Expert Answers




Which is not a part of the excretory system?
Ureters, urinary bladder, gallbladder or kidneys?

What is the maximum allowable annual dose of occupational radiation per person?
A. 2 mSv
B 0.003 sv
C 3 mSv
D 0.05 Sv

The site of measurement for a radiograph of the stifle would be the?
A. Hip B shoulder c knee or d elbow

The layer of the skin that contains dead keratin cells is the
A. Hypodermis
B keratin
C dermis
D epidermis

The maintenance of a radiology log is a strict mandatory law for each state and regulated by:
The states health department
or the ACVRA

Which tubular structure directs urine from the kidney to the urinary bladder?
A urethra
B nephron
C ureter
D vas deferens

Which of the following is true regarding ultrasonography?
a. Images are created by radiation echoing off of the tissues
b. Lesions or tumors are not visible on ultrasonic imaging
c. Sound waves echoing off of tissues create the image of internal organs
d. The patient must be under anesthesia

Which statement is correct regarding film identification?
a. Right and left markers identify the side of the table the radiographer should stand during exposure.
b. Graphite tape is radiolucent like lead tape.
c. A light flasher, also called flash block is used before processing an exposed film.
d. Temporary identification can be used for a first time patient.

In the vacuum tube of the x-ray machine, the point where the electron beam interacts with the anode is called the:
a. Central beam
b. Bucky
c. Filament
d. Focal spot

Bucky is a type of:
a. Film
b. Grid
c. Technique chart
d. Film cassette

Which cells of the body are most susceptible to radiation damage?
a. Muscle cells
b. Mature blood cells
c. Cartilaginous cells
d. Rapidly dividing cells

The kidneys are anatomically located ______ within the abdomen.
a. Dorsally
b. Ventrally
c. Proximally
d. Distally

The second cervical (C2) vertebra is called the:
a. Axis
b. Atlas
c. Axle
d. Atlanta

When taking a thoracic radiograph, it is important to take the image on:
a. Mid inhalation
b. Mid expiration
c. Peak inhalation
d. Peak expiration

The term radiopaque applies to those substances that are ____ contrast and show up ____ on radiographs, whereas radiolucent refers to substances that are _____ contrast and show up ____ on radiographs.
a. Positive / Dark, Negative / White
b. Positive / White, Negative / Dark


When taking a radiograph of a patient in dorsal recumbency, the x-rays would enter which aspect of the patient’s body?
a. Dorsal
b. Distal
c. Medial
d. Ventral