Healthcare Issue Paper



Healthcare Issue Paper

The purpose of this paper is for students to examine a health concern and its effect on health care delivery in an in-depth fashion.  The paper should be 10 pages including a cover sheet/reference page in APA. It should not exceed 10 pages. An outline for the paper will be used to give you feedback before the paper is due.  The outline and paper are worth 80 points of the course grade (outline=20 points; paper=60 points).  Use headings below in the paper to organize your content.

The contents and point breakdown of the paper are:

  1. Health Concern/Issue a) Identification and definition of a health concern.

(This can be related to your practice setting or a topic of interest)

  1. b) What population is affected?

Importance of the Problem

Describe the importance of this health concern/issue:

  1. a) Describe the size of the problem using epidemiological data where possible.

  2. b) What factors contribute to this health concern/issue?

  3. c) How does it affect the health care delivery system?

Analysis of factors related to the health concern/issue:

a) What stakeholders are affected, how are they affected, and how could they

be involved in addressing the issue/concern (consumers, community members,  professionals)

b) What health system factors affect addressing this health care concern/issue and how do these factors affect a health care organization’s willingness and ability to address this concern/issue

c) Cultural: Are there any professional or consumer cultural factors that are relevant?  How would you address these Plan to address the concern

a) Describe your plan to address the concern, including

1) Outcome measures/objectives

2) Finances to implement plan

3) Interventions/services needed to achieve the outcomes

b) Discuss any ethical or legal issues related to your plan

c) How will you evaluate if your plan is effective?

Overall thoroughness, conciseness and clarity of paper; quality of references, use of Headings, correct spelling and grammar, and APA format (6th edition)