The HIM department plays a vital role in the Recovery Audit Contractors (RAC) process. The HIM department must take charge of the audit process to ensure that RAC requests are received and processed on time. Review the presentation on Recovery Audit Contractors
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Review the following REPORT TO CONGRESS
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View in a new window for FY 2014 and read over the section on the Recovery Audit Review Process. using Flowchart symbols found in Microsoft Word (or any flowchart software) create a graphic that outlines the RAC Process including the various options that a facility has during the process including decision making and any requests that they must comply with. Sample flow chart and symbols with examples and instructions appear below: Sample Flow Chart (Simple)-1.jpg View in a new window. In order to ensure that you understand what a flow chart is and how to create one below are a couple of links that explain how to create a flow chart. It is important to understand differences between a flow chart and other types of graphs and charts.