Expert Paper



Course: Business Ethics
Text Book: Moral Issues in Business Goal: To complete the project, you’ll need to research a practical ethical issue that you find interesting and write an essay about it.

Step 1: Select a topic. Select any topic that interests you from your primary textbook, Moral Issues in Business. (The case studies at the end of each chapter are one good place to look
for essay ideas.) Be sure that the topic you choose is narrow or focused enough to discuss adequately in an essay that’s three to five pages long. For example, if you’re interested in
auto-industry resistance to improving fuel economy, you might begin with the case study offered in your textbook and then go on to explore similar cases through online research. You may also consult sources given in the notes at the end of each case study and textbook chapter. If you’re interested in a moral theorist such as John Stuart Mill, you should narrow your topic to cover one of his main ideas.

Step 2: Perform your research. The content of your textbook can be one of your sources. However, your paper should also include at least four independent and reliable sources
(many of which you might access from your textbook’s chapter notes). You should feel free to consult sources on the Internet. However, make sure your notes from a Web site include the source of the site. This is done to establish that the site is authoritative and not merely idle opinion.

Step 3: Write a first draft of your essay. Your paper should be written using a word-processing program, such as Microsoft Word or a Word-compatible program. Your essay should
include a separate title page and between three and five pages on the topic. The essay should include a brief introduction, several paragraphs that cover the required information,
and a conclusion. The last page after the main body of the essay, should provide a list of your reference sources.

Step 4: Complete your final draft. Carefully review your written essay, correct any errors, and submit your final draft to your instructor. Use the following Writing Guidelines to complete
and submit your essay.*Read the assignment carefully and follow the instructions.
*Be specific. Limit your submission to the issues covered by your chosen topic.
*Include a reference page in either APA or MLA style. On this page, list Web sites, books, journals, and all other references used in preparing the submission.

The Correct Answer will be highlighted



Convert the angle in radians to degrees.

1.  Solve the right triangle in the figure below if A = 51.4° and c = 57.1. Round lengths to one decimal place and express angles to the nearest tenth of a degree.
A. B = 38.6°, a = 44.6, b = 35.6
B = 51.4°, a = 35.6, b = 44.6
B = 38.6°, a = 35.6, b = 44.6
B = 51.4°, a = 44.6, b = 35.6

2.  Find the radian measure of the central angle of a circle with radius r = 1.8 meters that intercepts an arc s = 4.14 meters.
0.9 radians
2.3 radians
1.6 radians
0.56 radians
3. In the right triangle below, C is the right angle and the two sides are given. Find cos θ. Give an exact answer with a rational denominator.

4. Which of the following equations is true about the right triangle shown above?

5. use a calculator to find the value in radians of the expression below. Round your answer to two decimal places.
sin−1 (−0.1)


Expert Work



In this assignment you are to create two files:  box.h and box.cpp.  To test these files I have attached two drivers.   sampledriver.cpp just uses the box class you created to exercise the member functions.  The output of this file should somewhat match the sample output in the assignment write up.   The exception is that on my implementation I centered the output of the box within 40 character.  You need not do that.
You will just run it and it will print out boxes and information about them.  The other file: Assignment7.cpp is more interactive.  It will have you individually use the member functions through a menu.  Your files must compile without error with these drivers in order to be graded.

Expert Work




Introduction - the SeaPort Project series

For this set of project, we wish to simulate some of the aspects of a number of Sea Ports.

Here are the classes and their instance variables we wish to define:

SeaPortProgram extends JFrame

variables used by the GUI interface

world: World

Thing implement Comparable <Thing>

index: int

name: String

parent: int

World extends Thing

ports: ArrayList <SeaPort>

time: PortTime

SeaPort extends Thing

docks: ArrayList <Dock>

que: ArrayList <Ship> // the list of ships waiting to dock

ships: ArrayList <Ship> // a list of all the ships at this port

persons: ArrayList <Person> // people with skills at this port

Dock extends Thing

ship: Ship

Ship extends Thing

arrivalTime, dockTime: PortTime

draft, length, weight, width: double

jobs: ArrayList <Job>

PassengerShip extends Ship

numberOfOccupiedRooms: int

numberOfPassengers: int

numberOfRooms: int

CargoShip extends Ship

cargoValue: double

cargoVolume: double

cargoWeight: double

Person extends Thing

skill: String

Job extends Thing - optional till Projects 3 and 4

duration: double

requirements: ArrayList <String>
// should be some of the skills of the persons


time: int

Eventually, in Projects 3 and 4, you will be asked to show the progress of the jobs using JProgressBar's.

Here's a very quick overview of the projects:

Read a data file, create the internal data structure, create a GUI to display the structure, and let the user search the structure.

Sort the structure, use hash maps to create the structure more efficiently.

Create a thread for each job, cannot run until ship has a dock, create a GUI to show the progress of each job.

Simulate competing for resources (persons with particular skills) for each job.

General Objectives

Here are some notes about the projects, the particular features of object-oriented design and object-oriented programming (OOD/OOP) the we want to cover in this class and some of the features of Java to help support that style of programming. We also want to explore the Java GUI system a little, with particular emphasis on viewing the data structures and effective ways to display the running of multiple threads competing for resources.

The particular scenarios selected for each semester try ask you to implement as many of these objectives as possible in some compelling way. We are always open to additions and suggestions.

General objects for each project:

Project 1 - classes, text data file, GUI, searchingDefine and implement appropriate classes, including:

instance and class variables,


toString methods, and

other appropriate methods.

Read data from a text file:specified at run time,

JFileChooser jfc = new JFileChooser (".");
// start at dot, the current directory

using that data to create instances of the classes,

creating a multi-tree (class instances related in hierarchical, has-some, relationships), and

organizing those instances in existing JDK structures which can be sorted, such as ArrayList's.

Create a simple GUI:

presenting the data in the structures with with some buttons and

text fields supporting SEARCHING on the various fields of each class.

Project 2 - Map class, Comparator, sorting

Use the JDK Map class to write more efficient code when constructing the internal data structures from the data file.

Implement SORTING using the Comparator interface together with the JDK support for sorting data structures, thus sorting on different fields of the classes from Project 1.

Extend the GUI from Project 1 to let the user sort the data at run-time.

Project 3 - More JDK classes - GUI's and threads

Explore other GUI classes, such as JTree, JTable, and JProgressBar.

Create and run threads

Competing for one resource.

Project 4 - ConcurrencyResource pools

Threads competing for multiple resources

Blocking threads

Extending the GUI interface to visualize the resource pools and progress of the various threads.


HINT: You should start working on a documentation file before you do anything else with these projects, and fill in items as you go along. Leaving the documentation until the project is finished is not a good idea for any number of reasons.

The documentation should include the following (graded) elements:

Cover page (including name, date, project, your class information)


including a UML class diagram

classes, variables and methods: what they mean and why they are there

tied to the requirements of the project

User's Guide

how would a user start and run your project

any special features

effective screen shots are welcome, but don't overdo this

Test Plan

do this BEFORE you code anything

what do you EXPECT the project to do

justification for various data files, for example

Lessons Learned

express yourself here

a way to keep good memories of successes after hard work

CAUTION: the file size should be reasonable, currently < 5 MBytes, mostly < 1 MB.

Project 1 - Also see Grading

The goals are:

Create a GUI

Let the user select a data file, using JFileChooser

Read the data file, creating the specified internal data structure (see the Introduction for the classes and variables of the structure).

Display the internal data structure in a nice format in the GUI

use JScrollPane and JTextArea

Display the results of a Search specified by the user

JTextField to specify the search target

Searching targets: name, index, skill would be a minimum
you are encouraged to provide other options

Note that a search may return more than one item

DO NOT create new data structures (beyond the specified internal data structure) to search
you may create a structure of found items as a return value

Data file format:

Each item in the simulation will appear on a single line of the data file.

The data file may have comment lines, which will start with a //.

There may be blank lines in the data file, which your program should accept and ignore.

The data lines will start with one of the following flag values, indicating which item is being specified, its name, its index, and the index of its parent - which is used to specify the connections used to create the internal data structure (ie, assign an item to it parent or parent ArrayList).

For most items there will be additional fields appropriate to the class of that item.

The fields on a line are space delimited (perhaps more than one space)

This works well with Scanner methods, such as next(), nextInt() and nextDouble().

Here are the details of valid lines, with an example of each line.

// port   name index parent(null)
//    port   <string> <int> <int>
port Kandahar 10002 0

// dock   name index parent(port)
//    dock   <string> <int> <int>
dock Pier_5 20005 10001 30005

// ship   name index parent(dock/port) weight length width draft
//    ship   <string> <int> <int> <double> <double> <double> <double>
ship               Reason 40003 10000 165.91 447.15 85.83 27.07

// cship name index parent(dock/port) weight length width draft cargoWeight cargoVolume cargoValue
//    cship <string> <int> <int> <double> <double> <double> <double> <double> <double> <double>
cship               Suites 40003 10000 165.91 447.15 85.83 27.07 125.09 176.80 857.43

// pship name index parent(dock/port) weight length width draft numPassengers numRooms numOccupied
//    pship <string> <int> <int> <double> <double> <double> <double> <int> <int> <int>
pship      "ZZZ_Hysterics" 30002 20002 103.71 327.92 56.43 30.23 3212 917 917

// person name index parent skill
//    person <string> <int> <int> <string>
person              Alberto 50013 10001 cleaner

// job    name index parent duration [skill]* (zero or more, matches skill in person, may repeat)
//    job    <string> <int> <int> <double> [<string>]* (ie, zero or more)
job         Job_10_94_27 60020 30007 77.78 carpenter cleaner clerk

You may assume that the data file is correctly formatted and that the parent links exist and are encountered in the data file as item indices before they are referenced as parent links.

There is a Java program ( provided with this package that will generate data files with various characteristics with the correct format. You should be using the program to generate your own data files to test various aspects of your project programs.

Sample input file:

// File: aSPaa.txt
// Data file for SeaPort projects
// Date: Sat Jul 09 22:51:16 EDT 2016
// parameters: 1 1 5 5 1 5
//   ports, docks, pships, cships, jobs, persons

// port   name index parent(null)
//    port   <string> <int> <int>
port Lanshan 10000 0

// dock   name index parent(port)
//    dock   <string> <int> <int>
dock Pier_4 20004 10000 30004
dock Pier_0 20000 10000 30000
dock Pier_1 20001 10000 30001
dock Pier_3 20003 10000 30003
dock Pier_2 20002 10000 30002

// pship name index parent(dock/port) weight length width draft numPassengers numRooms numOccupied
//    pship <string> <int> <int> <double> <double> <double> <double> <int> <int> <int>
pship           Gallinules 30000 20000 125.99 234.70 60.67 37.14 746 246 246
pship               Remora 30001 20001 126.38 358.27 74.12 31.54 3768 979 979
pship     Absentmindedness 30004 20004 86.74 450.43 33.13 41.67 2143 920 920
pship        Preanesthetic 30003 20003 149.85 483.92 125.71 31.21 166 409 83
pship            Shoetrees 30002 20002 134.41 156.96 120.31 35.20 1673 633 633

// cship name index parent(dock/port) weight length width draft cargoWeight cargoVolume cargoValue
//    cship <string> <int> <int> <double> <double> <double> <double> <double> <double> <double>
cship            Erosional 40001 10000 200.80 242.33 38.31 23.49 172.73 188.54 235.57
cship            Kielbasas 40000 10000 120.85 362.55 96.82 19.09 33.08 188.31 261.57
cship             Generics 40002 10000 79.90 234.26 73.18 15.71 125.27 179.00 729.95
cship            Barcelona 40003 10000 219.92 443.54 104.44 34.16 86.69 139.89 813.72
cship              Toluene 40004 10000 189.12 448.99 73.97 37.67 88.90 175.03 1002.63

// person name index parent skill
//    person <string> <int> <int> <string>
person                 Sara 50000 10000 electrician
person                Duane 50002 10000 inspector
person                Betsy 50004 10000 cleaner
person               Archie 50003 10000 captain
person               Thomas 50001 10000 clerk

Sample output as plain text - which should be displayed in a JTextArea on a JScrollPane in the BorderLayout.CENTER area of a JFrame:

>>>>> The world:

SeaPort: Lanshan 10000

Dock: Pier_4 20004
Ship: Passenger ship: Absentmindedness 30004

Dock: Pier_0 20000
Ship: Passenger ship: Gallinules 30000

Dock: Pier_1 20001
Ship: Passenger ship: Remora 30001

Dock: Pier_3 20003
Ship: Passenger ship: Preanesthetic 30003

Dock: Pier_2 20002
Ship: Passenger ship: Shoetrees 30002

--- List of all ships in que:
> Cargo Ship: Erosional 40001
> Cargo Ship: Kielbasas 40000
> Cargo Ship: Generics 40002
> Cargo Ship: Barcelona 40003
> Cargo Ship: Toluene 40004

--- List of all ships:
> Passenger ship: Gallinules 30000
> Passenger ship: Remora 30001
> Passenger ship: Absentmindedness 30004
> Passenger ship: Preanesthetic 30003
> Passenger ship: Shoetrees 30002
> Cargo Ship: Erosional 40001
> Cargo Ship: Kielbasas 40000
> Cargo Ship: Generics 40002
> Cargo Ship: Barcelona 40003
> Cargo Ship: Toluene 40004

--- List of all persons:
> Person: Sara 50000 electrician
> Person: Duane 50002 inspector
> Person: Betsy 50004 cleaner
> Person: Archie 50003 captain
> Person: Thomas 50001 clerk


Methods that should be implemented.

Each class should have an appropriate toString method. Here is an example of two such methods:

In SeaPort - showing all the data structures:
public String toString () {
String st = "\n\nSeaPort: " + super.toString();
for (Dock md: docks) st += "\n" + md;
st += "\n\n --- List of all ships in que:";
for (Ship ms: que ) st += "\n   > " + ms;
st += "\n\n --- List of all ships:";
for (Ship ms: ships) st += "\n   > " + ms;
st += "\n\n --- List of all persons:";
for (Person mp: persons) st += "\n   > " + mp;
return st;
} // end method toString

In PassengerShip, using parent toString effectively:
public String toString () {
String st = "Passenger ship: " + super.toString();
if (jobs.size() == 0)
return st;
for (Job mj: jobs) st += "\n       - " + mj;
return st;
} // end method toString

Each class should have an appropriate Scanner constructor, allowing the class to take advantage of super constructors, and any particular constructor focusing only on the addition elements of interest to that particular class. As an example, here's one way to implement the PassengerShip constructor:

PassengerShip Scanner constructor, the earlier fields are handled by Thing (fields: name, index, parent) and Ship (fields: weight, length, width, draft) constructors.
public PassengerShip (Scanner sc) {
super (sc);
if (sc.hasNextInt()) numberOfPassengers = sc.nextInt();
if (sc.hasNextInt()) numberOfRooms = sc.nextInt();
if (sc.hasNextInt()) numberOfOccupiedRooms = sc.nextInt();
} // end end Scanner constructor

In the World class, we want to read the text file line by line. Here are some useful methods types and codefragments that you should find helpful:

Handling a line from the file:
void process (String st) {
//       System.out.println ("Processing >" + st + "<");
Scanner sc = new Scanner (st);
if (!sc.hasNext())
switch ( {
case "port"   : addPort      (sc);

Finding a ship by index - finding the parent of a job, for example:
Ship getShipByIndex (int x) {
for (SeaPort msp: ports)
for (Ship ms: msp.ships)
if (ms.index == x)
return ms;
return null;
} // end getDockByIndex

Linking a ship to its parent:
void assignShip (Ship ms) {
Dock md = getDockByIndex (ms.parent);
if (md == null) {
getSeaPortByIndex (ms.parent).ships.add (ms);
getSeaPortByIndex (ms.parent).que.add (ms);
md.ship = ms;
getSeaPortByIndex (md.parent).ships.add (ms);
} // end method assignShip

You will probably find the comments in the following helpful, they are mostly about similar projects and general issues in Java relevant to our programs:

CMSC 335 Information

Cave Strategy - getting started

Project 2 - Also see Grading

Extend Project 1 to use advanced data structures and support sorting on various keys.


Required data structure - the data structure specified in Project 1:

World has SeaPort's

SeaPort has Dock's, Ship's, and Person's

Dock has a Ship

Ship has Job's



Person has a skill

Job requires skills - optional until Project 3


Use the HashMap class to support efficient linking of the classes used in Project 1.

The instances of the hash map class should be local to the readFile (Scanner) method.

These instances should be passed as explicit parameters to other methods used when reading the data file.

For example, the body of the methods like the following should be replaced to effectively use a <Integer, Ship> hash map, the surrounding code needs to support this structure:
Ship getShipByIndex (int x, java.util.HashMap <Integer, Ship> hms) {
return hms.get(x);
} // end getDockByIndex

Since the body of this method has become trivial, perhaps the call to this method can be simply replaced by the get method of the HashMap.

Your code should be sure to handle a null return from this call gracefully.

The instances should be released (go out of scope, hence available for garbage collection) when the readFile method returns.

Comments: The idea here, besides getting some experience with an interesting JDK Collections class, is to change the operation of searching for an item with a particular index from an O(N) operation, ie searching through the entire data structure to see if the code can find the parent index parameter, to an O(1) operation, a hash map lookup. Of course, this isn't so very interesting in such a small program, but consider what might happen with hundreds of ports, thousands of ships, and perhaps millions of persons and jobs.

Comments: Also, after the readFile operation, the indices are no longer interesting, and could be completely eliminated from the program. In this program, removing the index references could be accomplished by removing those variables from the parent class, Thing.

Implement comparators to support sorting:

ships in port que ArrayList's by weight, length, width, draft within their port que

all items withing their ArrayList's by name

OPTIONALLY: sorting by any other field that can be compared

The sorting should be within the parent ArrayList

Extend the GUI from Project 1 to allow the user to:

sort by the comparators defined in part 2.

Again, the GUI elements should be distinct from the other classes in the program.

Project 3 - Also see Grading

Implement threads and a GUI interface using advanced Java Swing classes.

The project will be graded according the criteria for the final project - see below.


Required data the data structure specified in Project 1:

World has SeaPort's

SeaPort has Dock's, Ship's, and Person's

Dock has a Ship

Ship has Job's



Person has a skill

Job requires skills- NEW CLASS for this project!


Extend Project 2 to use the Swing class JTree effectively to display the contents of the data file.

(Optional) Implement a JTable to also show the contents of the data file. There are lots of options here for extending your program.


Implement a thread for each job representing a task that ship requires.

Use the synchronize directive to avoid race conditions and insure that a dock is performing the jobs for only one ship at a time.

the jobs of a ship in the queue should not be progressing

when all the jobs for a ship are done, the ship should leave the dock, allowing a ship from the que to dock

once the ship is docked, the ships jobs should all progress

in Project 4, the jobs will also require persons with appropriate skills.

The thread for each job should be started as the job is read in from the data file.

Use delays to simulate the progress of each job.

Use a JProgressBar for each job to display the progress of that job.

Use JButton's on the Job panel to allow the job to be suspended or cancelled.

As before, the GUI elements should be distinct (as appropriate) from the other classes in the program.

See the code at the end of this posting for some suggestions.

Suggestions for Project 3 Job class. Here is a sample of code for a Job class in another context, the Sorcerer's Cave project. The code for this class will need some modifications, but this should give you an idea of the issues involved.
In fact, you should find much of this code redundant.

Also, some of the code at the following sites might give you some ideas about how to proceed with this project:

Project 3 Example - Sorcerer's Cave, note that even this one isn't complete

run method - detailed analysis of the run method in the Job class in the Cave project






If two chords intercept within a circle, the product of the two segments of one chord equals the product of the two segments of the other circle. Why is that, since one chord could be longer than the other?



Penn Foster 050306RR, 050307RR, 050308RR, and 050309RR



Set 1 Exam: 050306RR - Exponents, Logarithms, Sequences, and Series

1. Solve the equation below by expressing each side as a power of the same base and then equating

2. Find the sum, if it exists, of the infinite geometric series below:
B. A sum doesn't exist for this geometric series.

3. Find the first five terms of the arithmetic sequence in which a
A. 5, 4, 3, 2, 1
B. 6, 5, 3, 3, 2
C. 7, 6, 5, 4, 3
D. 6, 5, 4, 3, 2

4. Make a table of coordinates for the function below and then graph it.
f (x) = 5

5. Find the accumulated value of an investment of $7,000 at 7% compounded continuously for 6 years.
To solve question 3, use the correct formula for compound interest:
A. $10,653.73
B. $9,940.00
C. $10,753.73
D. $10,505.11

6. Write the first four terms of the sequence whose general term is given by the following formula:
= 4n 1
A. 5, 9, 13, 17
B. –3, –7, –11, – 15
C. 3, 7, 11, 15
D. 3, 4, 5, 6

7. Use summation notation to express the sum below. Use 1 as the lower limit of summation and i  for the index of summation.

8. Write the first five terms of the arithmetic sequence below.
A. 15, 11, 6, 3, –1
B. 15, 11, 7, 3, –1
C. 11, 7, 3, –1, –5
D. 19, 15, 11, 7, 3

9. Solve the logarithmic equation below. Be sure to reject any value that isn't in the domain of the original logarithmic expressions. Give the exact answer.
(x 2) = 3
A. {6}
B. {11}
C. {7}
D. {10}

10. Write the equation below in its equivalent exponential form:

11. Find the sum of the first 60 terms of the arithmetic sequence 14, 19, 24, 29, . . . .
A. 9,690
B. 9,840
C. 9,700
D. 314

12. Use properties of logarithms to expand the logarithmic expression below as much as possible.
A. 5 – ln 9
B. 5 + ln 9
C. ln e
D. ln e

13. Find the sum of the first 70 terms of the arithmetic sequence 17, 23, 29, 35, . . . .
A. 15,685
B. 437
C. 15,890
D. 15,680

14. What type of transformation would occur with the following exponential functions?
f(x) = a
f(x) = a
A. Reflection about the x-axis
B. Reflection about the y-axis
C. Vertical shrinking
D. Vertical stretching

15. Solve the exponential equation below. Express the solution set in terms of natural logarithms.

16. Evaluate the expression below without using a calculator:
A. –4
C. 4
D. 40

17. Find the common ratio of the geometric sequence given below.

18. Use properties of logarithms to expand the logarithmic expression below as much as possible. Where
possible, evaluate logarithmic expressions without using a calculator.
A. ln e
+ ln 11
B. ln e
– ln 11
C. 3 – ln 11
D. 3 + ln 11

19. Write the equation below in its equivalent logarithmic form.

20. Evaluate the expression below without using a calculator.

Set 2 Exam: 050307RR - Trigonometric Functions

1. Convert the angle below to degrees. Round your answer to two decimal places.
A. 307.58°
B. 310.58°
C. 308.58°
D. 309.58°

2. Given sin t =  and cos t = , use identities to find sec t.

3. Use a sketch to find the exact value of the expression .

4. Classify the angle below as acute, right, obtuse, or straight.
A. Right
B. Acute
C. Obtuse
D. Straight

5. Solve the right triangle in the figure below if A = 51.4° and c = 57.1. Round lengths to one decimal place and express angles to the nearest tenth of a degree.
A. B = 51.4°, a = 35.6, b = 44.6
B. B = 38.6°, a = 35.6, b = 44.6
C. B = 38.6°, a = 44.6, b = 35.6
D. B = 51.4°, a = 44.6, b = 35.6

6. From a boat on the river below a dam, the angle of elevation to the top of the dam is 25°. If the dam is 2,039 feet above the level of the river, how far is the boat from the base of the dam (to the nearest foot)?
A. 4,370 feet
B. 4,738 feet
C. 4,730 feet
D. 4,373 feet

7. Find the radian measure of the central angle of a circle with radius r = 1.8 meters that intercepts an arc s
= 4.14 meters.
A. 2.3 radians
B. 1.6 radians
C. 0.56 radians
D. 0.9 radians

8. In the right triangle below, C is the right angle and the two sides are given. Find cos . Give an exact
answer with a rational denominator.

9. Solve the right triangle shown in the figure below when A = 51.9° and c = 51.2. Round lengths to one decimal place and express angles to the nearest tenth of a degree.
A. B = 38.1°, a = 31.6, b = 40.3
B. B = 51.9°, a = 31.6, b = 40.3
C. B = 38.1°, a = 40.3, b = 31.6
D. B = 51.9°, a = 40.3, b = 31.6

10. Convert the angle of 160° to radians. Express your answer as a multiple of .

11. Graph the function

12. Find the reference angle for 96°.
A. 94°
B. 16°
C. 6°
D. 84°

13. Use the given graph to obtain the graph of

14. Draw the angle below in standard position.

15. Find the exact value of the expression cos

16. Find a positive angle less than 360° that's coterminal with the angle .

17. Convert the angle  in radians to degrees.

18. A car wheel has a radius of 16 inches. Through what angle (to the nearest tenth of a degree) does the wheel turn when the car rolls forward 4 feet?
A. 181.9°
B. 186.9°
C. 176.9°
D. 171.9°

19. Find the radian measure of the central angle of a circle of radius r = 1.3 meters that intercepts an arc of length s = 2.34 meters.
A. 1.7 radians
B. 0.65 radians
C. 0.77 radians
D. 1.8 radians

20. Convert the angle 54° to radians. Express your answer as a multiple of

Set 3 Exam: 050308RR - Analytic Trigonometry

1. Use a half-angle formula to find the exact value of the expression sin 165°.

2. Use the given information to find the exact value of the expression sin 2 .

3. Use trigonometric identities to find the exact value of the following expression.

4. Complete the following identity:
A. sin x tan x
B. sec x  csc x
C. –2tan
D. 1 + cot x

5. Identify and in the following expression, which is the right-hand side of the formula for cos ( – ).
cos (170°) cos (50°) + sin (170°) sin (50°)
A. = –170°, = 50°
B. = –50°, = 170°
C. = 50°, = –170°
D. = 170, = 50°

6. Use trigonometric identities to find the exact value of the expression below.

7. Complete the following identity:

8. use a half-angle formula to find the exact value of the expression cos 112.5°.

9. Solve the following equation on the interval

10. Use a calculator to solve the following equation on the interval Round the answer to two
decimal places.
sin x = 0.29
A. 0.29, 5.99
B. 0.29, 3.44
C. 0.29, 1.87
D. 3.44, 5.99

11. Rewrite the following expression as a simplified expression containing one term.

12. Use the figure below to find the exact value of the trigonometric function cos 2 .

13. Find the exact value of the expression cos (245° – 5°).

14. Find the exact value of the expression below.

15. Solve the problem sin 8x – sin 2x.
A. 2 sin 3x  cos 5x
B. 2 sin 5x  cos 3x
C. 2 cos 2x  cos 5x
D. 2 sin 3x

16. Solve the following equation on the interval

17. Use the figure to find the exact value of the trigonometric function cos 2 .

18. Complete the following identity:

19. Find the exact value of the following by using a sum or difference identity.
sin (185° 65°)

20. Find the exact value of the expression .

Set 4 Exam: 050309RR - Additional Topics in Trigonometry

1. Solve the triangle in the figure below.
A. B = 50°, a = 8.25, c = 6.55
B. B = 55°, a = 8.25, c = 6.55
C. B = 55°, a = 6.55, c = 8.25
D. B = 60°, a = 6.55, c = 8.25

2. Find the absolute value of the complex number z = 14 8i .

3. Convert the polar equation r = 4 csc to a rectangular equation.

4. Convert the rectangular equation y = 1 to a polar equation that expresses r in terms of .
A. sin =1
B. r cos = 1
C. r sin = 1
D. r = 1

5. A vector v has initial point P1  = (0, 0) and terminal point P2  = (4, 6). Write v in terms of ai + bj.
A. v = 4i + 6j
B. v = 6i 4j
C. v = 4i 6j
D. v = 6i 6j

6. Solve the triangle in the figure below. Round lengths to the nearest tenth and angle measures to the nearest degree.
A. A = 30.8°, B = 125.1°, C = 24.1°
B. A = 30.8°, B = 24.1°, C = 125.1°
C. A = 125.1°, B = 24.1°, C = 30.8°
D. A = 125.1°, B = 30.8°, C = 24.1°

7. Use Heron's formula to find the area of a triangle in which a = 16 yards, b = 13 yards, and c = 16 yards.
Round to the nearest square unit.
A. 95 square yards
B. 98 square yards
C. 104 square yards
D. 101 square yards

8. Use a polar coordinate system to plot the point with polar coordinates of .

9. Use the vectors below to find the specified scalar. u = 8i + 5j and v = 11i 6j; Find u • v.
A. 88
B. 118
C. 58
D. 30

10. Convert the polar equation r = 9 csc to a rectangular equation.

11. Convert the rectangular equation y = 3 to a polar equation (that is, in terms of r and ).
A. sin = 3
B. r cos = 3
C. r = 3
D. r sin = 3

12. Find the product of the complex numbers below.

13. Find the unit vector having the same direction as v if v = 12i + 5j.

14. A surveyor standing 52 meters from the base of a building measures the angle to the top of the building and finds it to be 35°. The surveyor then measures the angle to the top of the radio tower on the building and finds that it's 50°. How tall is the radio tower?
A. 13.93 meters
B. 10.01 meters
C. 25.56 meters
D. 9.17 meters

15. Solve the triangle below.
A. B = 45°, a = 8.18, c = 12.6°
B. B = 50°, a = 8.18, c = 12.6°
C. B = 40°, a = 12.68, c = 8.1°
D. B = 45°, a = 12.68, c = 8.1°

16. A vector v has initial point P
A. v = 6i + 5j
B. v = 5i + 6j
C. v = 6i + 6j
D. v = 5i 6j
and terminal point P2. Write v in terms of ai + bj.
17. The rectangular coordinates of a point are given below. Find polar coordinates of the point.

18. Use the dot product to determine whether the vectors are parallel, orthogonal, or neither.
v = 3i + 2j, w = 2i 3j
A. Parallel
B. Orthogonal
C. Not enough information
D. Neither orthogonal nor parallel

19. Two sides of an angle (SSA) of a triangle are given below. Determine whether the given measurements produce one triangle, two triangles, or no triangle at all. Solve each triangle that results. Round lengths to the nearest tenth and angle measures to the nearest degree.
A = 30°, a = 22, b = 44
A. B = 60°, C = 60°, c = 38.1
B. No triangle
C. B = 90°, C = 60°, c = 38.1
D. B = 60°, C = 90°, c = 38.1

20. The graph of a polar equation is shown below. Select the polar equation for the graph.
A. r = 6 sin
B. r = 3 + cos
C. r = 3 + sin
D. r = 6 cos

Set 5 Exam: 050310RR - Systems of Equations and Inequalities

1. Graph the inequality x
+ y
> 49.

2. Write the partial fraction decomposition of the rational expression below.

3. A steel company produces two types of machine dies, part A and part B, and is bound by the following constraints:
• Part A requires 1 hour of casting time and 10 hours of firing time.
• Part B requires 4 hours of casting time and 3 hours of firing time.
• The maximum number of hours per week available for casting and firing are 100 and 70, respectively.
• The cost to the company is $0.75 per part A and $3.00 per part B. Total weekly costs can't exceed
Let x = the number of part A produced in a week and y = the number of part B produced in a week. Write a system of three inequalities that describes these constraints.

4. Write the form of the partial fraction decomposition of the rational expression below. It's not necessary to solve for the constants.

5. Use the addition method to solve the system below.
x 2y = 14
2x 3y = 22
A. {(–3, 7)}
B. {(–2, 6)}
C. {(2, 7)}
D. Ø

6. Solve the system of equations below.
x + y + z = 2
x y + 5z = 6
2x + y + z = 3
A. {(–5, 4, 3)}
B. {(3, –5, 4)}
C. {(4, –5, 3)}
D. {(3, 4, –5)}

7. Graph the inequality x + y < –4.

8. Use the substitution method to solve the system below.
x + y = 3
y = x
6x + 9
A. {(2, 1), (3, 0)}
B. {(3, 0)}
C. {(–2, 5), (–3, 6)}
D. {(2, 5), (3, 0)}

9. Write the partial fraction decomposition of the rational expression below.

10. Graph the inequality –2x – 3y

11. Write the partial fraction decomposition of the rational expression below.

12. Which one of the following ordered pairs is a solution of the system below?
x + y = 1
x y = 9
A. (5, –4)
B. (–5, –4)
C. (–5, 4)
D. (5, 4)

13. Use the substitution method to solve the system of equations below.
5x + 2y = 68
x = 3y
A. {(–4, –12)}
B. {(–12, –4)}
C. {(–12, 4)}
D. {(–11, –4)}

14. A steel company produces two types of machine dies, part A and part B. The company makes a $3.00 profit on each part A that it produces and a $6.00 profit on each part B that it produces. Let x = the number of part A produced in a week and y = the number of part B produced in a week. Write the objective function that describes the total weekly profit.
A. z = 9(x + y)
B. z = 3x  + 6y
C. z = 6x  + 3y
D. z = 3(x – 6) + 6(y – 3)

15. Write the partial fraction decomposition of the rational expression below.
16. Write the partial fraction decomposition of the rational expression below.
17. Use the addition method to solve the system below.
A. {(5, 0), (–5, 0)}
B. {(5, 0)}
C. {(0, 5)}
D. {(0, 5), (0, –5)}

18. Solve the system of equations below.
x + y = 6
3 x 4y 4z = 9
x z = 3
A. {(1, –2, 5)}
B. {(1, 5, –2)}
C. {(–2, 1, 5)}
D. {(–2, 5, 1)}

19. Graph the solution set of the system of inequalities below.
y < x + 8
y > 8x 3

20. Solve the system below by the method of your choice. Identify systems with no solution and systems with infinitely many solutions using set notation to express their solution sets.
y = 6 2x
4x + 2y = 12
A. {(x , y)|2x + y = 6}
B. {(5, –4)}
C. Ø
D. {(0, 6)}

Expert Answers



Exam: 498808RR - Properties of Loads and Cross Sections

1. Refer to the image shown here in answering this question.
For the beam shown in the figure, calculate the moment at Point A.
A. 75 kN- m
B. –50 kN- m
C. –75 kN- m
D. 50 kN- m

2. Refer to the image shown here in answering this question.
For the beam shown in the figure, calculate the magnitude of the shear force at Point X.
A. 0 kN
B. –25 kN
C. 25 kN
D. 75 kN

3. Refer to the image shown here in answering this question.
Determine the x-axis component of the centroid for the object shown in the figure.
A. 2.431 m
B. 0 m
C. .0569 m
D. 1 m

4. Refer to the image shown here in answering this question.
Determine the y-axis component of the centroid for the object shown in the figure.
A. 12.62 m
B. 26 m
C. 13.38 m
D. 11 m

5. Refer to the image shown here in answering this question.
Determine the moment of inertia about the x-axis for the object shown in the figure.
A. 1418.42 m
B. 1216.21 m
C. 709.21 m
D. 968.42 m
6. Refer to the image shown here in answering this question.
For the beam shown in the figure, calculate the y-axis component of the reaction at Point A.
A. 75 kN
B. 25 kN
C. 0 kN
D. –25 kN

7. When creating the shear and moment diagram for a beam, the maximum moment occurs where the shear is
A. highest.
B. lowest.
C. equal to the moment.
D. equal to zero.

8. Refer to the image shown here in answering this question.
For the beam shown in the figure, what is the y-axis component of the reaction at Point A?
A. 23.33 lbs
B. 83.33 lbs
C. 76.67 lbs
D. 33.67 lbs

9. The geometric area under the shear diagram up to any point along the length of the beam equals
A. moment at that point.
B. sum of the internal reactions at that point.
C. force at that point.
D. sum of the external reactions at that point.

10. Refer to the image shown here in answering this question.
For the beam shown in the figure, calculate the magnitude of the shear force at Point X.
A. 67.67 lbs
B. 100 lbs
C. 23.33 lbs
D. 60 lbs

11. Refer to the image shown here in answering this question.
For the beam shown in the figure, calculate the magnitude of the shear force at Point Y.
A. 16.2 kN
B. 54 kN
C. 37.8 kN
D. 42.2 kN

12. Refer to the image shown here in answering this question.
Determine the x-axis component of the centroid for the object shown in the figure.
A. 12.5 m
B. 5 m
C. 10 m
D. 7.5 m

13. Refer to the image shown here in answering this question.
For the beam shown in the figure, calculate the magnitude of the shear force at Point X.
A. 37.8 kN
B. 42.2 kN
C. 54 kN
D. 16.2 kN

14. Refer to the image shown here in answering this question.
Determine the y-axis component of the centroid for the object shown in the figure.
A. 5 m
B. 7.5 m
C. 10 m
D. 20 m

15. Refer to the image shown here in answering this question.
For the beam shown in the figure, calculate the moment at Point Y.
A. –16.2 kN- m
B. 16.2 kN-m
C. 56.7 kN-m
D. –56.7 kN- m

16. Refer to the image shown here in answering this question.
For the beam shown in the figure, determine the reaction at Point B.
A. 76.67 lbs
B. 23.33 lbs
C. 83.33 lbs
D. 33.67 lbs

17. Refer to the image shown here in answering this question.
For the beam shown in the figure, calculate the magnitude of the moment at Point X.
A. –75 kN- m
B. 50 kN- m
C. –50 kN- m
D. 75 kN- m

  1. If the ordinates of a shear diagram remain constant, the slope of the moment diagram is
    A. equal to zero in all cases.
    B. also constant.
    C. decreasing.
    D. increasing.

  2. Refer to the image shown here in answering this question.
    Determine the moment of inertia about the y-axis for the object shown in the figure.
    A. 134.21 m
    B. 154.6 m
    C. 276.42 m
    D. 314.21 m
    20. An object's center of gravity and center of area are common ways of describing the object's
    A. maximum reaction point.
    B. moment of inertia.
    C. centroid.
    D. point of inflection.

Expert Paper



Persuade your audience that social media provides a valuable outlet for free expression, or that social media allows users to insult, bully, and threaten others without any fear of punishment.
The purpose is twofold:
Persuade the reader to agree with the writer’s position (primary purpose)
Encourage the reader to take action on the topic (secondary purpose)
FIRST: Follow the process outlined below:
I. State your claim
A. Identify the type of claim (fact, value or policy).
B. Explain your purpose or goal for your research paper.
II. Identify your reasons
A. Reason 1
B. Reason 2
C. Reason 3
III. Start your research to develop support for your claim (provide at least two examples of
A. Support your reasons with evidence
1. Facts*
2. Statistics*
3. Expert opinions*
4. Examples*
5. Personal Experiences
English Composition
B. Identify your emotional appeals
1. Appeal to needs
2. Appeal to values
* Cite your sources using MLA citation and documentation format (that is, parenthetical citations
and a list of works cited).
To research effectively and efficiently, use the Expanded Academic ASAP database in Penn Foster’s digital library.You’re required to use a minimum of four secondary sources
in your essay.
use at least one non-profit or government organization (online or print). You can find non-profit and government organizations under various Subject Guides in the Penn Foster Library.
Choose a source, but one that you’ve evaluated for accuracy and validity. You can find tips on evaluating your resources in the Penn Foster Library Subject Guides under Guide Books and Essays must be typed, double-spaced, using a standard 12-point font and left justification. Use 1-inch margins on all sides.




Research on one of the following research topics:
i. Code-Red worm attack
ii. Duqu worm attack
iii. Gauss malware attack
iv. Flame malware
v. OPERATION WINDIGO worm attack
I. Create an audit report. Your audit report must include detailed technical background and how the threat compromised the target.
The research should be 10-15 pages of double-spaced. Cite the source of any data, ideas, words, diagrams, pictures, or other information fully and completely in footnotes and bibliography entries.
II. In addition, include Power point and it should include a summary of your findings.

Expert Work



use the information you gathered from your three interviews with professionals in the schools, about various assessment practices, to inform your benchmark assignment.
using the "Class Profile," select a grade level (1-8) for the class. Next, select English language arts or mathematics as the content area you will be working with for this assignment. Based on the grade and content area you selected, choose a Common Core strand, cluster, and set of standards. Using this information, you will create a comprehensive assessment plan.
In creating the assessment plan, include an introduction that provides a short summary of a unit of study to contextualize your assessments. Include:
Part I: Introduction and Summary
Learning targets/objectives that are aligned with your standards and consistent with the unit of study you have summarized.
Academic language for the unit of study, including key vocabulary, form, and function.
An informal, formative pre-assessment.
Part II: Table of Specifications
Provide a table of specifications using either the DOK model or Bloom's Taxonomy model.
Part III: Summative Assessment
Consistent and aligned with the items below, create a summative assessment that consists of:
Directions for the student.
Three short answer response items that require the use of varied cognitive skills.
Fifteen multiple choice questions that require the use of varied cognitive skills.
One restricted response essay that requires extended or critical thinking.
Modified short answer response items and multiple choice items for a student on an IEP related to a learning disability.
Rationale as to how your summative assessment meets the continuous intellectual, social, emotional, and physical development of each elementary student.
Part IV: Scoring Guide and Answer Key
Create the following to accompany your summative assessment:
An analytic scoring guide for the restricted response essay that describes the criteria and features to be scored.
An answer key that includes answers for the short answer responses, answers for the multiple choice questions with explanations for each option, and a sample answer for the extended response essay.
A separate answer key for the assessment items that were modified for the student on the IEP.
Interview of a Teacher Regarding Assessment Practices
Conduct research on district-wide assessment practices by interviewing a grade level 1-8 teacher on their practices and attitudes regarding district-wide testing and assessment practices.
Your interview questions should probe:
The type and number of district-wide testing and assessment practices the teacher implements.
Any modifications to the district-wide testing and assessment practices that the teacher implements for ELL, IEP, and 504 students.
How data from these testing and assessment practices are shared with the teacher.
How the teacher shares data from these testing and assessment practices with parents and students.
How implementation of these testing and assessment practices affects the teacher’s teaching and learning.
How data from these testing and assessment practices affects the teacher’s teaching and learning.
The teacher’s attitudes and beliefs toward district-wide testing and assessment practices.
Ask additional questions and follow-up questions as appropriate. Retain a copy of the questions asked and responses received.
In a 250-500 word response, summarize your interview experience. Be sure to draw conclusions from your experience and describe how those conclusions can be applied to your future practice as an educator. Please include in-text citations, though a reference list is not required
Section A Fill in the blank with the correct word from the provided list.
Short answer format
Bubbles-White light- round/shapes
1) Bubbles are usually round, but when surrounded by other bubbles can take other shapes
2) The colors of a soap bubble come from white light
3) Bubbles form from the mix of soap and water and air blown into in the mixture
Section B please circle the correct answer
4) The colors of a bubble depend on
the weather
the thickness of the film
the rain
5) Water evaporates from a soap bubble causing the film to become
stronger and break
thinner and  break
clear and yellow
6) The colors of a soap bubble come from  __________light
7)  White light contains all the colors of the
8) The colors on the bubbles come from light reflecting from
the soap film
the sun
the rainbow
7) Light is reflected from both the ______ and ______ surface of the soap bubble.
Front, back
Inner, outer
Above and below
8) Bubbles surrounded by other bubbles could have other
9) The colors seeing in bubbles are caused by __________ that reflect off the walls of the bubble.
10) As the surface of a bubble gets thinner, you will see different ________.
11)  A __________  is a guess that tries to explain a natural  phenomenon.
An answer
A choice
12)  ___________ takes place when a light ray hits a bubble and bounces off
Please write a T next to each true statement or a F next to each false statement
True and False
13) Refraction happens when the light travels from the air through a bubble, and lets light through and gets bent
14) Soap bubbles are the only kind of bubbles that exist
15) Bubbles form from the mix of soap and water and air blown into in the mixture.
16) Soap makes the surface tension of water stronger than normal
17) Soda bubbles can float freely in the air
18) There are a few times when bubbles are not round

Expert Papers



Topic 1:

  1. Describe how you will use your personal qualities to contribute to your coaching or mentoring abilities.

  2. How do these qualities serve as a value to your mentee?

  3. How do you establish trust with your family? With your friends? With your coworkers? Is this an important factor to establish in the mentor/mentee relationship?

Topic 2:

  1. What personal qualities do you prefer in those individuals you seek to coach or mentor? Are there different qualities more suitable for coaching than mentoring or the vice-versa?

  2. How difficult is it to select a person to coach or mentor who possesses the qualities for which you are looking? What could you do in your workplace to identify potential mentee opportunities?

  3. How do you decipher goals that are short-term verses long-term? As you are working with your mentee, how do you guide the mentee through developing short-term and long-term goals that would meet the mentee's vision?

Topic 3:

  1. Reflect on two coaching techniques selected to support the short-term and long-term goals of your mentee. Why were these techniques selected and how can they help your mentee achieve success?

  2. Reflect on two mentoring techniques selected to support the short-term and long-term goals of your mentee. Why were these techniques selected and how can they help your mentee achieve success?

  3. How did you decide which technique(s) to use with your mentee? How do these techniques account for both your and your mentee's values and beliefs? What ethical considerations did you have to account for in developing your Individual Development Plan?

Topic 4:

  1. How important is the Individual Development Plan in meeting the goals of your mentee?

  2. List a minimum of three activities you could present to your mentee. Reflect on your decision to use these activities to meet the vision for your mentoring experience.

  3. How could you incorporate leadership skills into your mentoring experience that demonstrate kindness, compassion, and the good of the organization and the community?

  4. How do you distinguish between coaching activities and mentoring activities? Label your activities as either coaching or mentoring opportunities.

Topic 5:

  1. How can coaching activities benefit the culture in your work environment? Is it beneficial to develop activities individually or as a group activity? How can you leverage on an individual's knowledge, strength, and skills to create a positive outcome for the individual and work environment?

  2. Describe the follow-up schedule you will use with your mentee. Does it support the activities listed in the Individual Development Plan? Does it require modifications or adjustments? Explain.

  3. Are there ethical considerations (e.g., culture, religion, personal beliefs, etc.) that must be considered when preparing activities for an Individual Development Plan? Discuss potential considerations and how to ensure you have developed an experience that meets the needs of your particular mentee.

Topic 6:

  1. Discuss possible strategies to hold your mentees accountable for the activities and to reach both short-term and long-term goals. How can these strategies support the growth process?

  2. Reflect on the evaluation and observation process of the mentoring experience. Discuss the importance of evaluating your mentees prior to setting goals. What advantages and disadvantages come with the evaluation and observation process?

Topic 7:

  1. As a mentor, how do you feel about the progress your mentee made toward the achievement of the goals? 

  1. How does your mentee feel about the progress made toward the achievement of the goals?

Topic 8:

  1. In a brief reflection (250-500 words), discuss the feedback you received on your Mentor Evaluation. Reflect on the development of your Individual Development Plan, its success, and the results for your mentee. Was this process rewarding? What were your strengths and weaknesses as a mentor? If you had it to do over again, what specific elements would you change? If you would not change anything, explain why?

Leadership Questions

Question 1

Evaluate your personal mentoring and coaching strategies and techniques. If you mentored another person or group of people in the future, which strategies and techniques would you continue using? Which strategies/techniques would you start using? Which strategies/techniques would you stop using? Do you think your short-term and long-term goals were achievable?

Question 2

Make sure one person from each team has included your "Leadership Resources and Motivators" list to the forum location. Review the lists provided by other teams. Select one resource you think would benefit you as a future leader. How would you use this resource in your personal life or in the work environment?


Healthcare Issue Paper



Healthcare Issue Paper

The purpose of this paper is for students to examine a health concern and its effect on health care delivery in an in-depth fashion.  The paper should be 10 pages including a cover sheet/reference page in APA. It should not exceed 10 pages. An outline for the paper will be used to give you feedback before the paper is due.  The outline and paper are worth 80 points of the course grade (outline=20 points; paper=60 points).  Use headings below in the paper to organize your content.

The contents and point breakdown of the paper are:

  1. Health Concern/Issue a) Identification and definition of a health concern.

(This can be related to your practice setting or a topic of interest)

  1. b) What population is affected?

Importance of the Problem

Describe the importance of this health concern/issue:

  1. a) Describe the size of the problem using epidemiological data where possible.

  2. b) What factors contribute to this health concern/issue?

  3. c) How does it affect the health care delivery system?

Analysis of factors related to the health concern/issue:

a) What stakeholders are affected, how are they affected, and how could they

be involved in addressing the issue/concern (consumers, community members,  professionals)

b) What health system factors affect addressing this health care concern/issue and how do these factors affect a health care organization’s willingness and ability to address this concern/issue

c) Cultural: Are there any professional or consumer cultural factors that are relevant?  How would you address these Plan to address the concern

a) Describe your plan to address the concern, including

1) Outcome measures/objectives

2) Finances to implement plan

3) Interventions/services needed to achieve the outcomes

b) Discuss any ethical or legal issues related to your plan

c) How will you evaluate if your plan is effective?

Overall thoroughness, conciseness and clarity of paper; quality of references, use of Headings, correct spelling and grammar, and APA format (6th edition)


Future research



Were there changes to the way research would be done in the future? Note: The findings of the study are not relevant to this discussion.
Conclusion: reviewing main points and summarizing presentation
References: slide(s) with APA formatted references for all sources used in the preparation of the presentation


College Leaders



Develop a reflection paper in which you outline specific examples and progress in your own career path as related to the espoused Competencies of Community College Leaders. Include the following in your response:

For which competencies have you approached mastery?

For which competencies will you require continued development?

Include a brief professional development plan in which you outline strategies to further develop your skills and abilities as related to these competencies.

Length: 5-7 pages
References: A minimum of 3 scholarly resources required


College Paper



In preparation for this assignment, choose a community college (your local community college, the one in which you work at or one you are interested in learning more about). Research the community college and focus your research on the following points:

How the evolution of the college ties into the general evolution of community colleges.

How the college of your choice ties into the goals of community colleges.

How the college impacts faculty, students and the community at large.

How the college is managed or can be managed from a change management perspective.


Identify 3 – 5 specific problems and opportunities that you see within the community college

Describe approaches you see as having potential to meet the expectations of those they educate and those they serve.

The problems and opportunities you identified along with the approaches recommended, these should be based both on personal observations within the field as well as relevant literature, including both the textbook and periodical literature in higher education.

Tie your analysis to larger national trends facing community colleges, i.e. decreased funding, increased enrollment, and mandates from the current DC administration regarding increasing college completion rates and access for all.

A suggested outline for the paper is provided below:

NCU Assignment Cover Sheet

Table of Contents

Introduction/Background Information

Problem Statement

Literature Review



Appendices (if relevant)

Length: 10-12 pages
References: A minimum of 5 scholarly resources are required

Write a program that reads a text file



Write a program that reads a text file containing a number of test scores into an array and calculates the average and median of the scores. Define a constant to hold the array size and use it to declare the array that holds the scores.const int MAX_SCORES = 40;You will need to implement the following functions:int getScores (int scores[], int array_size, int& num_scores);This function should open the file lab6.txt and read the scores into an array. The function will return SUCCESS if it opens the file successfully and ERROR if the file cannot be open. Define SUCCESS and ERROR as global constants in your program.array_size is the maximum number of scores that you can read from the file. You need it to make sure you don't overstep the array boundaries. Even if the file has more than array_size scores, you can't read them all. The limit is array_size.num_scores will have the actual number of scores read from the file. You need it in case the actual number of scores found in the input file is less than the array size.double calcAverage (int scores[], int num_scores);This function should calculate and return the average of the scores passed as parameters.double calcMedian (int scores[], int num_scores);This function should return the median value in the array. To get the median, the array must be sorted first.Implement the SelectionSort function taught in class.Test your program with different input files. I will upload 3 different input files that you can use for testing on Canvas.This lab must be your own original code. Copies will receive zero grade regardless of who wrote the original and who copied.Please, note that no labs will be accepted after the final.

85 74 71 99 92 89 78 82 90 85 67 71 98 87 72 77 64 78 85 84 91 87 66 70 77 73 66 72 85 83 82 74 78 68 79 89 93 96 95 86



Report on a Skills and Training Roadmap



Write a report on Report on a Skills and Training Roadmap for the Entertainment and Creative Cluster of 18 pages wit APA




Assignment 1

Part A

As the new human resource manager of a multimillion-dollar service organization, you have been provided with a job description for new responsibilities.

For this assignment, please provide the following.

  1. A synthesis of three (3) environmental influences that affect the organization quantifying their impact and providing potential solutions for negative and positive influences.

  1. Create a brief job description for a specific job of your choice outlining the roles and responsibilities of this position. Next, design an employee-training program and outline its implementation for this position. Finally, provide an evaluation of the design and implementation of the employee-training program you have created.

 Part B

You operate a small advertising agency.  You employ two secretaries, a graphic designer, three sales representatives, and an office coordinator.

  1. Construct a multi-tiered approach for compensation for each position. What types of criteria would you consider when determining how to compensate each position? Describe two (2) considerations for each position. Students may choose to present information in a spreadsheet or table format for organization and interpretative purposes.

  1. Evaluate the process and the associated outcomes for the approach you constructed. Defend the choices you have made including the type of compensation plan chosen for each position.

Assignment 2

Part A 

  1. Evaluate three (3) factors that influence employee motivation and provide one (1) original example of each.

  1. Compare and contrast three (3) motivation theories, choose one to support and defend, and provide one (1) original example that illustrates each.

Part B

Julie will be adopting a child in December and needs to take 10 weeks off to complete the process and bond with the baby.  Julie works full time and has worked for her current employer (which has over 75 employees at its one location) for four years.

Steven is having knee surgery next week and will be off for six weeks.  He is full time and has worked for his employer, which has almost 30 employees, for 7 months.

  1. Provide a brief explanation of the FMLA law and appraise this law.

  1. Which of these individuals is eligible for Family & Medical Leave Act (FMLA) leave? Provide two (2) supporting facts to justify your position. Share your opinion about why you have made your decision with elaborations and evaluate the issue of fairness.

Film Statistics Paper



Read the Motion Picture Industry case study and using this data set (be sure to use all 100 points) please provide a Managerial Report that includes the following: 1. Descriptive statistics (5-number summary, mean, mode, range and standard deviation) for each of the four variables along with an explanation of what the descriptive statistics tell us about the motion picture industry. 2. What motion pictures, if any, should be considered high-performance outliers? Why? 3. Descriptive statistics (correlation coefficient) showing the relationship between total gross sales and each of the other variables. Please provide an explanation of the relationships.Write a short report that includes an introduction, a body which answers the questions posed in the problem and a conclusion paragraph that addresses your findings and what you have determined from the data and your analysis. Please include any tables of calculations and graphs associated with this problem in the body. The paper should be double-spaced using APA guidelines. NOTE: Submitting your Excel file will aid in grading if errors are found in the paper.


Fine Foods Inc



Now that you’ve worked with Microsoft Word, Excel, and PowerPoint, you’re going to use your skills in a graded project using all three of these applications. This will give
you another chance to practice your skills. You’ll use many of the concepts and techniques you’ve learned to complete this graded project.
Your project is divided into three parts:
• Creating a memo with Microsoft Word
• Creating a chart with Microsoft Excel
• Creating a presentation with Microsoft PowerPoint, which includes data from your Excel chart
Your boss has asked you to create a presentation summarizing the company’s sales for the previous year. She also wants you to send out a memo to employees inviting them to a company meeting presenting these figures.
For this project, you’ll create a memo, using Microsoft Word, inviting employees to an annual meeting. Then, you’ll create a graph, in Excel, showing sales figures. Lastly, you’ll create a PowerPoint presentation, into which you’ll import your Excel graph, that will be shown at the meeting


Rebecca Clary



The CEO of your company, Rebecca Clary, is considering more flexible work practices.  These include one of the following options:

1) Telecommuting one or two days per week or

2) A modified work schedule, such as four ten-hour days per week, nine nine-hour days per two week period, or flexible start and end times

The Human Resources Department conducted a survey to collect primary data from employees regarding their flexible work practice preferences for both option 1 and option 2.  The results of the surveys for both option 1 and option 2 are provided within the Module.

Ms. Clary asked you to evaluate the survey data (primary data) and supplement these data with outside research (secondary sources) that would help her determine if switching schedules is a good business decision.  The secondary sources should include credible data from third party researchers or from companies that have implemented work schedule changes.

Well-thought out arguments for and against the option you choose to research are required.  Ms. Clary also expects your recommendations to reflect the research and data presented in the report. Personal opinions are irrelevant.

Your final deliverable is a well-researched, unbiased analytical report evaluating the feasibility of one of the two listed options above.

You must use the Final Analytical Business Report template provided as a Word document in the Module.  Not only is the template a good example of a technical business report writing format, it also contains suggestions on how to organize your final analytical report.

Required elements of your Final Analytical Business Report:

1  Cover Page – You are welcome to design an attractive cover page layout, but be sure to include the report title, the sponsor name (your CEO), the sponsor’s organization, and the date of completion.  There is no page number on the cover page.

2  Contents Page – The headings and sub-headings should be exactly what is written in the report.  Be sure to use talking headings.

3  Table of Figures Page

4   Executive Summary – The executive summary is an essential part of the report. The reader should have enough information from this summary to make an informed decision without reading the rest of the report.

5  Body of Report, including

◦                   introductory paragraph

◦                   problem statement

◦                   purpose statement

◦                   research questions

◦                   methodology

◦                   discussion of findings/research

◦                   a minimum of two graphs/figures

◦                   conclusions

◦                   recommendations

6  Sources in APA style

7  Appendix (at least 1) – Use the file “Primary Data – Telecommuting” or “Primary Data – Flex” for your Appendix A. An in-body citation for the appendix is required. Most students cite the appendix in the methodology section.  Others prefer to reference the appendix when they discuss the survey data in the discussion of findings section.

Use the required template (required analytical report template) provided in this module.  You must include a minimum of FOUR secondary sources, with in-body citations.  The body of your paper (from introductory paragraph to recommendations) must be a minimum of 5 pages and a maximum of 7 pages!


Elementary grade



Select an elementary grade level and using the "Class Profile" provided to you, create a 7-10-slide PowerPoint or Prezi presentation that you will share with parents of your students at an upcoming open house. Your presentation should include the following components:
Your philosophy on assessment
A range of types of assignments the students will receive
Your evaluation and assessment practices
Your practices related to diversity, including all accommodations
An explanation of what your assessment practices look like in your classroom, both formative and summative
Details of your grading system and reporting practices while addressing any ethical and/or legal issues related to students’ rights and teacher responsibilities
Illustrative items and tasks from the state-based assessment administered in your state
Be sure to use scholarly writing and include in-text citations where needed as well as a reference slide and in-text citations and references should be presented using APA guidelines.
Watch the "Always Learning" video, then respond to each question in 250-500 words total:
How does the feedback describe the student’s work in light of the criteria for success on the learning target? Explain your thinking.
Was the format of the feedback appropriate and effective in this situation? Explain your reasoning.
Was the timing of the feedback effective in this situation? Explain your answer.


Individual Development Plan



Question 1
Discuss the importance of monitoring and adjusting your Individual Development Plan. How can adding strategies or changing the direction of your plan provide better results for your mentee and the mentee's performance?

Question 2
Describe the growth you observed within your mentee. In what ways did your mentee improve both personally, professionally, and toward to achievement of the mentee's goals? Please respond 3 times to each question like you did in previous assignment nothing less than 100 words for each response thank you.

Please continue to work on the self refection log it is due next week topic 4-8.
It is possible that you are still monitoring the progress of your mentee. Continue your process while completing this assignment. For this assignment, develop a mentor evaluation (1-2 pages) for your mentee to complete. You can develop a survey, a questionnaire, or short-answer response document. The purpose is to collect feedback on the effectiveness of your Individual Development Plan together with your coaching or mentoring techniques. You are required to ask your mentee to complete the evaluation and provide feedback on the experiences. Submit your evaluation to your instructor for feedback. While APA format is not required for the body of this assignment, solid academic writing is expected, and documentation of sources should be presented using APA formatting guidelines, which can be found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.



Community college



APA Format 2 part:


Have a conversation with a professional in your community college or one with which you are familiar who is charged with enhancing the experience and success of a diverse student population.

How do they cope with differences in age, cultural experiences, economic standing, and educational preparation?

What are the specific challenges that they have confronted in developing programming to support students of all abilities, ages, races and ethnic origin, male and female?

How is their role changing and how do they think it should evolve in the near term?

How do their experiences reflect what you have encountered in the literature?

5-7 page paper

Develop a paper in which you summarize your interview findings and synthesize your findings with appropriate literature in the field. Provide a series of practice recommendations, rooted in appropriate literature, for encountering diverse student environments in community college settings.
Length: 5-7 pages
References: A minimum of 3 scholarly resources required


Role of faculty



APA Style

Write a 5-7 page paper explaining the role of faculty in the particular community college. Include the context of the community college in which the faculty are engaged.

  • Describe their primary responsibilities, and then discuss their role in the governance of the institution.

  • Provide the educational background and preparation of these faculty members and the special challenges face as they work to educate this population and prepare them for further study and the workforce.

  • Compare and contrast your findings with the professional literature in the field, including but not limited to the recommended text and other periodical literature in higher education.

Length: 5-7 pages
References: A minimum of 3 scholarly resources required


Expert Answers



1. Denial and Denial-Like Responses to Death
Identify and describe at least four other types of response that resemble denial in some way, but which actually represent very different types of strategy in coping with threat.
2. Brain Death
A. What are the Harvard Criteria? Be specific
B. Why did they come into existence when they did?
3. Functions of the Death System
A. Identify all the functions of the death system
B. Which of these functions do you consider to be changing most rapidly in the
United States? Support your answer.
4. When Does Dying Begin?
A. One answer to this question is "Dying begins with life." Another answer is "Dying begins when we start to age." Never mind those answers! Identify at least three of the four other answers presented in the book.
5. Standards of Care for Dying People. II: Hospice Approach
A. Summarize the patient-oriented, family-oriented, and staff-oriented standards that have been established for hospice care.
6. The Cryonics Alternative
A. Describe the cryonics alternative to end-of-life decisions. Describe clearly and in adequate detail what is involved in the cryonic approach. Include recent
developments in the process of preservation.
7. Suicide Rates
A. What is meant by "suicide rate" and how is this rate computed? Carefully
distinguish "rate" from "number"
B. How do suicide rates in the U.S. compare with that of other nations? Be specific.



PRG 420



PRG 420
Part I.                   Multiple Choices
What is the valid way to declare an integer variable named  a ? (Check all that apply.)
int a;
a int;
integer a;
A constructor has the same name as the class name.

Given the following code declaring and initializing two int variables  a and b with respective values 3 and 5, indicate whether the value of each expression is true or false.
int  a = 8;
int  b = 13;
Expression                          true        false
a < b                    true        ____
a != b                   true        ____
a == 4                  ____      false
(b - a )<= 1          ____      false
b <= 5                  true        ____
You can simulate a for loop with a while loop.
What are the valid ways to declare an integer array name a (check all that apply)
int [ ]  a;
int  a[ ];
array int  a;
int  array a;
An array a has 30 elements; what is the index of the last element?
A class is analogous to a
blue jazz
cookie cutter

This key word causes an object to be created in memory.
String is a primitive data type in Java.
It is legal to have more than one constructor in a given class.
Part II.   Reading and Understanding Code

What is the output of this code sequence?
String s = “Ciao”;
s = s.toLowerCase();
System.out.println( s );
What is the output of this code sequence?
int grade = 80;
if (grade >= 90 )
else if (grade >= 80 )
else if (grade >= 70 )
System.out.println("D  or lower");

What are the values of  i and product after this code sequence is executed?
int i = 6;
int product = 1;
product *= i;
} while ( i < 9 );
What is the value of  i  after this code sequence is executed?
int i = 0;
for (i = 0; i < 300; i++ )
System.out.println(“Good Morning!”);
What is the value of sum after this code sequence is executed?
int sum  = 0;
for( int i = 10; i > 5; i-- )
sum += i;
Part III.                 Fill in the code  (1 point each, 4 questions)
Example-1: Write the code to declare an integer variable named x  and assign x the value 777.

Example-2: This code prints the String “Hello San Diego” in all capital case.
String s = “Hello San Diego”;
This code prints the number of characters in the String “Hello World”
String s = “Hello World”;
Write the code to declare a double variable named pi and assign pi the value 3.14.
This loop calculates the sum of the first five positive multiples of 3 using a while loop (the sum will be equal to 3 + 6 + 9 + 12 +15 = 45)
int sum = 0;
int countMultiplesOf3 = 0;
int count = 1;
Here is a while loop; write the equivalent for loop.
int i = 0;
while( i < 88 )
System.out.println(“Hi there”);
// your code goes here

Part IV.                 Identifying Errors in Code
(5 points: 1 point each questions)
Example: Where is the error in this code :
int  a = 3.3;
You coded the following on line  8 of class
int a = 3  // line 8
When you compile, you get the following message:  “;” expected
int a = 3
Where is the error in this code sequence?
String s = “Hello World”;
system.out.println( s );
Where is the error in this code sequence?
String s = String(“Hello”);
System.out.println( s );
Where is the problem with this code sequence (although this code sequence does compile)?
int i = 0;
while (i < 3 )

You coded the following in the class
int i = 0;
for(int i = 0; i < 3; i++ ) // line 6
System.out.println(“Hello” );
At compile time, you get the following error: i is already defined in main( java.lang.String[] )
for( int i = 0; i < 3; i++ )      // line 6
1 error

Part V.                  Object Oriented Programming
(3 points: 1 point each questions)
Find the Error
Find the error in the following class.
public class MyClass
private int x;
private double y;
public void MyClass(int a, double b)
x = a;
y = b;
You coded the following on lines 10–12 of class
String s;                     // line 10
int l = s.length();         // line 11
System.out.println(“length is “+ l );            // line 12
When you compile, you get the following message: variable s might not have been initialized.
int l = s.length( );   // line 11
1 error
Explain what the problem is and how to fix it.
The  Account class has two of the public methods shown as follows.
Public class Account {
// other code …
public void setName(String name){
// code omitted
}                                                                          // set name of the account
public String getName(){
// code omitted;
}                                                                          // returns the name of the account.
// other code…  …
The client code is as follows:
public static void main(String[] args) {
// declaring 2 objects of Account class
Account account1, account2;
account1 = new Account("Jane Green", 500.0);

account2 = account1;
account2.setName(“Phil Grey”);
System.out.println("account1 owner: “ + account1.getName());
System.out.println("account2 owner: “ + account2.getName());
What is the output?

Part VI.                 Write  Short Programs
Write a program that takes two words as input from the keyboard, representing a password and the same password again. (Often, web- sites ask users to type their password twice when they register to make sure there was no typo the first time around.) Your program should do the following:
If both passwords match, then output "You are now registered as a new user"
otherwise, output "Sorry, passwords don’t match"
(5 points)
Step-A. Write a class encapsulating the concept of a student, assuming a student has the following attributes:
a name
a student ID
a GPA (for instance, 3.8)
Please include
a constructor,
the setter and getter methods, and
a public method to print out the student information.
Step-B. Write a client class (so called controlling class) to test all the methods in the above class.

Project Management Software Report



Unit VII Essay
Project Management Software Report
The Company you work for has grown in size in a very short time. Due to the scale and type of projects coming in, there is a need to adopt a project management software. You are tasked with researching the different project management software available and choosing three of the researched software to report on. Your report should analyze your research and selection process. There are a number of characteristics to evaluate, including the ability of the software to support the development of schedules, budgets, resource plans, and monitoring reports. Include the following criteria in your report:
Identify a set of selection criteria.
Identify priorities for the criteria.
Prepare a graphic or illustration which compares the evaluation of the software packages relative to the criteria.
Explain the advantages and disadvantages of each software being reported.
Conclude with a succinct and concise discussion for moving forward with a specific software. Tip: When choosing project management software, the potential user should read several software surveys conducted with project managers. There are a number of surveys and reviews available on the current crop of project management software. Your report must:
Be a minimum of 600 words in length.
Be typed, double-spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; citations and references must follow APA format. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.
Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment (Unit VII Essay), the student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required assignment page length.



Supreme Court Ruling Analysis



Supreme Court Ruling Analysis

The Supreme Court is made up of nine justices who are responsible for deciding whether or not laws are in line with the U.S. Constitution. These individuals serve life-long appointments once they are nominated by the President and confirmed by the United States Senate. Below is a list of some of the most controversial decisions in the last few decades by the Supreme Court. These cases are often mentioned by politicians during campaigns because the issues are still debated, even after the Supreme Court’s ruling. Write an essay analyzing one of the following key Supreme Court rulings: National Federation of Independent Businesses v. Sebelius

Your essay must be at least 500 words long. Answer these questions to complete your analysis of your selected Supreme Court ruling. Tell the reader which of the five key Supreme Court ruling you selected to analyze.
What was the law being challenged in the case?
Tell me any of the states or government entities that were part of the case.
Who was the Petitioner in the Case?
What was the Petitioner’s argument?
Who was Respondent?
What was the Respondent’s argument?
What part or parts of the Constitution were discussed in the case?
Why were those parts of the Constitution discussed in the case?
What was the final Supreme Court ruling by?
What was the final score of the case was (for example 5 to 4 or 7 to 2 or some other combo that, in most cases, adds up to 9)?
What was the date that the case was decided?
Which side won, was it the petitioner or the respondent?
What did it mean that this particular side won?
This is the most important part of the assignment: how does this case currently impact your life and the lives of Americans? Explore the political and electoral consequences of the ruling. Don’t just say, for example in the case of Roe v. Wade, women can now have abortions because only a small percent of the population is of childbearing potential – how did the case impact everyone else more generally? Think about how even this current or most recent presidential election was impacted by the ruling you have analyzed.
Provide a reference list.
Please note: APA formatting and citations rules apply to this and all essays in this course.

Party Platform Creation Activity

This week we learned about the important functions of political parties. You also had the opportunity to browse the Democratic and Republican Party platforms for your reading. In this activity, pretend you are in charge of your own political party and write a platform for your political party. Your platform and reflection essay should be at least 500 words long and address the following: Part 1 - Your Platform
Name your party.
Identify and describe one domestic policy that your party would believe in. Give a paragraph description of that domestic policy. Be very detailed and specific in your description. (Domestic policy is anything that impacts how we live our lives within the borders of our nation).
Identify and describe one specific economic policy that your party would believe in. Give a paragraph description of that economic policy. Be very detailed and specific in your description. (Economic policy is all those policies that impact the distribution and exchange of property, wealth, and capital. Think about things that impact money and how much you have and how you can make more).
Identify and describe one specific foreign policy that your party would believe in. Give a paragraph description of that foreign policy. Be very detailed and specific in your description. (Foreign policy is how this nation interacts with other nations). Part 2 - Reflection Essay
Write an essay in which you compare and contrast each of your three policies, one at a time, to similar policies from the platforms of the Democratic and Republican parties. How are your policies similar to the policies of the two major parties? How your policies different from the policies of the two major parties? Be specific and include specific examples. Conclude your comparison and contrast essay by discussing which of the two major parties your political party most similar to? Don’t forget to include a reference list. Please note: APA formatting and citations rules apply to this and all essays in this course. As with all weekly written assignments, submit your work as an attached file. Double-space your paper and use 12 point Times New Roman as your font.