Elementary grade



Select an elementary grade level and using the "Class Profile" provided to you, create a 7-10-slide PowerPoint or Prezi presentation that you will share with parents of your students at an upcoming open house. Your presentation should include the following components:
Your philosophy on assessment
A range of types of assignments the students will receive
Your evaluation and assessment practices
Your practices related to diversity, including all accommodations
An explanation of what your assessment practices look like in your classroom, both formative and summative
Details of your grading system and reporting practices while addressing any ethical and/or legal issues related to students’ rights and teacher responsibilities
Illustrative items and tasks from the state-based assessment administered in your state
Be sure to use scholarly writing and include in-text citations where needed as well as a reference slide and in-text citations and references should be presented using APA guidelines.
Watch the "Always Learning" video, then respond to each question in 250-500 words total:
How does the feedback describe the student’s work in light of the criteria for success on the learning target? Explain your thinking.
Was the format of the feedback appropriate and effective in this situation? Explain your reasoning.
Was the timing of the feedback effective in this situation? Explain your answer.