Jeffrey Dahmer



For this assignment, create a 4- to 5-page report in Microsoft Word document, that covers the following points:
Jeffrey Dahmer: His case captured worldwide attention after his capture, mostly due to his habit of keeping parts of his victims long after their deaths, as well as cannibalism and necrophilia. Summarize the case: time period, location, number of victims, etc.
Describe the killer's background, methods, and area of operation.
Determine which of the theories from Week 2 relate to this killer and show why you made this determination.
How did the killer select his or her victims? Was there anything that the victims did to provoke the killer? Are the victims in this case in any way responsible for their own deaths?
By analyzing all of the above information, you should now be able to propose a three-part typology and explain your analysis. Your typology should describe the killer's motivation, location, and organized or disorganized factors. For instance, John Wayne Gacy might be described as a Power/Control, local, organized killer.
Support your responses with examples. Cite any sources in APA format.