Assignment 6: Create a 4-5 slide PowerPoint presentation in which you display your assessment results in such a way that pre- and post-instructional data are compared and learning gains for each of your objectives are clearly presented in a reader-friendly manner.
Phase Three: Student Learning – Analysis and Reflection (Assignments 6 & 7 due Week 5, May 20)
CEC Standards
Assignment 7: In a two-page paper OR a 5-6 slide PowerPoint presentation, provide a reflective analysis of the results of your project, using the data-based learning gains as the focus of your reflection, organized around the learning objectives the assessments were designed to measure. Be sure to conclude your discussion with the implications of assessment results to future literacy instruction for the child. (Note that if you choose to do a PowerPoint, you may append or incorporate it with the required PowerPoint for Assignment 6.)
Keep in mind that this assignment will not be evaluated on the strength of learning gains, but rather on how you interpret and learn from the results. For example, if a student made little or no progress toward meeting an objective as measured by your assessments, the reason may have been that the learning objective was too ambitious for the timeframe of the project; the student was not motivated or was resistant to the learning activities designed for him or her; or the pre- and post-assessments you used were flawed, inconsistent, or not a good fit to measure the student’s actual learning. Similarly, very strong learning gains might indicate that the learning objective was insufficiently challenging and/or the post-assessment instrument was not well designed as a measure of the depth/breadth of the objective. On the other hand, strong learning gains could mean that you and the student did outstanding work!
Assessment 5 – Literacy Project1. Brief Description of the Assessment
The Literacy Project is completed in EDU 529, Literacy Instruction for Students with Special Needs. You will identify a focal child from your field observation placement to complete this project. This literacy project consists of seven components including interviews, observation, preliminary assessment, lesson plan, assessment, data analysis and reflection.2. Alignment of Assessment to CEC StandardsAssessment Component CEC Indicator
Assignment 1 – Interview notes 1.2 … use understanding of development and individual differences to respond to needs …
Assignment 1 – Interview notes (collaborative skills) 2.1 ... through collaboration with general educators and other colleagues create safe, inclusive, culturally responsive learning environments to engage individuals with exceptionalities in meaningful learning activities and social interactions.
Assignment 2 – Observation notes 5.1 … consider an individual’s abilities, interests, learning environments, and cultural and linguistic factors in the selection, development and adaption of learning experiences…
Assignment 3 (matrix) – Preliminary assessment of student’s literacy skills 3.1 … understand the central concepts, structures of the discipline, and tools of inquiry of the content areas they teach . . . [ELA]
Assignment 4 (matrix) – Assessment plan: Goals and objectives 5.4 … use strategies to enhance language development and communication skills …
Assignment 5 – Lesson plans (learning objectives)
Assignment 5 – Lesson plans (responsiveness to child) 5.1 See above
Assignment 6 (PowerPoint) – Data presentation 4.2 … use knowledge of measurement principles and practices to interpret assessment results and guide educational decisions …
Assignment 7 (Essay or PowerPoint) – Reflective analysis 4.3 ... in collaboration with colleagues and families use multiple types of assessment information in making decisions…3. Assessment Instrument (Instructions to Candidates)In this assessment, you will select a student from the setting in which you are completing your field experience hours for this course. The student will have been pre-determined to need help in meeting literacy goals. In collaboration with the college instructor and the classroom teacher, you will determine a focus (goals) for the student, teach a learning segment (4-5 lessons) based on those goals, and assess student progress in meeting those goals after the lessons have been taught.The learning goals need to be related to the curriculum established for the grade level of the child who is the focus of the project. If the child has an IEP, the learning goals you set must be consistent with those established for the child in that plan. Your instruction may take place in a general, resource, or self-contained classroom or in an approved after-school program.This assessment is designed in part to measure your ability to meet a range of CEC standards. The assessment consists of seven sequential assignments, and will be carried out in three phases spread out across the five weeks of the course. The instructions below detail what is required for each phase of the project, as well as the requirements and deadlines for the assignments that must be turned in for each phase. The seven assignments will be evaluated on the qualities and characteristics described on the rubric attached to the end of this assignment.
Phase One: Determination of Project Scope and Content (All Phase One assignments due Week 2 of course –April 29)
Activities and Assignments CEC Standards
Once you have been assigned to a student, conduct a brief interview with the child’s general or special education classroom teacher in order to collect background information. At minimum, your interview should ascertain the child’s gender and age, grade level, and range of exceptional characteristics represented by the student (learning, emotional, behavioral, and physical). Ask the teacher to share any literacy-focused learning goals that may have already been established for the student and the rationale for the establishment of those goals (i.e. results of assessments). Also invite the teacher to share with you any information that may help you design your learning segment, such as the child’s developmental characteristics, learning style, behavioral concerns. Finally, learn the teacher or teacher’s preference or suggestions as to the time and place where you can conduct the lessons.
Assignment 1: Turn in a copy of detailed notes from your interview. Notes should include the specific questions that you asked as part of the interview. Your interview should not be recorded.
Spend time observing the child in order to gain a sense of his or her personality, socio-emotional skills, academic skills and learning motivators. If possible, try to observe the child inside and outside of class.