. Students will also improve their oral communication skills by exchanging ideas during class discussions. 

Paper/ pencils/ journals/ assessment sheets/ Comparing Cultures and
Economies Chart/ Disunion Information Cards / Assessment sheets.
Reading material:
A Brief Overview of the American Civil War
Divide the cards containing the events leading to war and the selected events that affected the war outcome in groups for the class to work on them and explaining them to the class. Disunion Information Cards Located in
Each group will present two of the events to the class in chronological order by this is understood they should work cooperatively to provide a list of the order of the presentation for each group. They can use any of the provided material such as visual aids to explain the class those concepts while answering questions from the class.

Ask the class if they consider that there was something else to do to avoid the war. 
Also, ask the class to reflect why the north and the south were so different and if those differences still prevail between the Northern and Southern states
Complete assessment individually writes five sentences on the causes of the civil war.    

Write a paragraph about what is the most important concept that they have learned about the Civil War.

(Reproduction of this material is restricted to use with Echevarria, Vogt, and Short, 2008. Making Content Comprehensible for English Learners: The SIOP® Model.)

Students will teach a lesson plan and use feedback from the mentor teacher to make revisions. The revised lesson plan and accompanying essay are due as part of the Benchmark Assignment. 1)

Finalize the benchmark assignment according to the instructions and criteria in "ECH 640 Instructional Teaching Methodologies: Language, Math, Science, Social Studies, and the Arts Benchmark Assessment and Rubric." 2) Additionally, submit the assignment in TaskStream. Directions for submitting to TaskStream can be found on the College of Education's page in the Student Success Center. General Practicum Information • Students should fill out the Practicum Placement Form and Observation and Activity Log located in the Practicum/Field Experience Manual. Complete the forms with the names of the schools and grade levels where the practicum/field experience(s) took place and document the hours spent in the classroom(s). Submit the forms to the course instructor along with your Benchmark Assessment. • Spend 10 hours in two classrooms (20 total hours). Let your mentors know that you are working on developing lesson plans that demonstrate best practices in developing a healthy, supportive environment for learning in the 5 disciplines covered in this course. Throughout the practicum/field experience, observe and interview your mentors as to these best practices. One observation must be in Birth-PK environment and one placement must be in a Title 1 school that includes K-3. •

Recommended schedule / required assignment: o Practicum and Application #1: By Module 3, complete 4 hours in a Title 1 (K-3) classroom and submit the associated assignment. o Practicum and Application #2: Language: By Module 4, complete 3 hours in a Birth-PK classroom and submit the associated assignment. o Practicum and Application #3: Math/Science: By Module 5, complete 3 hours in a Title 1 (K-3) classroom and submit the associated assignment. o Practicum and Application #4: Social Studies: By Module 6, complete 3 hours in a Title 1 (K-3) classroom and submit the associated assignment. o Benchmark Assessment: In Module 6, complete 5 hours in your chosen Birth-PK or K-3 classroom, teach the chosen content area lesson, videotape it, and reflect on it with the mentor teacher. o Practicum and Application #5: Music/Creative Arts: By Module 7, complete 2 hours in a Birth-PK classroom and submit the associated assignment. Benchmark Assessment Individual: Let’s Plan a Lesson! Planning for the Early Childhood Experience 1) Based

on your experience of teaching the content area lesson and from the feedback of your mentor teacher, revise the lesson plan. Ensure you have used one of the lesson plan templates available on the College of Education’s page in the Student Success Center. 2)

Write a 1250-1500 word reflective essay analyzing the effectiveness of the lesson. Evaluate your strengths and weaknesses. What successes did you have? What are some areas for improvement? What have you learned about the teaching profession from this experience?

3) Prepare this assignment according to the APA guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. 4) Submit the assignment in the online classroom. 5) Additionally, submit the assignment in TaskStream. Directions for submitting

to TaskStream can be found on the College of Education’s page in the Student Success Center.