In preparation for more complex data processing tasks using object oriented objects

In preparation for more complex data processing tasks using object oriented objects that you will create in up-coming units, in this unit you will utilize arrays to build some basic processing logic and structures. This unit will not require you to do "object-oriented" programming per se, but you will utilize basic C# ***** structures.

- You are expected to follow the "General Directions" found in the "Course Project Instructions" link on our course page.

- In a production program you would need robust error checking and user input validation, to provide your user with a complete menu system, and to make sure that there were no conditions in which your program would end unexpectedly (i.e. you would want to catch and handle all error conditions). However, this program is a prototype of various tasks, not a production program. At this point I do not expect advanced error checking, complicated menus, etc.; just carry out the tasks asked of you, based on the requirements of the program.

Your tasks for Unit 2 are:

•1) Customers: Create an array of customer names. (For this Unit, you should store first and last names in one field, in the format "Last_name, First_name".) Populate the array with 4 to 6 customer names, entering the names in "non-alphabetical" order. (Note: In order to practice receiving user-input and adding elements to your program, you will allow the user to add one customer to your array when your program runs. Thus your array only needs to be one item larger than the number of customers you pre-load. Obviously in a production program you would need to allow your customer list to grow most likely using a database.)

•For the Customer array, create a program to demonstrate the following tasks:

◦Prompt the user for a new customer name; add the name to the array (in an empty location).

◦Tell the user how many customer names are ***** ***** array. (See Note #1 in Programming Notes below.)

◦Sort the array alphabetically.

◦Print the sorted results.

◦Prompt the user for a customer name to search for; if the name is ***** ***** array, print it; if not, indicate so. Continue prompting the user for more user names to search for until the user indicates they no longer want to search for any more names. (You choose the way for the user to indicate this, whether they enter the word "end" or something else you decide on. Make sure you inform the user how to use your program!)

•2) Boat Slips: Create an array of numbers, representing slip numbers.

•For the Boat Slip array, create a program to demonstrate the following tasks:

◦Populate the array with some numbers. (Note: the slip number array will not need to grow or have additions after it is defined and initially populated.)

◦Prompt the user for a slip number to search for; if the number is ***** the array, print it; if not, indicate so.

◦Indicate to the user that (rather than searching for one slip) they can print out a list of all slip numbers; tell them how and do so if they choose to.

◦Continue prompting the user for more slip numbers to search for until the user indicates they no longer want to search. (You choose the way for the user to indicate this, whether they enter the word "end" or something else you decide on. Make sure you inform the user how to use your program!)

•3) Slip Rental Amount: Create an array of numbers, representing the amount each slip is rented for (monthly). Populate the array with some dollar amounts (with two decimal places). (Note: the slip amounts array will not need to grow or have additions after it is defined and initially populated; however, it should have the same number of entries as the boat slip number array above.)

•For the Slip Rental array, create a program to demonstrate the following tasks:

◦Print out each of the monthly rental amounts shown in currency format.

◦Display the total amount that all slips rent for (i.e. sum of all numbers in the array) in currency format. (See Note #2 in Programming Notes below.)

◦(For this exercise, slip rental amounts do not yet need to be associated with a slip number.)

Unit 2 Programming Notes:

1.For determining the total number of Customers, you can either keep track if it programmatically (i.e. a variable you set and update), or you can determine it on-the-fly.

2.To print the "currency" for slip rental amounts, you will want to use the methods talked about in the "Formatting Floating-Point Values" section on page 56 ff. of your textbook.

Unit 2 Deliverables:

•A C# ***** file that creates the customer name array and carries out the tasks indicated above.

•A C# ***** file that creates the slip number array and carries out the tasks indicated above.

•A C# ***** file that creates the slip rental array and carries out the tasks indicated above.