Expert Answers



  1. High reliability can be achieved in a product without having high reliability in the component parts. In fact, any reliability target, no matter how high, can be achieved with only mediocre parts, so long as enough of them are present." Explain why this is the case. An example may help with your explanation.

  2. What are the goals, advantages, and disadvantages of JIT partnerships?

  3. Compare, in your own words, short-term scheduling at process-focused, repetitive, and product-focused facilities

  4. A certain product has been effectively managed in the past, according to its managers. The previous technique used the economic production quantity model, and resulted in an optimum lot size of 100. For this product, setup time is directly proportional to setup cost, and setup time is currently 40 minutes per batch. How much must setup time decline in order for the lot size to fall to 50 units? 25 units? 10 units? Explain how you determined the declines in setup time you calculated. All responses need to be at least 200 words in length.