In an APA formatted paper (APA Title page)

In an APA formatted paper (APA Title page)

Write a narrative describing the objective of the program, and what each routine will do, including the reason for and purpose of the array(s), in addition to the selection statement and use of iterations

Explain the size and data types of the array structure you used.

Format your paper Consistent with APA guidelines. Provide appropriate in-text citations and References.

Write the pseudocode to

1) Accept and keep the inputted name of an item

2) Accept and keep the inputted price for that item

3) Query the user to deremine if they live in Orange or Oseola County

4) Accept and keep the indicated county

5) Based on the answer received, calculate and keep the appropriate sales tax

(8% for Orange County, 7% for Oseola)


Repeat steps 1 through 5 for the remaining two items.

NOTE: perform appropriate inpute validation to insure that only valid responses are accepted.

6) Calculate the total price of the items, and the total tax added

7) Calculate the total bill (items + tax)

8) Output the full receipt, with a line for each item and its associated price and sales tax, using the data stored in your arrays, followed by a line for the grand total of the items, the total sales tax, and the total transaction amount.

Using the 3 items you normally buy at a grocery store identified in week2, alter the program & paper to use iteration and selection statements.

In an APA formatted paper (APA Title page)

Write a narrative describing the objective of the program, and what each routine will do, including the reason for and purpose of the array(s), in addition to the selection statement and use of iterations

Explain the size and data types of the array structure you used.

Format your paper Consistent with APA guidelines. Provide appropriate in-text citations and References.

Write the pseudocode toL

1) Accept and keep the inputted name of an item

2) Accept and keep the inputted price for that item

3) Query the user to deremine if they live in Orange or Oseola County

4) Accept and keep the indicated county

5) Based on the answer received, calculate and keep the appropriate sales tax

(8% for Orange County, 7% for Oseola)

6) Create a line on the output receipt that identifies the item its price and the sales tax applicable to that item.

7) Keep a running total of item prices and taxes.


Repeat steps 1 through 5 for the remaining two items.

NOTE: perform appropriate inpute validation to insure that only valid responses are accepted.

Create a line on the output receipt that identifies the item its price and the sales tax applicable to that item.

Keep a running total of item prices and taxes.

8) Calculate the total price of the items, and the total tax added

9) Calculate the total bill (items + tax)

10) Output the full receipt, with a line for each item and its associated price and sales tax, using the data stored in your arrays, followed by a line for the grand total of the items, the total sales tax, and the total transaction amount.

Test the pseudocode to make sure that it executes properly and produces correct results.

Document the results in a table you design that describes each test condition and the results of that test. (Test Case Table)

Produce the Visual Logic file to execute the program defined by your pseudocode