Part 1:
Curriculum Unit Review:
use a unit plan that is not related to their current teaching assignment (2nd grade). These can be obtained from colleagues in your school setting or online in education portals. Apply the principles in the McTighe/Tomlinson text that are explained in chapters 5-8 to write a critique on the overall plan. Critique should be proofed for conventions and clarity of written expression.
Each pair should provide an informal 5-10-minute overview of the strengths and weaknesses of the unit plan and recommendations for revision. No formal materials for presentation need to be used or provided for the class. It is simply an oral overview for discussion.
Format for the critique:
Introduction: Provide the following in list/bulleted form
Title for Unit
Grade level
Big Ideas/Enduring Understandings
Formative Assessments
Summative Assessment(s)
Critique of the Principles of Backward Design and Differentiated Instruction:
use the 8 principles and their defining attributes that are outlined on pages 142-144 of the text. List each principle as a heading. Under the principle, list the strengths and weaknesses you find in the unit design for each principle.
Integrating and Applying the Big Ideas of UbD and DI
Review Figure 9.1 on page 145. How do the concepts in 9.1 appear evident in the unit plan you are reviewing? Prepare for a conference with the teacher regarding the unit plan. Using the Big Ideas in 9.1, write a memo to the teacher that highlights (2) strengths in the unit. Next, provide (1) recommendation or suggestion to ensure the teacher’s learning plan meets the needs of each learner and promotes student success. In total this memo should have (4) paragraphs: Introduction, Strength, Strength, Recommendations. Provide evidence for your assertions in the memo. Remember to keep the tone collegial, not punitive as the goal is to coach the teacher on effective unit design.
Part 3:
Jigsaw- Curriculum 21
Explain the defining principles in one chapter of C21(chapter 12). Presentations should include a one-pager for chapter 12 that provides a solid overview of the key concepts in the chapter.