Module 5 (Week 9): Observing Language Development and Learning
Assignment :Week 9: In the Field—Observing Language and Literacy Development in Action
To acquire knowledge, one must study; but to acquire wisdom, one must observe.
—Marilyn vos Savant, American author and artist (n.d.)
Throughout this course, you have examined evidence-based research that explains how young children develop language and literacy. You have investigated the content presented in articles and videos and also interacted with colleagues to deepen your knowledge of what it truly means to be an early childhood professional who supports young children and their families. To this point, you have been an active participant, steering your interactions, interests, and research. In this Assignment, you now take a step back and observe theory in action. Like all great scientists, you place yourself in an environment that will allow you to absorb passively the world that you have been studying. These observations, when compared with your research thus far, will allow you to make profound connections to the content that has been presented in this course.
For this Assignment, you spend 1 to 2 hours in a non-childcare, non-education–related, child-friendly setting that allows you to observe children and adults engaged in literacy development. For example, you might observe in a library, a zoo, or an interactive children’s museum. While you are in the setting, be sure that you have opportunities to observe children interacting with their environment, adults, and if possible, other children.
To prepare
Review the document titled Field Experience: Observing Language and Literacy Development, which outlines the requirements for this Assignment. If you have not yet done so, schedule a time to conduct your field experience. While in the setting, be sure to reflect on the questions presented within your requirements document.
By Day 7 of Week 9
Submit a paper approximately 3 to 5 pages long that analyzes the findings from your field experience. If possible, include photos of the environment