This assignment is from your Case Studies in Health Information Management text. Review Case Study 2-42 and answer the questions accordingly. NOTE - Assignment hints:
80/20 Means that the patient pays 20% of UCR. Since ALL deductibles have been met, then the 80/20 rule applies.
If there is a copay, then there is no 80/20 split.
MAKE SURE you read the instructions carefully! Your submission should be in a word document with The Case Study Title, Class, and Your Name at the top. Please number and answer each part of the Case Study completely. There should be no research required from external resources since this is an assignment from your case study book. Apply your knowledge from your Readings and Chapter Resources to answer the questions. Be sure and check for spelling and grammar errors. Submit your document properly in the drop box. Note: Multiple case studies should be included in one document, APA Formatting is not required for this assignment.